On Metal Wings

Apple 3.14

I woke up to the warmth of the sun on my face. My eyes opened to look through the window, to see the clouds slowly passing my. I smiled some, and found a Sonja just inches away from my bed. “Good morning, sleeping beauty.” She said taking a sip of a strong smelling liquid from a bottle. “ Not to sound rude Sonja, but why are you here?” I asked sitting up. “Captain Niko told me to retrieve you from your room.”
“The captain, huh?” I asked blushing some as an image of him popped up in my mind. “Yup. Now come on, we’ve only got so long to rest here.” She said. “ Where are we?” I asked stepping out of bed. “ We’re in Dovetail.” I took a step for the door, and was about to take another, when my stomach let out a loud monstrous growl. “ Sounds like you need some food.” Sonja said handing me the bottle she had been drinking from. “ What is this?” I asked trying to make sense of the label written in foreign. “ Half your breakfast.” She said pulling out another bottle with stronger concoctions. I took a sip from the bottle handed to me. The sweet liquid slowly rolled down my throat, tasting less than pleasant. “It burns..” I rasped pushing the bottle away. “That’s half the fun of it.” she said pointing to the door. “Come on, let’s not waste today.” Sonja pushed me out the door, and up to the deck.
I looked at the land in astonishment. As it turns out, Dovetail is a city in the sky. I grew up in a sky city myself, but I had no idea that others existed. I took care when I stepped on the ground as if worried it might disappear, as Sonja jumping off the ship landing next to me. “What do you say to breakfast, then we find you some wardrobe?” Sonja said pointing to a restaurant. The growling on my stomach answered for me, as I followed her into the shop. “Go order something.” Sonja said breaking off to the liquor bar. I walked over to the barman. “How can I help you?” he asked. “What do you have?” I asked him.
“ We’ve got water, and pie.”
“Um.. I’ll take a pie, I guess.”
“That will be 5 gillings.” he said. I nodded, and reached for my pouch I keep on my hip. I reached in only to find I didn’t have anything in it. Let alone a few gillings. “ I don’t have any money.” I said pouting some. “ you know, there are other ways to pay me back. If your good, you can have all the pie you want.” he said looking me up and down hungrily.
“Oh, Peo, have I ever told you how easy it is to gouge out the human eye?” Sonja asked coming up behind me. I shook my head some. “Oh, that is a shame… I sure wish I could you. Maybe the barman would like to donate his eyes to the cause. That is, if he doesn’t stop misusing his eyes.” The man shook his head, and quickly shammed a number down in front of us. “ That won’t be necessary, please have a seat.” he said retreating to the kitchen.
“Filthy pig.” she mumbled as she grabbed the number and lead us to our table. “Thank you, Sonja.” I said looking at my hands that rested on the table. She smiled at me, laughing some. “There’s no need,” she said taking a napkin from the dispenser, using ancient origami to fold it. “So where’s captain Niko?” I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. “Beats me..” she replied crumpling up the napkin, and grabbing a new one. The man came up to us, with the pie on a trey. He sat it down in front of me, not even looking at Sonja, and quickly retreating from the table. “Jeez, I was just kidding about the eyes.” She said with a devious grin, crumpling up the napkin, and grabbing a new one. I took the pie in hand, and began to work in it.
The time it took me to eat my one pie, is the time it took for Sonja to empty the napkin dispenser, trying to fold them into a bird. “You finished?” she asked. I nodded my head, pushing the empty pie pan away from me. “Now clothes, right?” I asked her. “That’s right.” she said holding a deformed napkin bird in her hands. “I never understood origami.” she said pushing the bird away. “Can I keep it?” I asked. “Go for it.” she said standing. I smiled to myself, placing the bird in my hand.
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chapter 5 already, where does the time go?
(get it, Apple 3.14? get it? hahahahahaha)