On Metal Wings

Shall We Dance?

I cursed myself silently for not wanting to bring a weapon to a masquerade. I stared up and him and feigned innocence since my mask was still on. "Oh my, isn't that a bit bold? Kissing a stranger?" I said, my voice a high falsetto. I tried to mask my horror at the fact that he had stolen my first kiss. "You're hardly a stranger." he replied, his breath washing over my face with an even more concentrated delicious scent. "Oh? How is that so?" I continued, trying my hardest to act normal. "I surely would have remembered such a handsome man." He raised his eyebrow, so I continued. "I'm feeling a bit parched, shall we go back inside?" I suggested, wanting to seek the comfort of a crowd. He made no effort to move so I just stood there. I grew more and more tense as I waited for him to make a move. Suddenly, he smiled. "Ha ha ha. That was interesting." I just stared back. "Sadly, Peo, I can't do that." he said as he raised a finger to raise the mask off of my face. I winced as I noticed he had a small dagger held by his third and fourth fingers. I raised my gloved hands and noticed a small amount of blood. I raised my eyes back to him, his evil smile burning its image into my mind. He raised his hand to make a single, and final, blow. I shut my eyes.

His slash went to my left, cutting my dress and my skin. I inhaled sharply as the pain immediately shocked me. I fell to the floor, clutching my stomach. "Now, now, I wouldn't want to kill you so quickly." he murmured. I kept my eyes shut, just waiting for it. "Well, this isn't as fun as I was hoping." he said, licking the knife. Suddenly, he got and evilly amused look in his eyes. He shrugged and said, "How would your parents feel if their beloved daughter just gave in? They were so fun. . ." I gaped at him. My vision tinted with red as fury took me over and I lunged for the knife he was holding. I managed to get hold of it, cutting my arm in the process. He jumped back gracefully. "Now, this is more like it." he said, smiling. He pulled out another and jumped at me. I dodged only to find he was faking and came to my other side, stabbing me in my back. I coughed up some blood, but flipped the knife backwards in my hand and shot it behind me. I managed to catch him and he stood looking at his torso incredulously. He touched it for a fleeting moment and raised his blood tipped fingers to his eyes. He growled and slashed at me, but the adrenaline made me become faster. I dodged his attacks, getting nicked occasionally. "You. Killed. My. Parents." I hissed at him as I succeeded in cutting that face of his. "Yes, quite a shame isn't it?" he countered, keeping his cool. My dress limited my movement and I tripped, giving him a chance to do more damage. He tried to get my throat, but I rolled and dug my heel into his gut, as he winced, I dug my knife into his back. He slashed at me, and caught my collarbone. Frustrated, and losing, I took my knife and ripped the lower half of my dress away. "This has been fun, playing with you." he began, straightening up. He's been playing?! I hissed internally. I lunged at him and ended up at the edge of the balcony, narrowly missing going over the railing. I turned and he was there, his eyes burning into mine. His knife had penetrated my stomach, I had barely noticed. "Bye, now." he said, as I fell over, the knife still in.

Suddenly, there was a huge explosion to the right side of the manor. I looked to the side, my vision getting blurry. "You idiot!!" I heard an angry Sonja yell from the direction where the smoke was pouring out of a gaping hole. Mr. tall, dark, and psycho watched as I fell, and as the smoke reached and passed him, he was gone. Out of the smoke, Akio zoomed out on top of a rocket-shaped Leo. Airi saw me, shock the main emotion on her face as she shouted things I just couldn't hear as she pointed to me. Akio raced towards me, as I landed in Airi's lap. She appeared to be shouting things at me. From the smoke, more of the shipmates jumped out, carrying huge bags that appeared to contain valuables, Sonja and the others among them. There happened to be a get-away mini ship awaiting them further below it's engine roaring hungrily. I lazily looked back to the balcony and saw Niko standing there, an unfathomable expression on his face as he looked at the pieces of my torn dress that were left behind. I let my lids fall as the blood steadily drained out of my body.