Status: One-shot <3

Glad You Came

You cast a spell on me

Madee sighed as she heard the music coming through the speaker’s of the house. She did not want to be here. But Ander, her best friend had made her come to this little high school party. Madee was in college and she was studying to be a doctor. She was brilliant. She didn’t want to drink Ander’s little sister, Ann’s friends’ hopeless drink mixes. She wanted to listen to Kelly Clarkson at a suitable noise level and watch The Voice at nine. She wanted to go home.

But she couldn’t. Not without Ander. She would kill her the next morning if she left. Plus, Ander was wasted. Madee finally decided…it was Saturday and she didn’t have class tomorrow. She was the legal age…in a month…or three…and she deserved to have some fun. She went over to the counter and picked up one of the random pink glasses. The mysterious liquid inside was purplish, and Madee had no idea what it was, but she shot it down her throat.

It burned, but Madee kept at it, until the room was spinning around her, and it felt like her feet were going to give out at any given moment. She was woozy, but she didn’t care. She loved the feeling. She loved how she was having fun. Usually, she was checking her TiVo schedule and making sure everything taped correctly through the night, but now Madee was having fun.

Madee took another drink and fell to her knees. She balled herself up into a neat little ball and then shot down the drink. She threw the cup onto the linoleum floor and crawled on her hands and knees to the living room where people were grinding on each other to Colbie Calliat’s Bubbly. Madee threw that on her list of songs to never grind to. On the top of the list was Baby by Justin Bieber. She threw her memory aside, and continued with her mission.

She wanted to have fun tonight and on the top of Madee’s fun list was: Meet a Random Guy and…you know the rest.

She grinned at the small dirty thought, letting it drop off not finishing, not wanting to finish.

She shakily stood up from the floor and walked into the living room where a bunch of cute guys were playing drunken Twister with some cheerleaders from the high school. The only problem was that they were all in high school. Madee was a college girl and she couldn’t have sex with a high school boy. It would ruin her.

She went to the couch and sat down. She thought she was sitting down next to another high school boy but when she turned her head, he was staring at her. He looked normal. He had golden bronze hair and these dorky glasses that all the girls that had gone to her school (including Ander) had worn. Geek glasses from the fifties. She could tell his were prescription though. He was totally Madee’s type. She could also tell, even in her drunken state, that she was staring back at a fellow drunken.

“Hi.” She barely got the word out. Madee wouldn’t remember the next morning, she was sure, so she decided to let loose and get crazy. Well, as crazy as Madee could get.

He waved his fingers and gave off a goofy drunk grin. “Heyy…”

She grinned and got even closer to the boy. She breathed in, heavily, and instantly smelled booze, shaving cream and butter. It was intoxicating. It was the perfect scent. Her smile got wilder, “Madee Kisson.”

“Preston Douse.” He introduced himself, slurring the words, mixing them together.

“So, umm, what school do you go to?”

“Penn State University.”

He sounded normal, although his eyes were glazed over.

She wrinkled her nose. “Uh, how do you go to Penn? We’re in Idaho.”

“My little brother, Jenner got invited to this party and my parents don’t trust him so they called me-over spring break-to come and help them out. I’m his designated driver, although I don’t know how well that’s going.”

Madee grinned. “Well, it sounds like you’ve got yourself in a jelly.”

“A jelly?”

“A jelly.” She confirmed, realizing that the word she’d been looking for was jam. She grinned.

“I like you, Madee.” Preston said.

She blushed.

Madee opened her eyes from the dream and instantly flinched. It was too bright. She opened her eyes again and looked around. For a moment, she was confused. And then it hit her like a bus. She was in the hospital. She rolled over, pain instantly flooding her body, and closed her eyes tighter this time. Maybe she would fall back asleep. She didn’t need to wake up now.

Preston pointed at the sky. They’d both sobered up by now and were on the deck, looking at the stars. They were still feeling a buzz from the liquor, but the entire total drunken state had passed. “Do you see that?”

Madee looked at where his finger was and then looked at the sky. “The shooting star, yep. Why?”

“Make a wish.” He said simply.

She closed her eyes and pursed her lips. She thought for moment. ‘Make a move.’

She lolled over and looked at Preston. He was handsome. Exactly her type. The type of guy that Madee went for.

He looked over at her, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight. He smiled.

“So, where do you go?”

Madee’s attention went back to listening instead of fantasizing. “Huh?”

Preston chuckled, “What school do you go to?”

“Oh. Idaho state.”

“Are you from Idaho?”

She shook her head no, “I’m from New York. I got accepted to Idaho and now I’m studying to be a doctor.”

He wrinkled his nose. “I don’t know how you can do that. I can’t stand blood and vomit and…old people.”

“My mom was a doctor and my dad was a dentist.”

“My mom was a secretary for my elementary school and my dad was a psychiatrist.”

Madee grinned. “I always wished my mom would’ve been something other than a doctor. She didn’t make the dinner and put me in charge of the dreadful duty. I honestly hate cooking. I had to cook for my family of six. My mom and dad and then my younger sisters Elizabeth, Janice, and Chloe and me. By the time I actually got to eat my dinner was cold, so there was no use in even cooking for myself.”

Preston’s lips curved upward into a smile.

“Can I ask you something?” he asked suddenly, after watching Madee for a minute.

She shrugged.

“I really, really, really like this girl.” He paused. “And I want to know if she likes me too. How should I ask her?”

“Just ask her.”

He nodded, looking thoughtful. “Okay. So, another question, Madee?”

She knew where it was going and she smiled, “Sure.”

“So, Madee, do you l-“

She sat up straight and cut Preston off, pressing her lips to his and moving her hands through his soft hair.

When she pulled back, smiling, he pursed his lips, “So is that a yes?”

She nodded, biting the corner of her lip.

Madee gave into her body’s absurd wish. She let her eyes open, but she laid back against the covers, still thinking. She hadn’t had the dreams in about three months. She knew why they were back, but they were stressful. She didn’t need stress. Not now.

She picked up her white iPhone and turned it on fully. She had a bunch of new messages, most of them saying “Congrats!” She didn’t care. She could check them later. She knew she wouldn’t do it, but she opened a new message and began typing.

L Hi. It’s Friday. You probably don’t remember me. Or maybe you do? It’s Madee. Uh

She stopped. She deleted the words and hit the off button. She threw it on the nightstand and moved onto her stomach. It felt foreign.

She pushed her head into the lumpy pillows and felt hot tears falling down and onto the white pillowcase. What was wrong with her? Why had she done this?

She stayed in the same position, crying, still, and finally began to not really fall asleep, but daydream.

He took Madee upstairs, eager. He had her hand and she trusted him to take her. They made it upstairs, not breaking a single kiss and finally into a room.

Before he began, Preston looked around the room. The room was a small bathroom with horrible lighting. He looked at her. She shrugged.

And they began. He helped her out of her pink miniskirt and white blouse and she helped him out of his black jeans and purple t-shirt. She bit her lip, before going back in for a kiss, “This is my f-“

He placed his pointer finger on her lips, “Mine too.”

She smiled. It would be perfect. She would…he would…they would. And she leaned back in, this time not for a serious kiss, just a light kiss on his cheek. He smiled. He pushed her face, crushing her lips onto his lips.

Finally, they got onto the cold linoleum floor, not caring that it was freezing, just feeling the warmth of each others bodies together. He kissed her hard.

Madee grabbed her phone again and looked at all of the text messages.

Hey! How do u feel, babe? –Christi

How do u feel? Both of u. (: C u soon! –Ginger

When can I cum c u?! ily <3 anyways, deffo send pix –Alisa

(-: I am so xcited 2 c u! :D EEEH! Coming 2day –Char

Coming 2 c u soon! Don’t b ‘fraid! And btw, pictures! –Liz

Boo-yah! Yah! I’m flying in and coming to c u. I love you, sweetie. Love, Mom –Sophia

Coming 2 c u and can’t wait 2 c both of u! how do u feel?! Wuz it painful? Love ya big sis. <3 –Bridgette

YES NAME!!? –David

(: woo! Finally it’s beeen forever and uggh! –Vickie

XD yaya! Cannot wait for tomorrow when I get off work early! EEKS! –Nancy

Yes, r u awake. Post pix-now! –Yvonne

She responded one to all, adding a picture to it:

Thanks guys! (: I love you all and can’t wait 2 c u all! –Madee <3

She put her phone on the nightstand and pushed the small red button on the bed. She leaned back, waiting for a nurse to tend to her.

She woke up the next morning, a weird feeling buzzing through her veins. Her head felt heavy and her stomach felt like it was flipped over. She stood up, banging her head against something. She realized she was in a bathroom. The walls were a pink with purple trim. She leaned against the toilet and emptied her stomach. It caused Madee to realize the raging hangover headache she had going on.

She looked around. Nobody was there, except a note.

Hey, Madee, I’m so sorry. I had to go to work. I’m already an hour late. Please, don’t be afraid to text or call me. (1-715-320-7703) –Preston

Madee stuffed the note in her pocket and checked the clock of Bambi that hung on the wall. She stepped off the floor, and her head felt even heavier. She walked out the bathroom door and into the hallway. The house was filled with sounds of vomit hitting porcelain and soft snores. Most of the curtains were closed, and Madee was grateful for this-her first hangover didn’t have to be as misrerable as Ander’s had. Madee had treated a million of Ander’s hangovers.

She peeked into the rooms, looking for Ander’s wild red hair that had a bunch of yellow and purple feather extensions. She found Ander sprawled out, naked, next to a naked guy with thick black glasses and black hair. He was passed out, but Ander was wide awake, fiddling with her iPhone.

“Ander!” Madee whisper-yelled at her best friend.

Ander looked up, “Oh. Hey!” her face lit up and she scrunched her nose like she always did whenever she was happy. Madee had no idea why, and she’d known the girl since diaper years.

Madee walked into the room. It was nice. The bed appeared soft, Madee’s eyes softened and her face drooped. Her back was killing her from sleeping on the floor last night next to…maybe…Preston. The comforter was off the bed, but the white and purple polka dotted sheets were still on the bed. “Come on, Ander! Where’s Ann?”

Ander looked around, “Well does it look like she’s with me?”

Madee rolled her eyes and moved her teeth back and forth across them, “No, but I’ve got things to do. So let’s go.”

“You’re gonna go back to the dorm and sit on your butt and watch Grey’s Anatomy all day with a bowl of popcorn and a few packs of candy cigarettes.”

Madee crossed her arms. “Just get over here and let’s go find Ann.”

“I think she got in the sack.” Ander said as she got off the bed and picked up her black leather mini skirt and purple tank top. “And I think she did it with Garrett Havenaugh.”

Madee bit her lip, “I did it too.” She whispered her words softly. She was embarrassed. That was the first time and….

Ander dropped her bra and looked up from the bed, “You did what?!”

“IhadsexwitharandomguyandnowheleftandIdon’tknowwhereheisand…” she said it quickly and by the time she was done, she was out of breath.

“Slower, Mads.”

“I had sex with a random guy and now he left and I don’t know where he is and…and I really liked him.”

Ander’s eyes lit up and she broke into a smile. “Did you use a condom? Are you on birth control? Where? When? Was he cute? Oh, that’s a stupid question, he has to be cute. Well, is he? Oh Madee!”

“I don’t know. Yes. Bathroom. Last night. Definitely. Very stupid question.”

“Did he leave you his number?”

Madee pulled out the piece of paper. “Uh, yeah. He left this.”

She snatched the paper and scanned her eyes. “Preston? Sexy name. Was he good?”

“Compared to the millions of guys I’ve done it with…he was perfect.”

Ander ignored her retort and threw her arms around her best friend. In Madee’s ear she whispered, “Call him. Now.”

“Excuse me ma’am?” the nurse said in an annoying voice. Madee knew she had worked all night by the bags under her eyes and the lack of fresh makeup. She was young, about thirty five. She’d definitely had kids, though. Her arms were flabby, from lack of exercise and her face had a million creases and wrinkles.

“Uh, yeah. When can I…go down?”

“After breakfast. It’ll be served in about an hour. Until then, how about you watch some TV or call some friends and family?”

Madee sighed. “Alright, thanks.”

About a month and a half later, Madee spilled the contents of last night’s supper into the porcelain bowl in her apartment. After she was done, she sat back on the floor and wiped at her eyes. Her tears needed dried badly. She’d done the same routine for about a week. Non-stop. Same thing. Puke, Get breakfast, puke again, check e-mail, get a snack, puke, get another snack, puke.

She’d also been hungry all the time. Madee loved food, but not that much. She soon began revolving her entire day around the food that would come up. She had a bunch of big snacks in-between meals as well. She knew it wasn’t healthy but she literally craved it.

Ander knew about her getting sick and the food thing. She called around nine ‘o clock in the morning, to check on her.

And sure enough, Madee’s phone rang.

“I’m fine, Ander!” she yelled into the phone’s microphone.

Someone coughed, deeper than Ander, “Uh…It’s not Ander. It’s…uh, Preston.”

Madee blushed, although he couldn’t see her. “I’m sorry. Ander’s just been…bugging me lately.”

“It’s…okay. It’s not the first time a girl’s screamed at me as a greeting.”

“I’m sorry, really, Preston.”

He chuckled, “It’s really fine, Madee. Anyways, what’s Ander been bothering you about?”

“Nothing important. Just I’ve been feeling a bit sick lately. I’m fine.”

“Oh.” Preston said. He cleared his throat. “Do you think you could go to the doctor today?”


“So that I know you’re healthy. I wanna go out. With you.”

Madee grinned. “I guess I can do that.”

“Great. If you’re cleared by the doctor, we’re definitely on, right?”


They hung up, Madee’s face much happier than it had been whenever she was emptying her stomach a few seconds ago.


I’m sorry. Can’t make dinner tonight. Wasn’t cleared by DR. –Madee <3

She cried as she hit the send button and after she hit it, she chucked the phone across her apartment. It landed on the floor, smashing the screen into pieces. She didn’t care though. She was done. She was officially done with life. Life was ruined for Madee. Madee’s life would be over as soon…as soon…as soon as she told her secret.

And this wasn’t a secret that Madee could carry for long. She had to let it out. Because if she didn’t…she would have to let them find out on their own.

After eating her breakfast, she picked up her phone and sent a message to her mom.

Get over here fast, plz! Can’t wait 2 c u! it’s been like…a couple of hrs. <3 love you #finally –Madee <3

She laid the phone down and set her fingers on top of the red button. She hit it and waited for the nurse to come in.

Whenever she did she smiled at Madee. “Someone is here to see you.”


“Didn’t say. But he’s been clarified by a girl who said that she’s the godmother. She said her name was Ander.”

Madee rolled her eyes. “Ander. Yeah. If she said it’s okay, it’s fine. Let them in. And take me down, please.”

The nurse nodded. “Certainly.”


She left the room and Madee picked up her phone again. Her mother had texted her back.

Coming around 1. Dinner with Viv, Carey, and Janice. :/ uggh mayb I can cancel. –Sophia

Its k. (: Ander’s herre </3 –Madee <3

Good. (: hope all is well. Carey said she’s super excited 2 c u! –Sophia

Aww, love ya Care <3 and mom #yay –Madee <3

:D great. Gotta go, on the road again. I can’t wait to get off the road again #showtunes –Sophia

:D kk <3 c u l8er –Madee <3

The door opened. Madee looked up. A nurse in a white skirt and a shirt with dark red hair stood in the door. There was another set of feet. “Ander?” Madee asked.

The nurse stepped aside and Madee’s heart dropped to her feet. Her breath quickened.

She gulped. This wasn’t good. It wasn’t Ander.

He stepped in front of Madee’s eyes. “We need to talk, I think.”

Madee was in hysterics. “No.”

She didn’t want to. She didn’t need to.

“Yes. Madee, why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because if I had it would’ve been over. I would’ve ruined your life. I’ve already ruined mine, you don’t need that. The only thing that you need is to get an education and if I would’ve told you, you would’ve left me or stayed and either way ruined your life. It wasn’t…and still isn’t…worth telling you about. I’m done. I don’t want you involved.”

“It’s too late, Madee. Do you understand where we’re talking?” he broke the words down for her, making sure she fully understood.

“In a hospital.” She said calmly.

Preston chuckled, “And why are we in the hospital, Madee?”

“Because I ruined my life.”

He rolled his eyes. “You just had my baby.”

“My baby. It’s none of yours. Your name isn’t on the birth certificate.”

“It will be.” He said, his tone fully serious.

“Just…stop. I haven’t even seen him since last night. I’m not talking about anything until he has a proper name.”

“That’s on the certificate.” Preston said. “And while we’re figuring out a name-“

“I’m figuring out a name.”

We’re figuring out a name.”

Madee shook her head. “You’re not helping pick out a name for this kid.”

She looked at the doctor.

“Madee, you’re pregnant.”

Preston sighed, “Look, Madee. Like I told you before. I li-love you. Just let me…in for once. I tried to talk to you and every time you ignored me.”

“Because you would’ve left. Like any other sane guy in this town.”

“I would’ve stayed like any guy who could’ve gotten you. How many times will I have to say the words to get you to believe me?” Preston asked. “I love you.”

Madee pursed her lips, “Whenever it actually means something. You don’t throw those words around. I’ve learned too many times, Preston. I’ve gotten burned too many times. I can’t get burnt anymore. Not with a baby.”

“A baby that’s also mine.”

“A baby that won’t ever know it’s father.” Madee corrected.

“Can we just talk?”

“I told you…after I give him a name. And even then, I’m not sure. Why do you care so much?”

“He’s my son, Madee.”

“He’s my son too, Preston.” Madee retorted. “I gave birth to him. I carried him for nine months. I’m not letting you take him.”

Preston was calm. “And I don’t want to. I want to talk. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Why can’t it mean something to you?”

“It does!” Madee screamed. “It means the world to me, but I can’t believe it. Do you know how many times I’ve been burned by these words? You’re perfect, Preston and I’m not. And now I have a baby so that puts me on a scale of zero for a future! And you know what? I don’t care. That baby is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” She looked down at her fingers. “And you wouldn’t last with a baby. You’ll get bored. You’ll get tired.”

“Try me, Madee.”

She was silent, his words slicing through hers. She knew she was being selfish as she threw those words out. They were mean. She didn’t want to touch something and it be so hot she had to draw back. It wasn’t a frying pan. It was her life. Her life, plus one.

She trembled as she said it, “Okay.”

He threw his arms around her, tightly squeezing her. “Do you believe me now?”

She didn’t answer, instead she whispered, “Cayden Alec.”


“Can that be his name? Cayden Alec.”

“He can be Bob Arthur for all I care.” Preston said. His head was pressed into her hair.

She was in tears, but still managed. “I’m glad you came.”