Heaven and Hell


The RV door opened and Carl ran out of it and into my arms. He was crying and I felt like I was going to start crying at any second. I squeezed him tightly and felt another pair of arms wrap around us; it was dad.

He bent down to hold Carl in his arms. "I'm so sorry we left, Carl." Shane walked out of the RV and towards us. I saw his eyes looking at my clothes and then back up to my face. He looked genuinely concerned and upset. He walked around my dad and Carl but looked afraid to be so close to me. I reached out for his hand and held it in mine. I pulled him closer and squeezed him tight.

"What happened here Shane?" my dad questioned. He was standing now and looking and Shane and I. I let go of Shane and went to grab Carl and hold him.

"Some of them got up to the camp. It caught us off guard. We lost Amy, Jim, Ed and two others. The Morales' took their car and took off soon after."

"We need to leave this place," Glenn said. "If these came up here there has to be more of them in the woods."

"Where are we supposed to go?" Carl asked.

"Glenn's right," my dad said, "No matter how safe this placed used to be we can't risk staying here any longer. I say we head towards the C.D.C. and see what's going on. Someone there has to have answers for us. We can't live out here forever until helps comes; help may never come." Shane looked skeptical about the plan but kept his mouth shut.

"What happened in the city?" Shane asked. He was looking at me again and I averted my eyes. I was watching Daryl who was sitting five feet away with T-Dog glaring into the fire pit. "Why is she dirty?"

"I think she had a run in with a few walkers," my dad said.

"You think?" Shane questioned. "You split up?"

"Daryl wanted to look for Merle and we found him," Glenn said. He looked hesitant as he spoke. "He's dead now."

"I want to change," I said quietly.

"We all need to stay here," Shane said. "The tents are too far to walk to alone now."

"I don't care who comes. I want to change."

"Shane, just take her," my dad said. He looked at me as if asking if that was okay and I started walking towards the tents with Shane following. I walked into the tent and took off my shirt, dropping it on the ground. Instead of looking for a clean shirt to wear I grabbed one of the blankets and wrapped it around myself. I lay down and wondered how long it would take for Shane to realize I wasn't leaving anytime soon.

I lay there thinking about the day and everything that was happening. I hated how this was happening. If there really was a God out there how could he be so cruel and sadistic to let this happen to us? There were easier ways to kill off an entire race than to have us suffer through this.

"Are you almost done?" I stood quiet and just hoped Shane would leave and let me stay in here by myself for the rest of the day. "Olivia, are you okay?" He opened the flap and walked into the tent. "I'm guessing you weren't planning on changing."

"I was," I muttered, "But lying down is better than seeing all those dead bodies out there."

"Am I that horrible to look at that you won't even talk to me face to face?"

"That's a good way of putting it."

"Olivia," he walked closer to me and I assumed he was sitting down since I felt his hand on my leg, "What did I do to make you hate me so much all of a sudden?" I finally sat up and turned around so I was looking at him. I wrapped the blanket tighter staring at the ground with little emotion. "What happened out there? I can deal with bitchy Olivia but not this one. I told you not to go. Nothing bit you, did it?" I shook my head.

"I killed one of those things," I said quietly. I finally looked him in the eyes but averted my gaze quickly. "And I killed Merle."

"You did what?" His hand was quick to reach for my arm but he pulled it back right away.

"Dad found him in the gun shop. I guess he made it there and… When we met up with them Daryl couldn't do it so I volunteered. I thought it would be easier killing someone but it's not. He was probably going to turn into one of those things and it was the humane thing to do but I can't stop thinking about it." I felt sick to my stomach and felt my eyes burn but no tears fell.

"You did what you had to do," Shane said. He slowly grabbed my hand and when I didn't pull it back he started massaging it with his thumb. "This doesn't make you a bad person. It makes you one of the strong ones. Do not beat yourself up over this. If Daryl doesn't care what you did then you need to stop beating yourself up about it. You gotta turn off that switch; the one that makes you scared, angry, whatever."

"Have you ever killed anyone? Before all this started."

"I've killed two people. One of them was the man that shot your dad."

"How were you after you did it?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I felt like shit the first time. I always told myself I'd rather they be dead then me. There ain't nothin' easy about taking another person's life. But when you do it, you have to forget it."

"I can't forget that. It's like it's permanently etched in my brain." I sandwiched Shane's hands in between mine. "Why did you tell everyone what I told you secretly? That was a dick move."

"So is sneaking in and out of Daryl's tent all the time."

"I'm not sneaking in anywhere," I said offended. "Why do you keep thinking I'm doing something with Daryl when I'm not?"

"You sure seem like you two are doing something more then you claim you are."

"Then why were you having sex with me?" I asked. "You called Daryl and Merle walking STDs once. Or did you just ignore that just to get your dick wet?"

"I believed you before," he said. "But these last few days made me rethink that. I believe you now though. I just…well with your past and all I was just hesitant to believe you."

I let go of his hand and pulled the blanket tight again. "Oh, you believe me now? That's nice to know. And you do not know shit about my past. It was a one sided story you always heard. Get out Shane."

"I'm not leaving you alone out here," he said.

"Then go outside. I'm sick of looking at your face. You're a piece of shit."

"What's your big problem with me? It's not just what I told you. You've been cold since…Rick came back."

"Congratulations," I replied. "I'm glad to see your brain is still working."

"You think I lied to you? He was dead Liv. You saw him two hours earlier. He was hooked up to the machines and they just went out. What was I supposed to do? Drag his dead body with me and risk getting us both killed?"

"You lied. How could he be dead if he's right out there?"

"He was dead Olivia. Why would I lie to you? You refused to leave his bedside. I know how much this hurt you. I couldn't bring myself to tell you that he was dead. He's my best friend, why would I leave him there all alone?"

"He's not dead! He never was! You were planning this all along; to get me and Carl away from him. Was that your plan? Did you do that just so I can call you my hero, fuck you all the time and live like a bunch of jungle freaks until this shit storm blew over?"

"No!" he said loudly. "How could you say that? I've always loved you and Carl. I have no one else so why wouldn't I want to help out?"

"We don't need your help," I said angrily. I turned away from him to start looking for a clean shirt. If he wasn't going to leave then I will. I found one, dropped the blanket and put it on. "Your love is disturbing by the way. Did you always want to get into my pants or is this just a middle age crisis thing?" I stood up and left the tent quickly. If that conversation didn't end up as badly as it did I would have probably ended up having sex with Shane again. I was glad I had enough self-control to know that what happened between us wasn't ever right; it happened one time too many and it was over for good.

I saw some of the guys were putting the dead walkers into the fire they built. My dad and Carl were still sitting where I left them.

"We're leaving in the morning," my dad said. "We're heading out to the C.D.C."

"So it's really happening?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Did you tell everyone?"

"Yeah. Most of them are looking forward to leaving here so anywhere sounds good I guess. They're all just not so sure it's the best plan. It's driving back in the opposite direction towards home and we all know how bad that was."

"Were you always planning on heading there?" I asked. I sat down across from him.

"Yeah, I figured it was better than driving around or sitting around waiting for help. Shane kept everyone safe for a while but I need to continue to do that. We're sitting ducks here. It's not safe."

"I agree."

"What the hell is the point of going to the C.D.C?" Daryl asked. "Those douche bags don't have a cure. If they did I wouldn't have made her kill my brother."

"It's better than here," Dale said. "They're better protected then us. They have steel doors that are probably sealed shut and those things won't ever come in. It's the best choice."

"Is it really?" Daryl asked. "We don't know what's up ahead. What if it's overrun or nobody lets us in? Are we just going to keep driving?"

"We need to bury our people and get out of here," my dad said. "I don't know what other choice we have. It might not even be a great choice, you're right, but what other option do we have? You're right Daryl, we can't keep driving because we don't know where it's safe but I think this is our best option."

"So are we going to bury these people now or continue to disagree how much of a good or bad idea this is?" Glenn asked. He was clearly upset about what happened here but there was nothing none of us could do. Glenn and I both went over to Andrea to try to help her stand up from Amy's dead body. T-Dog drove the four bodies towards away from the camp where there were already four holes dug into the ground.

"What's with the holes?" I asked. I didn't think the guys could have dug all these holes in the time we've been back.

"Jim did those when y'all left," Jacqui said.

"Was he a psychic or something?" Glenn questioned. "That's really creepy."

"We stopped him before he dug anymore," she said. "We still don't know what he was thinking when he did that." The guys started putting the bodies in separate graves and nobody said anything. Andrea left quickly after Amy was buried and Dale went after her.

"Is she going to sulk the entire time?" Daryl asked me. We were walking back towards the camp now and everyone was starting to pack up their things.

"Everyone grieves in their own way," I told him. I put my hand on his back for a few seconds. "Are you okay though?"

"You think there is anyone at that place?" he asked avoiding my question. "I'm putting all my trust in your old man and hoping the s.o.b. knows what he's doing."

"Who knows? Hopefully there's someone there."

"So… do you need help packing up your stuff?" he asked.

"There's not much to help with. I'll just shove everything back in my bag and I'm good to go. What about you?"

"Everything's in my truck."

"Can I drive with you down there?" I asked. "I mean I could just drive in the RV but…"

"Whatever. Since when are you at odds with Shane? Thought y'all were buds."

"Not really. He's just my dad's friend. He was just trying to keep Carl and me safe. He's a prick."

"No shit," Daryl said with a small chuckle.

"You don't like him much, huh?"

"I didn't care for him until he started shit talking Merle. Also that weird thing between y'all the other day; I wouldn't want him touching me either." I laughed out loud. We reached where the tents were all pitched and Daryl started taking his down. "You think I should take it with me or leave it here?"

"Take it. You never know if it might come in handy."

"I'll be glad to not sleep in that again. I'm sleeping in my truck tonight."

"You are such a baby. Sleeping in the tent wasn't that bad. Even if you don't get much sleep in your truck tonight, your ass is going to hurt after a while."

"Oh I'm going to sleep tonight," Daryl said, "You're staying up and keeping watch. I have a feeling you're going to be boring company tomorrow and fall asleep on me."

"I probably will."

Most of the camp was packed up in the middle of the night. Nobody slept at all. Around 5AM we the decided to head out. Glenn had his eyes glued to the map all night finding the route to the C.D.C. and the most direct route was the one we were taking. We were all hoping the freeway wasn't blocked by abandoned cars or worse, walkers.

My dad was hesitant allowing me to be away from him again to let me drive with Daryl but he didn't want to start an argument on something to petty in front of everyone. He was already upset because he kept having disagreements with Shane and the two of them were finally both avoiding each other. I liked it better this way. Maybe Shane would see he wasn't needed as much as he thinks he is in our family.

"I told you no falling asleep," Daryl said. I felt a hard whack on my thigh which caused me to open my eyes.

"I was just blinking. I like to keep my eyes closed longer than most people."

"You sure love telling stories, don't you?"

"You mean ridiculously amazing lies?" I asked. I looked over at Daryl who was shaking his head at me.

"I don't get how you lasted a second in your home with your dad being who he is. You come off as a wild canon growing up."

"He's not a bad dad, he's just a better employee, if that makes any sense. He was better before my mom died…" I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue this conversation. Daryl didn't seem the type to want to hear about my life story. He always avoided the group when we were all together eating and talking.

"I see you ignored my wild canon comment," he said. He took his eyes off the road to look over at me.

"I was a good kid until about 16 if you must know."

"Go on."

"There's nothing much to talk about. I experimented with a lot of things, lied all the time and on top of that still managed to graduate high school. I took speed three times my senior year so I could stay up all night to do my homework. I so desperately wanted to get to a good college away from my family."

"Shit, girl." Daryl let out a big laugh. "I knew there was some interesting kind of story to hear."

"I'm not a very good person," I said.

"That's bullshit; I think you are. You have a brother who worships the ground you walk on and your old man loves you. I see the way he looks at you. The only good thing about this shit we're going through is that we can all start over. Not be judged by all the shit we've done and been through."

"You make it sound so simple," I replied. "All the bad memories are still with us even if nobody else knows."

"Time to start making new ones. Or at least stop moping about your past. And for you to say you couldn't wait to get away from your family, you sure aren't acting like you hate them."

"I never hated them," I said. "I never got along with my dad the last three years; same with my mom. They always blamed their problems on me. Or at least it seemed like that to me." I shrugged my shoulders. "Sorry. I'll shut up now."

"Good because it looks like we're almost there," Daryl replied. We both looked ahead and saw the large C.D.C. building. There weren't any walkers around but there was hundreds of dead bodies lying all over the streets. There were army tanks that were completely abandoned with military people hanging out of them. It was one of the most grotesque scenes I've ever seen. Daryl and I both grabbed our bag and weapons and walked out towards the rest of the group.

"We need to get there quick before any walkers show up," my dad said. "Stay close and keep up." I grabbed Carl's hand and held it tight as we all walked towards the building. My dad and Shane both started trying to lift the doors that were obviously sealed shut.

"Someone has to be in there," I said, "The doors are shut."

"No one's in there," Andrea said. "This was such a waste of time."

"Dad there's walkers," Carl said. My dad quickly started banging on the door and yelling for someone to let us in.

"This is pointless," Shane called out. "We need to get out of here before more come."

I didn't know what I was expecting coming here but this sure wasn't it. People had to be in there and they had to see us. They can't just let us all die out here. Carl started pulling my hand wanting to leave but I stood my ground looking up and around for a way in.

"That camera just moved," I said. "Dad! That camera moved. There's someone in there." My dad quickly walked to where I was standing and looked up.

"It's nothing," Shane said. "We need to get out of here. Rick, you can't believe that thing moved." My dad wasn't listening to Shane. He was still looking up at the camera and at that moment he saw it move.

"It moved," he said. He started yelling at the camera for someone to let us in. "You have to let us in! Please have a heart. We have children. You can't let us die out here, man."

"Rick!" Shane called out. "We need to get out of here now." The camera moved once again and it looked like it was looking right at me. Shane was about to grab Carl's other hand when the door actually opened. We all stood there staring at the opened door as if we imagined it.

"Get in," the man said. Everyone started running inside and the doors were immediately shut behind us before the walkers that were roaming around had a chance to get close to us. "Those doors are staying shut. Do you all understand that?"

"Yes," my dad said. "We all really appreciate it man. Thank you."

"None of you are infected?" the man asked.

"No," my dad answered. "But we're looking for answers man."

"I want to test your blood," he said. "I can't just take your word for it."

"Maybe you can provide us with something to eat?" Dale asked. "We haven't eaten in a while."

"Fine, but after I take your blood," he said. He started walking away and then turned to look at us. "I'm Edwin Jenner. You can call me Jenner."

"Are you the only one here?" Dale asked. "Where is everyone at?"

"Dead most likely," he replied casually as he started walking away from us.

"What a dildo," I said. "How do we even know he's legit? He seems like a crack pot." The group slowly started following Jenner towards the back where he was.

"How do you know what infected blood looks like?" Andrea asked. "Are you trying to find a cure?"

"I was," Jenner replied, he was done taking Andrea's blood and motioned for me to come to him. "I had a fresh sample a few days ago but it was destroyed. I don't have anything much to study anymore." He grabbed a fresh needle and was about to bring it towards my arm when he actually looked up at me; unlike everyone else whom he completely didn't bother looking in the face. "You're… Layla right? Or Lila? No, that's not right…"

I stared at him confused and pulled my arm back. "It's Liv."

"Olivia, right!" he said. He flashed a tired smile at me which caused me to completely back away from him.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"No need to be afraid," Jenner said. He motioned for me to give him my arm but I didn't. "You were Dean's girlfriend, weren't you?" I had almost completely forgotten about Dean. Some girlfriend I was.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"You two were together, weren't you? I'm married to his mother… Well, I was. I'm pretty sure you came by our home once years ago." By this point almost the entire group was listening in and my dad was standing right behind me.

"Is he here?" I asked. Jenner shook his head and I ended up giving him my arm. He was starting to take my blood now and I just watched it. "Have you heard from him?"

"No, I haven't. He hasn't been around since he graduated high school," Jenner said. He took the needle out and put my blood with everyone else's. "I tried getting ahold of him when his mother was infected but he never answered. I spoke to his father though; said something about being different for the last few weeks."

"Oh…" This "different" Jenner was talking about probably had to do with me. I completely ignored Dean the last few weeks before people were starting to get infected. I spent my free time staring at my comatose father and ignoring the only boyfriend I actually cared and loved.

"I'm sure he's fine," Jenner said reassuringly. "I figured he'd be with you guys. I recognized you right away outside."

"So you only let us in because you know my daughter?" Jenner looked up at my dad and smiled again.

"So you said you were hungry," Jenner said. "There's plenty of food since it's only been me here."

"You got any booze?" Daryl questioned.

"Plenty," Jenner said. "Just drop your stuff here and you can get it later." At the mention of food everyone's moods finally lightened. They were all happy to be eating actual food and not canned food anymore. Everyone was sitting around the three tables that were pushed together while Glenn and I sat on the counter behind them.

"So that's Dean's step-dad," Glenn said, "Small world, isn't it? Or fate or something?"

"I don't know about that. It's so weird though. Do you think he's okay?"

"No offence," Glenn started and took a swig from the bottle of wine he was holding, "But Dean was kind of a dumbass." I let out a big laugh. "So if you want my opinion, I doubt it."

"Good to see you have so much faith in him," I replied. I grabbed the bottle of wine and took a big mouthful. "Ugh this tastes like shit."

"Who said you could drink wine?" my dad asked. "I could have sworn you are 19."

"If I remember correctly, I think next week I will be 20. That's just one year short. And I could have sworn the drinking rules are non-existent since the world is over."

"Can I have some?" Sophia asked. I looked at Carol who was just smiling. I jumped down from my position and poured a little in her glass.

"What about you Carl?" I asked. I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he held his cup up. "Atta boy." I poured him a little and went back to sit next to Glenn who grabbed the bottle. Both Carl and Sophia had the same opinion as me and disliked the taste immediately. "Do you have anything stronger Jenner?" My dad looked back at me with a shocked expression on his face which caused me to smile at him.

Jenner held up the bottle of whiskey he had in front of him and I jumped up quickly to grab it.

"Do not overdue it Olivia," my dad said.

"Wouldn't dream of it," I said as I took a sip from the bottle. I made a face as it went down my throat. I hadn't had alcohol in so long I almost forgot how strong it was. Daryl was eager to get that bottle in his possession so I just gave it to him. I was done with alcohol for tonight. I just wanted to stuff myself with food until I felt like an overweight hippo.

After we ate Jenner started showing us around the place and where the rooms were located. The group was even happier that they were finally able to get a decent night's sleep tonight without worrying about being attacked in the middle of the night.

"There are also showers in all the rooms," Jenner mentioned, "But keep them short to spare the hot water." Glenn and I who were both at the front of the group turned to look at each other and grinned widely.

"Did I hear hot water correctly?" Glenn asked.

"Yes you did," I answered. We both started running towards the rooms. We picked rooms next to each other and I ran into the bathroom. It was so good to finally see a real bathroom again. I completely ignored Jenner's comment and took the longest shower of my life. I washed my hair at least six times and scrubbed my body until it was red. I wanted to wipe everything off; the blood, the dirt, the sweat, all of it.

After what felt like an eternity and a few bangs on the door from Carl I finally stopped the water. I wrapped a towel around myself tightly and walked out of the bathroom. I was expecting just Carl and my dad to be in the room but I was not expecting Shane to be there.

"Dad, there's only one bed and a couch and I am not sharing." I hoped he would get the message and tell Shane to leave. I was not sharing a room with him. I'd rather sleep outside with the dead. "By the way Carl just totally ran in the bathroom and I have nowhere to change so y'all need to leave." I pulled the towel tighter and glared at Shane.

They both left and I started looking for something to wear. I was ready to go to sleep even though it was still really early. I found at the bottom of my bag the shirt I usually slept with, pulled that on and leggings. I dove on the bed right away and took up all the space. I knew that I was going to be told to move soon by my dad or share with Carl, but I wanted to take a nap. I closed my eyes and tried dozing off when Carl jumped right on top of me.

"Carl, get off!"

"No, this is so much more comfy than the sleep bag," he said. "You're squishy."

"Are you calling me fat?"

"Do you want me to call you big boned?" Carl asked. He poked my back and laughed. "You're not really bony, just squishy actually." I sat up causing Carl to fall off me and almost off the bed.

"Shut up Carl." I started tickling him which made him mad and he started screaming for dad who practically ran in the room.

"Get off him Liv."

"He called me fat," I said as I went back on the bed and sat down.

"It must be all those fishes you caught and ate," he said. He and Carl both laughed while I sat there scowling at them. "Or the candy."

"Jenner said there were board games," Carl said, "Want to play with me and Sophia?"

"Are you two going to team up on me and cry when I beat you?" I asked.

"You're going to be the one crying," Carl replied.

"Fine, but I'm telling Glenn to come because I'm going to feel like I'm babysitting," I said as I jumped up and walked to the next room. I didn't even bother knocking on the door and invited myself in. "Glenn, hurry your pizza delivery ass up and come play with me."

Glenn walked out of the bathroom with sweatpants on and a towel slung over his shoulders. "Play what? Thought Jenner said not to play the video games because it sucks energy."

"Put a shirt on and come with," I said. "Carl said there's a shitload of board games. We'll pretend we're a normal family, argue, yell, and cheat." Glenn grabbed a shirt and we both walked towards the end of the hall where we passed the game room earlier. Carol, Sophia, and Carl were already in there and Carl was looking through the games.

"Sophia and I are going to play checkers," Carl announced.

"What about Glenn and me?" I asked pretending my feelings were hurt.

"You can play chess," Sophia said which made me whack Glenn in his chest and laugh. "I don't get it."

"Would Jenner seriously care if we play video games?" I asked. "I mean he must be bored as fuck being here by himself with literally nobody to talk to."

"You two can always read a book," Carol suggested which caused Glenn and I to both laugh out loud at the same time. "When was the last time you read a book?"

"Voluntary?" I asked causing Carol to shake her head. "Probably sixth grade. And it had pictures."

"I read the newspaper sometimes," Glenn said. "I never was a big fan of books. I didn't even by textbooks for college."

"I thought you said you couldn't afford it."

"Yeah but I could have borrowed it from someone. I just choose not to."

"You two are missing out on so much," Carol said staring at the two of us like we were literally the biggest idiots she's ever met. "Even if we don't stay here long I'm thinking of taking a few with me."

"Well maybe I will start reading again," Glenn said. He started looking at the bookshelf and started looking at the books. "These are kinda big." He put the one he was looking at back and turned around. "I give up."

"I'm going to sleep," I said to no one in particular. "I need knock out for 48 hours straight."

"Me too," Glenn said.

"You two are so boring," Carl said.

"And I forgot you existed," I told him.

"Is that any way to talk to your brother?" Shane asked. He was leaning on the door frame and I wondered how long he had been standing there creepily. I ignored him completely and wished there was another exit that would lead back to the rooms.

I started walking by the door and noticed Shane was completed loaded. I really wanted to get out of here now. I've never seen him drunk but I had a feeling he wasn't the shy type when he was drunk. I walked away from him quickly and started walking down the hall.

"Want to go bother Daryl?" I asked as I turned around to look at Glenn.

"He doesn't like me that much."

"He's just shy," I said laughing. "Come on. He's actually really great." Glenn rolled his eyes at my comment. Maybe I was stretching the truth again; just a little. I started walking by the rooms not sure where Daryl was but I peeked in one of the last ones and noticed he was completely passed out of the bed. "Okay then. New plan."

"I'm going to get more alcohol," Glenn said, "And crawl into bed cuddling the bottle."

"You have some serious issues." Glenn started walking towards the kitchen while I ended up walking back towards my room. I really hadn't spent any "bonding" time with my dad since he found us and decided now was better than nothing.

"Hello old man." He looked up for a piece of a paper he was reading. I sat down next to him on the couch.

"That was quick," he said. "Did you get bored already? You never lasted long when we used to play board games."

"Carl decided to ditch me to play with his girlfriend." My dad's eyebrows went up and we both laughed. "And Carol was reading and Glenn decided to drink by himself."

"I'm glad you decided not to join in," he said. He put down the paper and turned his body to me. "Thank you for taking care of Carl. I know it wasn't exactly your plan and…" I stopped him by putting my hand on his knee.

"Dad, don't sweat it. I love Carl. I'm… I shouldn't have said those things to you that day." I bit the insides of my cheeks and looked away. "I'm…"

"It's okay," he told me. He reached for my hand and held it. "I forgive you. I love you Olivia. You're my baby girl and I know we don't always agree on things but no matter what I'll always love you."

"Don't get all girly on me dad."

"This is the most we've talked in a long time," he replied. "I can't imagine what you've been through but you're so brave. Just promise me you won't do anything reckless anymore. We're not going to split up anymore, do you understand?"


"No, Olivia, you need to stop being so stubborn. I don't care how safe you might feel with someone else in the group but you aren't leaving my sight again. If I lost you or Carl, I really don't know what I would do with myself. I fought my way through hell because I knew I would find you two again. Without you, there is no way I'd keep fighting."

"Ugh, Dad, stop." He leaned in and clutched me close to him. I hugged him back and was about to try to escape his tight grip when I noticed Shane standing at the doorway. He was really starting to creep me out. I moved my lips close to my dad and whispered to him, "Promise me you'll never leave me either. And that you'll never let anything bad happen."

He pulled away and looked at me with that fatherly concern. "I won't let anything happen to you." He kissed my forehead and leaned back. I looked at Shane one last time before he turned to leave and back at my dad. I really wanted to tell him everything that happened but I couldn't bring myself to do it right now.

"I'm going to bed," I told him. He nodded his head and stood up from the couch.

"I'll go get Carl and tell him to go to bed soon," he said. He started walking towards the door when I realized that meant I was going to be by myself.

"You said you wouldn't leave me." He turned around and chuckled.

"I'll be right back." He walked out of the room and I didn't like being alone in this weird room by myself. I left the room and walked into Glenn's. He was sitting on his bed suckling the wine bottle.

"Move over bud," I told him. Glenn had a twin bed which was perfect for him but unfortunate for him at the moment I didn't want to sleep by myself. Glenn put the bottle down and looked at me.

"Seriously?" he asked. "Where am I supposed to sleep?" I crawled into the bed and lay down as close to the edge as I could. "Okay, but if I push you in the middle of the night you asked for it." He hiccupped a few times and went to shut off the lights. He crawled into the bed and got really close to me. "This is weirder than the tent. Did your dad kick you out of the room or something?"

"No he left and I didn't want to be alone," I told him. Glenn moved around in the bed a little and I almost fell off.

"You're such a girl," Glenn said. He moved once more and finally found a comfortable position as we both finally drifted off to sleep.
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