On Metal Wings

The Beginning

I ran as hard as I could with my bare feet hitting the ground and every rock I accidentally stepped on cutting my feet. My lungs screamed for air, and I knew I couldn’t run any longer. But I had to. They were right behind me. The men that killed my family were right behind me, shooting at me with guns and wielding knives that craved my blood. I ran and ran, until I came to the edge of the loading docks. There were potato farmers, putting barrel after barrel of their produce into their sky ship with intentions to sell it at Westwinds. There was a barrel sitting close enough to hop in, so I did. Soon after, I felt the barrel being lifted up, and brought on-board the ship. The horn rang, signaling that the ship would soon take off. The sound of the gun shots has not stopped, the men that were chasing me continued to fire at the departing ship. The one with me on-board.

I popped the top of the barrel off, and took a look around. The sound of the crew members were loud, but above me, so I assumed that they were on the deck, and I was in the hold. A vent showing the deck above me confirmed my suspicion. I crawled onto the floor, wincing at the pain when my bruised feet touched the ground. They seriously hurt, and needed medical attention, but the best I could do is to try to find some water to rinse off all the blood. Walking at a slow pace, I reached the ladder leading to the deck, I knew I couldn’t go up there for anything. If the crew members found out that I was trespassing on their ship, there’s no telling what they’d do to me. I leaned against the wall, and slid to the ground. I allowed my eyes to close, feeling somewhat relived to rest. “Hey.” a voice said. My eyes opened immediately, looking for whoever was speaking to me. “ Who’s there?” I asked looking around. Sitting across from me behind the bars of a small compact space, was a boy my age.

“Could you do me a favor?” He asked. I just stared at him dumbfounded, as he continued to his request. “These potato farmers are going to drop these potatoes off at the nearest town, so I was hoping you could let me out before then.” He said. I just looked at him, as if he was speaking some kind of foreign language, then opened my mouth to answer him. “Um.. I
don’t . . .” “If you’re going to help me, you should do it before they catch you.” he said pointing to one of the sailors who has silently slipped his way down the ladder. As he lunged for me, I ducked under his arms, running like crazy to get away from him. “What do I do?” I asked desperately. “Grab the keys grab on the foremast there.” He said pointing. I managed to grab the keys before the man caught me and shoved me into the cell that the boy sat in. He locked the door, and turned to leave. “Here.” I said slipping the boy the keys, then turning to massage my feet. “Thank you.” he said taking them, and opening the cell, running up, and attacking them man. He managed to knock him down before I realized what happened. “Well, I hope you’re ready, because we're getting out of here.” he said.
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