On Metal Wings

Untold Secrets

I heard a faint voice shouting out orders echo through my head. I had to use what little strength I had left just to open my eyes. The only thing I saw, was Iwao rushing me off through corridor after corridor with his shirt stained red. His eyes darted down at me, and them back up as he kicked a door open and progressed into a white empty room save for a bed and a chair that looks like it's been stolen from a dentist's office. Izo sat sprawled out in the obviously stolen chair dressed in blue scrubs, a lab coat, and a head mirror. "You're late." he said bending the light attached to the chair in Iwao's face. "What are you even doing here?" Iwao replied sounding slightly irritated. The smaller weird boy ignored him and snapped a glove on. He waggled his eyebrows at us. "Let's get to the physicals..." he said in a dark voice with an evil grin. Iwao shook his head and sighed in disappointment at the sound of the rubber glove as he moved his fingers in a grotesque manner.

"If you act like this I'll kill you." Sonja said coming into the room with the twins following close behind her. "Lay her down.." Airi said to Iwao as he nodded his head, and carefully let me sink onto the bed. "You two are dismissed. Captain needs you on deck." Aiko said dawning a pair of gloves and a mask. "And get Neo down here now." Sonja said. Iwao and Izo left the room.

Moments later, a young girl about my age with fierce eyes and snake bites comes into the room. "Neo, there you are." Airi said handing her a black pouch I assumed was full of tools. "How is she?" The girl who's name was Neo asked. "We've managed to stop the bleeding, but she's lost a lot of blood." Aiko said. "It's nothing life threatening, but she's out of it." Sonja finished. "She'd be inhuman not to be." Neo said. "We're going to pull you under, just be calm, okay?" Neo said looking down at me. It took me some time for me to realize she was talking to me. But when I did, I did the best I could do to respond to her which was to muster whatever nod I could. Neo secured a mask on my face. I could feel the cool breeze cloud my mind as the clammy taste swam through my mouth. It began to stop every thought I was processing as I let myself slip into unconsciousness.

When I came to, I found myself in the same bed in the same room. The only difference is the white walls and the tiles were now a cool grey color. The sky outside was dark and calm which is a big adjustment compared to the smokey skies back at the party. I assumed that I've been out for a while. I staggered as I tried to pick myself up. The sharp pain in my collar bone and abdomen restricted my efforts so the best I could so was to prop myself up on my elbows. "Don't move too much." Niko's voice said out of the darkness I looked to my right, and there he was trying to help me back down as gently as he could. "Niko, how long have you been here? How long have I been out?" I asked. "A few hours." he answered. "Neo put you under some strong anesthesia. When that wears off, we'll give you some pain killers." he said to me as I nodded my head. We sat there in silence for a moment with no exchange of words. Niko was the first to end it as he opened his mouth to speak. "Peo... I'm sorry this happened.." he said looking sown at his hands that were nervously hanging off his lap. "It wasn't your fault.." I said looking for any reason to turn this situation on me. I couldn't think of one. "If I hadn't left you alone you wouldn't have gotten hurt." he said. "Who did this anyway?" he asked. I shook my head some, and looked away from him.
"Don't remember." I said.
"You're gonna be on bed rest for a while, and I'm not going anywhere. So that gives you plenty of time to remember." he said.
"It doesn't matter."
"Peo.." he said in a firmer voice. I looked back to him at those impressive eyes of his. I sighed some, and proceeded to tell him what I should have told him a while ago.
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instead of ranting about how much I have been procrastonating lately, let's think olf someting else. How many of you own cats? NarwhalBacon has a cat