Fantasy Story

... Has no title and all of it is one chapter (Not

think that we aren’t?” “Oh no I think we are I was wondering if you thought that we were” “Of course I think we are meant for each other” he smiled “Ray sing to me again” he kissed my forehead again “I wouldn’t know what to sing, Jess” I gave him the puppy eyes that everyone dreaded “Please?” “Fine...” he smiled and tried to think of a song that would please me “And the guinness can’t think of a song to please his girl” he perked on his shoulder “One of our songs?” I nodded “Ok then I know now. Well I miss you why I miss you so far, and the collision of your kiss that made it so hard! Way down, way down, way down, way down, way down, way down, way down way down way down way down way down! Well I miss you why I miss you so far, and the collision of your kiss that made it so hard! When will I miss you when will I miss you so far and the collision of your kiss that made it so hard made so hard way down, way down, way down, way down, way down, way down, way down, way down, way down.” I smiled “Aww you miss me?” he was clearly out of breath “Now I know how Gerard feels” we kissed and I got up and out of bed “You know I can play guitar” he got up “Really?” “Yep I can play Franks part of House of Wolves” he got dressed “Well then you have to show me” I went to climb the spiral stair case that led to my room. “Ok then grab you guitar then” I looked down at him he still had his shirt off, I yelled “PURPLE DRAGON!” he looked up at me “Oh Black Parade Skeleton!” I stuck my tongue out, and in return he stuck out his. I ran up to my room and got dressed.

I came down Ray had his guitar. I grabbed it and played my C major scale “You weren’t kidding” I shook my head “I played in the school band from grade seven to grade twelve and took guitar lessons from grade nine to grade twelve” he nodded I grabbed my ipod from my back pocket and started to play “You can sing along if you want Ray” “Ok what can’t you sing and play at the same time” I shook my head “I know a thing about contrition because I’ve got enough to spare, and I’ll be granting your permission cause you haven’t got a prayer, and I said hey hey halleluiah I wanna come on sing the praise, I let the sprit come right through ya we got innocence for days! Well I think I’m gonna burn in hell everybody burn a house right down, and say now what I wanna say, tell me I’m an angel take this to my grave, tell me I’m a bad man kick me like a stray, tell me I’m an angel take this to my grave, oh now you play a ring around the ambulance like you never gave a care, so get the choir boys around you , it’s a compliment I swear, and I retches to ashes we all fall down I wanna hear ya sing the praise, I said retches to ashes we all fall down we’ve got innocence for days! Well I think I’m gonna burn in hell everybody burn a house right down, and say now what I wanna say, tell me I’m an angel take this to my grave, tell me I’m a bad man kick me like a stray, tell me I’m an angel take this to my grave, you better run like the devil cause they never gonna leave you alone, better hop Indiana cause they never gonna find you a home, as the blood runs down the walls, you see me creeping up these halls, I’ve been a bad motherfucker, tell you sister I’m another. GO! GO! GO! And say now what I wanna say, tell me I’m an angel take this to my grave, tell me I’m a bad man kick me like a stray, tell me I’m an angel take this to my grave, tell me in a bad, bad, bad, bad, man tell me in a bad, bad, bad, bad, man tell me in a bad, bad, bad, bad, man so get up so get me out yes I am yes I am.” I smiled and then Ray realized something “Hey I’ve sang three times today your turn!” I stuck my tongue out “Fine then, you have to do the back ground like on the CD!” “Fine” he sat down beside me “Turn away, if you could get me a drink of water cause my lips are chapped and faded call my aunt Marie, help her gather all my things and bury me in all my favourite colors, my sisters and my brothers still I will not kiss you. Cause the hardiest part of this is leaving you. Now turn away cause I’m awful just to see cause all my hairs abandoned all my body oh my agony, know that I will never marry baby I’m just soggy from the chemo but counting down the days to go it just ain’t living and I just hope you know that if you say” “If you say” “Good bye today” “Good bye today” “I’d ask you to be true” “Cause I’d ask you to be true” “Cause the hardiest part of this is leaving you” then Ray joined me at the you “Cause the hardiest part of this is leaving you” he looked at me “You sing wonderfully” “Your voice is wonderful” he smiled “Jess?” I looked at his big brown eyes “Yes Ray?” “How much do you like our music?” “Too much Ray, too much” he was confused “Enough to join the band?” I looked at him in shock “Is that an offer?” he looked at me “No not necessarily” he laughed, I knew something was up. “Ray what are you holding behind your back?” I heard a click “Nothing...” “You were recording me!” he shook his head “Now I know you’re as smart as me” I smiled “What are you going to do with the tape?” the looked up “Give it to Gerard” “Why?” “Do you want to be in the band?” “Yes.... I do and always have, but I’ve always been too nervous to sing in front of you guys ‘cause I was afraid that I wasn’t good enough to be in My Chem” he smiled “People would love it if you were in MCR” I smiled and put an end to the subject, and left.

“Hey Ray!?” I was up in my room “Ya what!?” he shouted back “I need to know where I can get a piercing, tattoo, and my hair dyed” he was up the stairs “Why?” “I’m sick of my hair being brown, I was gonna get my nose pierced and I need a tattoo. Oh could you sign my hip?” “Oh ok? And your hair is fine” “No it’s not, I want to be a blonde, and if you don’t like it deal with it. I didn’t like it when you dyed your hair dark brown” I stuck out my tongue he came up to me “Okay, umm” he placed his hands on my hips, I turned around and put my arms around his neck. He leaned into me I leaned into him we kissed, we parted “Ok wasn’t what I was expecting” he smiled “Oh” “See I was going to ask which hip?” “I favour my left but which do you think it would look better on?” he nodded “Your left, then” he smiled “No changed my mind right, quick do it so then I can’t, left” he signed it “There, why again” “You just made an outline for my tattoo” he backed up in shock “I did what!?” I kissed his cheek “Love you!” I ran in to the bathroom and shut the door “Jessica Diane Iero!” he charged the door down. I was in the tub, I got up “Were gonna have to change that, Mr. Toro” he came and put his arms around me and slung my arms around his neck “Are you suggesting something?” I shook my head violently “So where can I/” “There is a shop that does tattoos and piercings, down the way and a five minute walk takes you to a salon for hair and nails” I smiled “You’ll have to show me where” his eyes widened “I can come?” I nodded “Yep, but I may scream, and you can’t watch my hair getting done” he nodded. Then we were off.

Ray and I were walking down the street and we bumped in to a face that I had seen before. “Oomph” the guy turned around “Jessie???” I smiled “Hi Theo” “So did you get back home?” I looked at Ray “I sure did” in realization “Hey that’s Ray Toro! Ain’t he also from MCR?” I nodded “Ya we’re together now” “Oh so you wouldn’t go out with an average joe like me” “I would, we have to go Theo. Nice seeing you” he nodded and we walked on.

We came up to the tattoo shop “Well here I go” I had one foot in to the shop Ray grabbed my hand “Here we go” I smiled and nodded. We were in the shop it smelt like cigarette smoke. A guy who was giving a guy a tattoo said “Hey Toro! What’s up man?!” Ray shook his head “Nothing man, just here for a tattoo and... ah umm” I whispered “Piercing” “And a piercing!” he looked at Ray “For you or the pretty little lady?” he grabbed me and pulled me closer “Her” he kissed me head, I looked at him. My eyes were watering “Jess is something wrong?” I coughed “Smoke” and left. When the guy finished he came up and talked to Ray. When they were finish Ray came and got me “Jess, it’s all set and the fan was turned on” “Okay?” “Come on” he grabbed my hand “Hey while I was alone I decided to also get my belly button done you cool with that?” he nodded “Hello Ms. Iero” the dude said “Hello” I nodded “So your man here tells me you want your nose done and a tattoo of his name on your hip?” “I also want my navel done” he nodded “Good that’s all good, I can do it all” I nodded “It would be better if I knew your name” he nodded “Tony is what people call me ‘round here” I smiled “Thank you Tony.” He looked for a tattooing chair “Tattoo first because your tummy ring would get in the way” I nodded “Ok I’m fine with that” he smiled and offered me a seat I told him to wait a sec, and went to get Ray “Come and watch” “Ok, why again?” I looked at him like he was dumb “It will hurt and I want you to watch” he smiled “So you wanna hold my hand if it gets too intense?” I nodded he smiled “Ray man there is a chair over there” Ray went and got the chair “Oh so this is what you meant Ray?” he nodded. The buzz of the thing scared me when he turned it on, I was acting like I’ve never gotten a tattoo it was dumb... My hip was more tender than me shoulder. “Jess does it hurt” I looked at Ray “Of course it does Ray it’s a tender spot” he giggled, “Oh shut up Ray!” Tony laughed “You two love birds” that shut both of us up. He finished my tattoo, I looked at it “Wow, glad I didn’t do that with Frankie” Ray smiled “The later down the road your gonna say ‘That was dumb of me’” I shook my head violently.
Tony moved me over into another chair “Choose which one.” He showed me some different nose selections. I chose a diamond stud “Good choice lil’ lady” it hurt slightly more than I would have preferred. Then Tony showed me some navel rings, I picked out a star with tassels coming off of it. When Tony was done Ray started to play with the tassels. I slapped his hand “Oww, Jess!” “It hurts me more than it does you. So Tony how/” he smiled “On the house” I smiled and we left.

“So Ray how far is “this” salon?” he pointed “There” “Oh” it was huge. “Well then I guess I have to stay here huh?” I shook my head “No you can wait inside but no peeking” he smiled. We were in the salon and another familiar face popped up “Jessie!” Taylor smiled “Hi Taylor” she pointed at Ray “That’s not the one you’re married to is it?” I shook my head “No I went back and fixed my problems” she smiled “That’s good. So what can I do for you today?” I put Ray in a chair “Stay. Hair dye” she nodded and took me to a chair “Be right back”. I waited for a few minutes “OK I’m back what color?” I pulled he close “Well I’m doing something special for Ray, and so I need you to say ironic colors. Oh blonde” she nodded “Pink it is” she came back, after my hair was dyed I told her what else I needed to be done “Taylor, I also need a Cherry Red streak here and a Black on about two inches behind” “Ok, purple and orange streaks got it” I heard Ray fall off of his seat “PURPLE!” my hair was done. I was finally beautiful. “Taylor get Ray to stand up but cover his eyes” I waited until Ray was standing. I came over to him and slung my arms around his neck “Ok Taylor, Ray keep your eyes shut. I hope you still love me even though I’ve changed” he smiled “I will always love you” I kissed him “Ok open your eyes” he opened his eyes, his jaw dropped “Jessica! You’re beautiful!” I just had to smile he kissed me “Let’s go home” he nodded. We ran home and slammed the door behind us “You know what I want to do, right?” he panted “Yes, and I want to too” “Good” I grabbed his hand and we ran to his room 438.
It was late at night I felt around for Ray “Ray!” I looked around for him he wasn’t there “Jess it is ok, power went out” “That makes sense” he had lit candles everywhere “Have you seen my shirt?” he shook his head “Nope but I got you a new one” he passed me a shirt “Thanks Ray babe” he cocked his head “Ray babe?” “Whatever” I grabbed some under wear “Ha,” “What?” “You were so red and you still are!” I looked at my nose then my hip and then my navel “Oh shut up!” he came up to me and stroked my hair “Sorry Jess. Blonde something different I like that” I got up “You’re som’ thin’ different too” I smiled, he smiled back we kissed and then I walked down the hall “Ray is there a fire place?” “Ya why?” “Well not to bring up things but when things happened when I was with Frank we cuddled up by the fire and watched it” he came to me “Ok lets” he grabbed my hand and led me to the fire place. He got me to sit down on a pillow “Ok?” “One sec” he ran and got a blanket “Move you big @$$ over some” “Up yours Ray” I moved over. He sat down beside me “So what was the red and the black for?” I looked at the fire “Well the Red is.... you know what you will laugh” he whispered in my ear “I promise I won’t” trusting him I continued “The Red is for how passionate our relationship is, and the Black is for the dark we’ve seen and stayed together” I could swear he was crying “Really Jess? Cause that means a lot” I nodded “I know” he kissed my forehead “Ray I did that because I’ve always loved you” he put his arm around me and squeezed me against him “Ever since I saw you in that airport I fell in love with you” I rested my head on his shoulder “We should have the guys and their girls over” “Good idea” I kissed his cheek “I’m gonna call Magz” I got up Ray grabbed my hand “Jess it’s 4 am” I plunked back down “Oh well then, I’m tired” He rocked me back and forth “Aren’t you always?” “Yep” I rested my head back on his shoulder and then I fell asleep.
It was late morning when I woke up. We were both on the floor “Morning Jess” I sat up and looked at him. He looked like an idiot “You look dumb” he sat up and rubbed his eyes “I know you do” I looked at my watch “Well then. Lunch or breakfast, tough decision. What do you want Ray?” it looked like he had a hangover. I looked around for the bottle and I found it under the couch. Ray finally answered me “Coffee and booze” I got up and got him the desired coffee minus the booze “Ray I realized something, but it’s best to tell you when you’re sober” “I a sober I just have a hangover Jess” he took a sip of the coffee “You know what Jess I’m glad you’re so smart not giving me booze” I smiled but I was slightly worried about him “Ray so you’re sober?” he nodded “Well do you care about our age difference?” he gulped down some coffee “No I haven’t even thought about that, how far are we?” I put my head on his shoulder “A decade in about sixteen days” he looked at me “Wow nine years” I was mad at the point that we were nine years apart. I sighed “Ya... I realized that last night but I didn’t want to talk about it” I looked at him he was somewhere else “Ray we aren’t gonna split up are we?” he had another sip of his coffee. He didn’t want to talk, so I left. Twenty minutes went by I was in my room “Jess!” I was so pissed off I didn’t want to answer him “Jessie!” I wanted him to find me mad. He was in his room “Jessica!” he ran up the stairs. He came and sat on the bed “Jess, I’m.../” outraged I shouted at him I didn’t mean to “You know what this is somewhere down the road! Why didn’t you answer me!” he looked down “Jess, I believe in love I just/” “Creeped out that I’m nine years younger than you?” he got mad “JUST LET ME SPEAK FOR ONE DAMN MINUTE!” I backed up “Jess I love you I was just confused that we were nine years apart it just slipped by me!” Frankie never yelled at me, I was scared of him. I left his presence I walked down to the salon.

When I got there Taylor was just locking up for lunch “Hi Taylor” “Oh hi Jessie” “Where are you off to?” “Lunch. Why do you ask?” “No reason. Can I tag along?” she nodded. I could see Ray running down the street “WAIT!” Taylor looked at me “Are you running?” “He yelled at me, I got scared. I need a break” “JESSIE‼ WAIT!” he caught up “Hi Taylor” he panted “Jess I’m sorry. I know why you ran” I looked at Taylor “I’m heading over to my house two blocks south one east and one north” I nodded and she left “why do you think I run?” “When you’re offended in any way or when or confused” “or when someone scares me half to death” I looked into his brown eyes I could see that I was tearing up “Jess? I scared you?” I nodded “I never thought that would be possible because you nature is to gentle” he nodded and hugged me “Jess I’m sorry, I should be more careful with you, you’re so fragile” I put my head into his chest “I love you too Ray” Taylor was still visible “I’m going to lunch with Taylor” he nodded. He kissed my head “I’m gonna call everybody for coming over tomorrow” I nodded “Ray...” “Ya go”. I caught up with Taylor “Hey Taylor sorry ‘bout that” “It’s ok, so me and Dan are having pasta that I made last night, you’re welcome to have some” “Ok, what type of pasta?” “Spaghetti, and fettuccini alferedo” I nodded “Yumm, thanks Taylor” we were walking down the street “Oh Taylor that’s my new house” I pointed at the house Ray was going in, he waved I stuck out my tongue “Oh, well then I’ll have to come over some time then” “Ya, he’s perfect he is the reason I ran from Frank” she nodded “What’s this one’s name?” I looked at her “His name is Ray Toro. You can bring Lyla over and she can meet him, if she still/” “She would love to” “Speaking of Lyla will she be home?” she nodded “I forgot that it was spring break” “Ha, ha”

We got to Taylor’s house “DAN! LYLA! WE HAVE A GUEST!” Lyla came running down the stairs “JESSIE!” she ran up to me and hugged me “Hey kiddo” Dan walked in to the room “Well hello Jessica” “Hi Dan” Lyla squeezed me hard “I missed you!” I looked at Taylor and mouth ‘can she come today?’ she nodded “Hey there Lyla” she let go “Would you like to come and meet my boyfriend?” her eyes widened “Really! Mom can I?” “Yes you can” I got to Lyla’s level “Bring something to sign” she ran upstairs “Dan can you get an extra chair from the basement?” “Yes” “I’ll get started on lunch then, Jess do what you please” I nodded and went upstairs “Lyla?” she popped her head out of her room “Here” “Do you have MCR posters?” “YES! Come in” “Hang on I need to call Ray” she looked at me “He is soo gorgeous!” “Ya he is the one you’re going to meet” “Ok you go call him!” and then I went and called him “Ray?” “Hey Jess how’s lunch?” “Haven’t had it yet, Ray is it alright if I bring one of your fans over?” “Ya I’m ok with that” “Ok bye Ray see you in about an hour or so” “Alright Jess bye”. “Hey Lyla, it’s ok for you to come over” she ran out of her room “Thank you thank you! He is soo/” “Perfect” she nodded. “JESSIE LYLA LUNCH!” “OK TAYLOR! So what are you bringing?” she brought me a bad sized My Chem poster “This” I smiled “Hey if you leave this at my house I can get everybody to sign it. Hey how would you feel if you knew maybe a new member of My Chemical Romance?” “Ok I’ll leave it with you. You in MCR?!?!” I shrugged my shoulders “Just don’t talk about it to Ray” she nodded and we went downstairs “Lyla I’ll carry that ok?” she nodded and gave it to me. I propped it up against the wall, and we sat down for lunch.

“Mommy I get to meet RAY TORO!” “That’s nice Lyla” “Dan!” Taylor slapped Dan in the arm “Dan, that wasn’t nice... Making your daughter sad like that” my cell started to ring “OMG I have to get this sorry” I left the table “Hello, Gerard what’s wrong?” “It’s Ray” “What happened!” “He fell” “From where!” “Jess he`s in the hospital” “Tell me what happened!” “Well he fell from your room” “Why? How?” “He loves you and he thinks you don’t, which is wrong because we all know you love him because of the Frankie incident” “True. Sometimes I don’t get him well, I guess I’ll come but I’m babysitting a kid and she has to come” “Well then bring her” “Ok bye Gerard” “Bye Jess” “Lyla! I have to go to the hospital you can come but you have to be very quiet” she nodded “Why?” I looked down “Ray is in the hospital...” she looked really sad “Ray. Hospital! Why?” “I’ll tell you on the way” I ran back to my house, and then I hopped in to my car.

“Why?” the one question I couldn’t answer. I talked to my Sync “Call Gerard” the phone rang “Hello?” “Hey Gerard. What exactly happened?” “Well Jess.” Ray screamed “DOES SHE LOVE ME!” “Oh my god Gerard! Forget the kid I’ll be there” I quickly drove to Taylor’s house and ran in. “Lyla!” she looked at me “I don’t think I should come.” She pointed at the TV it was Ray “Does she love me!” he kept on screaming “Dear god, I have to go” I ran and shut the door and hopped back into my car. “Sync call Gerard” it rang “GERARD WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME HE WAS THAT BAD!” “Jess don’t scream” Ray started screaming “DOES SHE LOVE ME!” Gerard got worst “Shut up Ray! Jess get your fucking ass down here!” “I am!” I parked in the street and ran into the hospital. I looked around for the reception “Hello, I’m looking for Ray Toro” I panted “I’m sorry no visitors” “I’m his girlfriend!” she pointed to a line “And so are they” one of the girls pointed at me “It’s Jessie Toro! Get her to Ray!” the receptionist had left. I called Gerard “Gerard come and get me, there are some girls that are pretending to be me” “Alright I’ll, his room number is 35 on the 6th floor” “Ok” and I hung up and ran to an elevator and pressed the six button. Sixth floor I casually fast walked to the reception “Hello which way is room 34?” “Just down the hall that way” I nodded “Thank you have a nice day” he nodded and I left.

Room 35 the door read. I knocked “Gerard?” “Ya come in” I opened the door Ray was sitting there “They just gave him a tranquilizer and painkillers” he was a bloody mess “Oh god” I gasped and put my hands over my mouth and turned away “Jess don’t take it that bad” I was tearing up “This is because of me right?” Gerard rubbed my back “Jess don’t take it so hard” “Did he land head first?” Frankie got up from where he was sitting “Ya he did” Mikey was sitting on the window seat “He might have to get a metal plate in his head” he looked at me and then he looked back out the window. Bob and Gerard were the only ones that cared “Mikey don’t scare her like that!” Mikey and Gerard were having a brotherly dispute, “But it’s going to happen you know that Gerard!” “OF course I know it!” Bob jumped up from the chair he “Be quiet! Ray need to regain his thoughts!” I went over to him “Bob” he hugged me. When I went up to him it was a big slap in the face to all of them, because everybody knew I was the least comfortable around him. Ray was mumbling “She doesn’t love me, I have no point. I have to jump” I pushed Bob away and ran to Ray’s side “Ray, no!” I held his hand. A nurse came in “Hey I told you not to come in here” “I told you before I’m his GIRLFRIEND!” “Then you can go and wait in line with his other girlfriends” I looked at Gerard and back at Ray “No” “Miss, you must” Frank stood up “No she is my ex-wife, and his girlfriend” “Well then, you name miss?” I looked at her “Jessica Iero” Ray shifted “She doesn’t love me” I looked back at Ray “Ray I do love you”. “Well I have to take Mr. Toro here to the X-ray room” I choked “Ok,” she took him and left.

“Jessie... if Ray doesn’t survive, what will you do?” Frankie turned me into the person I didn’t want to be, I snapped “Well Frank! What if I didn’t survive? What would you do? Move on or live the rest of your life suffering from what you could have done!?!” “Jess, I/” “WELL!” “I don’t know” “Well I love Ray and I will do anything to help him and when he comes back home if he comes back home I am going to talk to him about what happened today!” I felt faint, so I sat down on the floor. Gerard came over “Jess what might of happened?” “Well this morning we woke up at four and sat and watched the fire then when we woke up, Ray had a hangover and he asked for coffee and booze I gave him coffee. We sat down he told me that I was smart and then I brought up our age difference and he wouldn’t talk back. So I left him, he ran around the house looking for me and when he found me I asked him why he wasn’t answering and I kept on speaking my mind and he swore at me and I left and he chased me” I looked down and fiddled with my thumbs “And then I went to a friend’s house and then you called Gerard” I looked up at Gerard “Oh...” the nurse came back in “Excuse me miss” she rolled Ray into the room. “He is slowly coming back” I looked at him “Can he hear?” “Most likely” I looked at Gerard “Jess I think it would be best that you were the first face he sees when he wakes” I nodded. Ray looked at me “Jess........... Come h-h-h-here” I quickly responded to his demand “Yes Ray I’m here” I quivered. He put out his hand I grabbed it. Mikey got up “Well I think we should be leaving” “Yes we should, come on Bob, Frank” they all said by to Ray.

I looked at him I was upset “Ray I love you” “I’m sorry I scared you like that” I put his hand on my face “It’s ok Ray. I’ve had that option too, but you stopped me” he couldn’t open his eyes “Right, I forgot” he turned his head “Jess why did you choose me?” I looked at him “I didn’t, it was faith that chose you” he coughed “Right and I’m fine” I put my hand on his chest “You are perfect, perfect for me” his eyes flashed open, then they closed “You’re perfect for me as well” I smiled “We’re perfect for each other” he smiled “We are, Jess” I looked at his pale face “Yes Ray?” “We need a song” my knees were killing me so I sat on the bed “Do we now?” “Yes we do.” He smiled again “Ok, can it be one of your songs?” “I don’t care just as long as we have one” I really wanted it to be Famous Last Words, because he said that, that song has the most meaning “Well Ray I would like it to be Famous Last Words, but if we would ever break up it would most likely hurt to play it right?” he nodded “It would, but I don’t care. It will be our song” “Ok Ray, I love you” he struggled “Err, come here and kiss me. Cause I can’t” I put my hand on his face “Ok Ray” I kissed him. While I was kissing him the door opened it was Gerard “Eww old people” we stopped “Well Gerard you’re older than the two of us. Remember?” he rolled his eye and turned around, and shut the door “Ya he’s ok they were making-out” Ray was pissed off “Jess I want to get up walk around and open my eyes” I looked down “Ray, you might have to get a metal plate in your head” he put his hand on his forehead “Fuck, I feel fine” there was a knock on the door “Who is it?” I asked and different voice I had never heard before was behind the door.

It was Krista “Can I come in?” I looked at Ray “I guess so...” she opened the door “Aww baby why did you do that?” she rushed over to Ray and pushed me off of the bed. I crashed to the floor, I looked at him “Krista?” “Yes Ray I’m here. Oh baby what made you jump?” I gawked at her, Ray’s eyes were open. I mouthed to him ‘baby? What the fuck Ray is she insane?’ he mouthed back ‘yes’. Krista started stroking his hair, she was doing it hard. “Krista?” I was pretty pissed off. She looked at me, she was real snotty “And who are you supposed to be?” I got up “I’m/” Ray cut me off “Krista, we broke up along time ago” she looked at him “You and me? When?” I rolled my eyes and went to go sit in the window seat. “Jess, come here” I came to him “Ya Ray?” he smiled “I missed your face, go and get Gerard in here” “anything for you Babe” I went and got Gerard.

“Babe? Who is that? Ray tell me!” “I broke up with you two years ago, and you still have my number?” she broke down “We broke up?” “Yes Krista” I had left the door open. “Gerard... Gerard.... Come out where ever/” Gerard came running around the corner “Peek-a-boo!” I jumped he scared me “Ahh! Gerard! Ray wants you” “Now?” I nodded. We walked back together. “Now leave me in peace Krista!” “NO! I love you!” “Be a fan then I am in love with someone else!” me and Gerard came into the room “Who?” I went up to Ray “Me, Krista” Gerard went up to Ray also he whispered “I brought it” “Good” Ray whispered back. “Jess come here” I grabbed his hand “Yes Ray” he held mine tighter “Jess I love you and” he put out his hand. Gerard covered my eyes, and Ray let go of my hand “I want you to know how much I love you” Gerard removed his hands Ray held a ring “Jessie, will you marry me?” I sat down I felt as if I were about to fall over. I looked out the window “Jess?” I looked at him “Of course I will, but we can’t get married until me and/” Frank ran into the room “Ha! You can’t not until were divorced!” Bob and Mikey also came it and stared at Frank. Bob asked him “How immature are you?” I looked at Frank “Very” everyone laughed. “I forgot that you to had to still get divorced” Ray was sad looking, Frank came closer to Ray “Well actually, we weren’t a registered couple so... I guess that, well it doesn’t matter. Because I already got divorced a few days ago” I looked at Frank “You’re serious?” he nodded. Gerard was shocked “Well then awkward...” Krista was mad. “You ass!” she slapped Ray in the face. I got up “You did not just do that” she got up “Well news flash for you I did, bitch” I went around to the other side of the bed “What did you just call me?” I looked down at her she was so short, she looked up “Umm I-I-I-I-I-I umm I’m leaving now” “Good” I followed her and shut the door behind her. I rushed over to Ray “Ray are you ok?” he smiled and put his hand on my face “As long as you’re ok I’m ok” I sat on the bed and kissed his cheek. There was another knock on the door bearing more bad news then Krista.

“Good afternoon to the all of you, I need to speak to Mr. Toro and the young lady” the guys all looked at each other and then me. Gerard spoke up “We are all family what you have to say is for all of us” the doctor wasn’t impressed but he allowed it “Well you see it has to do with Ms. Sykes, but Mr. Toro has to hear.” I got up “Oh no, can we step out in the hall for this?” he nodded “That is a splendid idea!” he opened the door “Guys don’t eavesdrop” they nodded. I was in the hall Ms. Sykes I have the results to you test” I looked at the portfolio he was holding “Oh no... Well?” “Positive” “Oh ok.... thank you sir.” I motioned to the door he stopped me “Mr. Toro does not need a metal plate inserted in to his head, but we need to keep him for awhile to make sure he heals properly” I nodded “Thank you doctor” I went in to the room. I thought to myself, pregnant wow, and it was Ray’s.

The guys looked at me “Soo? What came back positive?” my jaw dropped “You eavesdropper FRANK!” I went and sat on the bed “Well Ray no metal plate, but they need you to stay for a few nights to make sure your skull heals properly” Gerard looked down “Umm Jess, Ray gave us your demo tape” I looked at him “And?” Ray grabbed my hand “My Chemical Romance has six members now...” I looked at Ray “No shit?” Mikey got up “Welcome to My Chem Jess” I had a big grin on my face, I chocked back my scream. Frank knew I wanted to scream “Belt it Jess” I smiled again and quietly squealed “Yes!” I calmed down “Thank you soo much!” Bob looked at me and smiled “We all love you that much” I held Ray’s hand “I know. I love all ya’ll too” Ray tried to sit up “Help please” I supported his head “Go at your own pace Ray” he sat up fairly quickly “Oh my god, my neck was killing me” I kissed him on the cheek, he stroked my hair. The nurse came “I’m sorry but visiting hours are over, one of you may stay the night. Mr. Toro who shall stay tonight?” He pulled me closer “She is” “Ok, ma’am you get free breakfast in the morning” “Thank you” she looked at the boys “Hurry up and say good bye, then leave. I’ll be back here in five minutes” she left. “Well then, Ray, Jess I guess we will see you tomorrow” “Bye Gerard, thanks for calling me” he nodded. The guys said “Bye Ray” I got up off of the bed, they came over and patted him on the shoulder, and left.

Ray moved over “Jess lay beside me please” I looked at him, “Please?” he whined I came up to him “Of course Ray” I laid beside and I put my head on his chest he put his hand on my shoulder “I missed your warmth Jess” I looked into his eyes “I miss you always” he kissed my forehead “I love you Jess I’m sorry I’m so screwed up” I shook my head “You’re not screwed up Ray” “Yes I/” I kissed him on the lips “No you’re not” “Ok I’m not but... I owe you lunch” “Ray?” “Ya?” Lyla came to thought “Can I bring by one of your fans tomorrow?” “Ya sure” I smiled “Ok thanks” he looked mad “I wish we were at home” “Why?” he smiled “Oh, none of that until the doctor says you’re fit.... and until I can....” I had to tell him that he was going to be a dad. “What?” “Well we can’t have your head opening up!” he moved his hand from my shoulder to my diaphragm “Jess?” I grabbed his hand “Ray....” and put it on my lower down “You’re going to be a Daddy” a tear came from is eye “Really?” I looked down “Ya, that’s what came back positive” he choked on his tears “We’re having a baby?” “Isn’t that a good thing?” he nodded “Yes it is. Jess I love you” I put my face deep into his chest “Damn it” “What Jess” “I’ll be the pregnant lady on tour” he giggled “Oh it won’t matter, but you and I will have to leave a month before it’s born” I was three months though. I felt a kick “Eww...” I rolled on to my tummy “Jess?” “Baby’s mad” I giggled “Oh really?” There was a knock on the door. It was the nurse “I brought you some extra blankets, and a pillow” “Thank you” she placed them on a chair. It was late “Ray I’m gonna go to bed now...” “Ok Jess, nighty-night” “Night Ray” I kissed him and went and made my bed, which was going to be on the window seat.

The next morning I woke up to someone’s ass in my face. “God damn it!” I push the butt out of my face, I was Maggie “WTF Maggie!” she moved out of the way. Ray’s family was in the room “Oh no” I put my head into the pillow. “Oh good Jess you’re awake” I pulled my head from the pillow “And I’m not unafraid” “Come here Jess” I got out of the covers “Ok,” I went and sat on the hospital bed “Well, know” Ray’s mom said “Guys this is Jessie, my girlfriend” I smiled and shook my head “Ray remember?” Showed him the ring “Oh right! Fiancée I meant” Maggie clapped “Yhea!” Ray looked at Maggie “Ok then, Jess this is my family. On the right you have my brother Stu, my dad, and my mom” Ray’s mom came up to hug me “My Ray found someone!” Stu nudged his dad “I believe you owe me five dollars, Dad” “Fine Stu”. “Jess now that you’re up, shall we tell them?” I smiled and let go of Ray’s mom “Which good news? The band or the other one?” “Both...” “Okay Ray” “What is going on?” Maggie shouted she was confused “Well,” I said “Me and Ray are having a baby” Maggie was overwhelmed with joy “Omigod!” Ray’s dad joked around a little “At least one of you can give us grandchildren” “A baby!” his mom was so happy “Ya, and I’m also the newest member of My Chem” Maggie was mad “Really now?” “Yep I told her last night”. There was a knock on the door “Mr. Toro has to go for X-Rays now” it was the nurse I got up off of the bed and she rolled him way.

He was brought back twenty minutes later. “I can go home!” I hugged him. The nurse brought in a wheel chair “No walking yet Mr. Toro” “So what can he not do?” “Well he can’t go on stage for awhile and no walking for more than five minutes at a time, and no...” “Ok I get it. Thank you” I helped Ray into the chair “I can’t believe I’m in this thing again” “Oh shut up Ray” Maggie was still there, Ray’s family had left “Can I push him!” Ray spoke up “Ok, Maggie. I need a smoke and coffee” Maggie pushed ray out into the hall “No smoking Ray, have a nicorette.” I gave him a piece of gum. “How did you know I would ask?” I shrugged my shoulders “Gerard” “Oh....come closer Jess” I went up to him he grabbed my hand “Jeez why do your hands have to be so cold!” Maggie hissed “I’m not a vampire Maggie” “How should I know Ray?” I shook my head “Drop it” we got to a elevator. “Err I hate elevators” Ray stuck out his tongue “Well it’s better than walking down the six flights of stairs” he shrugged his shoulders “True” we walked into the elevator “Can I press the button!” Maggie was acting like a little kid “Okay? Main floor” “Okey Dookie” we went down to the main floor and as soon as ray saw Star Bucks he whined like a little baby “Jessie please! Please, please! Pretty please you’re the bestest girlfriend in the whole world pretty please!” Maggie wheeled him to Star Bucks while he was whining “Yhea!!!” “Ray, I needed coffee before you started acting like a two year old” he looked down “Oh...” I giggled “Ya Ray” and we walked, in Ray’s case ‘rolled’ into Star bucks.

The girl at the counter smiled “Hello what can I get you today?” “Well I want a large French vanilla latte, Ray Magz?” Maggie said what she wanted first “A large double-double” Ray cleared his throat “I’ll have a large French vanilla cappuchino” she smiled “Coming right up!” we moved to the side. “Err I want to walk!!!” I giggled “You ok baby?” he pushed me “You’re the one with the baby!” Maggie was drooling “Ohh....” the girl had our order “Serves up!” she placed the coffee on the counter. I gave her ten bucks “Keep the change” she smiled and we went to go sit down.

Ray wriggled in the wheel chair “I wanna push myself I am not handicapped!” I tried to not laugh but it was so hard. Maggie didn’t want to stop pushing him “Oh okay Ray”. I walked up to a table “How ‘bout here?” Ray smiled “It’s not wheel chair accessible” I smiled back “I know don’t you want to walk a bit?” he nodded, Maggie offered to help “I wanna help you get up!” we both looked at her oddly, “Okay...?” She helped him out. He got into a chair and I sat beside him, and gave him his coffee. Maggie sat down across from me. I also gave her, her coffee. Ray smelt his coffee “Yummy specialized coffee” he looked at me I smiled and placed my hand on the table. He held my hand “Yummy like you Jess...” Maggie crinkled her face “Eww....” I took my eyes off of Ray “What is the coffee bad?” Ray looked at her too “No it’s you two! Come on he is nine years older than you and you’re getting married to him!” I looked at her in disgust “Well there are chicks that are twenty and bang sixty year old guys! So it’s not that gross, Maggie” she looked away and murmured something. Ray giggled, I looked at him. He looked at me, he turned into me and I turned into him as well. We inched closer, and we kissed like never before. Maggie looked back in our direction in the middle of it. “Eww an old guy kissing my best friend!” I tried to kick her shin while we were kissing “Ha ha Jessie you missed!” me and Ray got really into it he was running his hands all over my body, he had never done that before. I guess he actually had strong feelings about me. Maggie couldn't take it any more "EWWWW!!!! Quit it for the.... for my sake!" Ray started to push me back, our lips unlocked "No Ray, don't listen to her" he looked into my eyes "But she's right Jess, we are nine years apart..." I was mad at Maggie she wrecked a perfectly good moment, after me and Ray had finally fixed things "Well you wanna know what Maggie, we never got to kiss after he proposed. Ray babe~" I put my hand on his face "Maggie finds everything gross, I don't know how she can be having Mikey's kid" his jaw dropped "She's havin' his kid?" underneath the table Maggie kicked me "Shut up it's not his! I think" we both gawked at her but I just had to ask "What you've been sleeping with other guys? How long has this been going on?" she rolled her eyes. Typical Maggie "Well if you must know—" I interrupted "I must" she rolled her eyes again "Yes I have been sleeping with one other guy.... And we've been doing this for awhile like six months ago...." Ray got a laugh "I thought you looked tubby!" he didn't think I was going to look like that "Ray I'm gonna be like that too!" he put his hand on my knee "Sorry babe I wasn' thinkin'. So Magz who is the other guy?" she looked away "No one Jessie would sleep with.... and he was pretending to be gay with my brother-in-law...." I put my head down and shook it "Oh my god Maggie why would you—" Ray still didn't get who we were talking about "Sleep with—" Ray cut me off "BOB! YOU SLEPT WITH BOB!?!?!?" she rolled her eyes again. I had to look away with heavy discuss, away in the distance there was a friendly face waving, I waved back. It was Bob.

Bob came over and joined us. He sat beside Maggie he kissed her before he sat down. I looked down, Bob asked Ray what was wrong he just said that I was disappointed with her. "Was it because she' sleeping with me?" I looked up "Yes Bob, don't get me wrong but she's married and you should have been the bigger person and said no. Come on now she's—" Maggie was throwing me the "slit your throat" action. Bob looked at Maggie she stopped "She's what?" I looked at Ray he nodded, I looked back at Bob. He looked back at me "Maggie?" I exhaled "Bob she's—" Maggie cut me off "Bob you're going to be a daddy" he looked down "Oh... You told me it was Mikey's" he put his hand close to her tummy "Umm..." he so wasn't ready, and I could tell by what I said he knew I was right. Maggie pulled his hand closer and placed it on her tummy. The baby must of kicked or something because Bob jumped, after Bob jumped Maggie looked up and frowned there was a hand on my shoulder, and it wasn't Ray's.

It was Mikey. I looked up into his face it was filled of confusion, and frustration "Maggie?" Frank and Gerard joined us. Frank sat down on my other side, Gerard grabbed another chair from a different table and sat down beside Ray. Maggie looked away from her husband "Maggie?" he had a touch of sorrow in his voice, she was still looking away. I was really disappointed in her "God damn it Maggie answer him!" a tear escaped from her eye she shook her head. Mikey looked at me "Jess what's going on?" I looked down and shook my head "I'm soo sorry Mikey, you to just weren't meant to be together" I looked up at him he was crying "She isn't having my baby, right" Bob looked at Mikey and then he looked back down at Maggie tummy. Gerard was the most sorry for his brother, he got up and gave him a hug "Oh Mikey it's ok" Frank was trying to hide tears he wasn't doing such a good job at that. I looked at Ray he was looking up at Mikey waiting for his turn to give him a hug. Gerard let go of his brother, I got up to hug Mikey. He sobbed quietly in my ear "Why? I loved her with all of my soul" I stroked his hair "Love is hard you have to play it right, Maggie isn't into the game she's just in it for 'activities'." I whispered into his ear. Ray ripped me off of him "It's ok Mikey I'm here for you! We love you!" I landed in my chair with a thunk. "Thanks babe" I rolled my eyes and turned toward Frankie. He was still crying so I wiped his tears away he sniffled "Thanks" Ray sat down with ease. Bob was still shocked know what was going on he hadn't removed his hand from Maggie's tummy. Maggie got up and left Bob followed her but before he left the table he said "Sorry Mikey, I-I-I I don't know" I grabbed my coffee and swirled it around. Mikey was still in tears "I'm mov—" I looked at Ray quickly he nodded and before Gerard could answer "Mikey you can stay with us" he bent down and hugged me "Oh thank you guys" I patted his left shoulder and Ray patted his right "Hey we're family, that's what family’s do" I got up from my seat and sat on Ray’s lap “Jess off!” “No I love you, and I’m not going anywhere!” “Fine—” he boasted “But you’re going to get hurt” he backed up and I hit the floor. “OWW! Ray you could do serious damage to the baby if you do that!” the guys didn’t know we were expecting a baby. “Omigod you guys are having a baby!” I nodded, Frankie looked down at me “You try to kill me every waking moment you get don’t you?” Ray was pissed “Hey you brought this upon yourself! Don’t pick on her just because you’re hurt! I lived with it for almost three years! So don’t just go and pick on her, because we are having a baby! Because you’ll have to go through me.” He cradled me in his arms. I could feel hot tears coming from my eyes, out of rage a joy. Mikey poked me in the leg “Jess?” I raised a hand to wipe my tears. Ray caught my hand “Jess? Why are you crying?” I looked at him, and then I stared at Frank “He never stood up for me like that, even when the time came. Ray you are everything I didn’t expect” I stood up and sat back on Rays lap, with my back toward Frank. He yanked on my shoulder “You little bitch!” he hit straight across the face, my nose shifted. Blood was everywhere “Oh..... God.....” I cupped my hand under my nose “Jess! Do you think it’s broken?” I was so pale. “No” my voice shot through an octave. Ray grabbed Mikey’s shoulder “Mikey go get a nurse!” he got up and ran for the nearest nurse. Gerard got up “I’ll go and get so paper towel”. I could hear giggling, the next thing I knew everything had gone black.

I woke up to Ray eyes intensely watching me, “Oh thank god you snapped out of it”. He put his hand on my face, like usual I smiled back. This time it hurt “Oww” I put my hand to my nose, I had a nose brace on. The first thought I really cared about came up to mind “They didn’t inject me with anything did they?” Ray shook his head “Not that I know of?” I looked toward the floor “Well did you tell them that I was pregnant?” his eyes widened. “Oh god no!” he didn’t know about the “rules” “Ray babe that could do damage to the baby”. He got up and ran out the door. I had a good look at my surroundings, I was in a hospital bed, of course. I sat up straighter, there was a knock on the door. It was the guy who put me in this condition. “Jess?” I looked away, he came and sat on the bed. “Jess I’m sorry... For what I did, it was wrong” Ray came back “You’re safe Jess,—” then he noticed Frank “Back off Frank”. Ray defensively put down is foot “Now.” Frank got up and raised his hands. “Okay, okay! I was just apologizing” I rolled my eyes. “It’s ok Ray. You bet your ass it was wrong Frank!” Frank looked at me and walked out the door. Ray rushed to my side. “Jess?” I put up a hand “I’m fine Ray don’t worry. So when do we go on tour?” I really wanted to be on stage. I was engrossed in it. “Umm I don’t really know Jess...” I shrugged. “Well, can I get outta here?” “Yep. Gerard is outside, he can tell us when the tour starts.” I remembered that Lyla wanted to see MCR. “Okay Ray, you have to come and meet Taylor’s kid, she adores you, and the band.” He smiled “Sure anything for a fan. After all you where my biggest fan.” I rolled my eyes “Ya, ya Ray, do you think the guys would mind coming?” Ray smiled at me while he opened the door. “No I don’t thinks so.” Gerard jumped into our conversation “What would we not mind?” I shrugged. “Meeting my friend’s kid, she’s a fan...” He smiled. “Where to?” I stuck up my chin. “Follow me!” I marched down the hall. Bob came up to me. “Where are we going?” “To meet a fan! Follow me Robbie!” He smiled and joined my line. Mikey was already in the line when Frank joined. We hopped into my car, we shoved Frankie into the trunk. He didn’t like it very much “Get me outta here!” I sped down the asphalt. I slammed the brake down when we arrived at Taylors house.

I got out the car. Everyone followed me to the trunk, I popped the lid open. “Hello Frank.” “Get me out!” I pointed to him. “Go ahead, get him out.—” I looked at the house. “Ok I’m going in, I will give you guys a signal to come in okay?” They nodded. I went up to the door. “Taylor?” She came and opened the door. “Jess! What happened to your face?” I shrugged “Well noting, I brought Lyla something.” I signalled to the guys they came up to the door. Taylor was about to speak I raised a finger “Shh, surprise.” She nodded “Alrighty then. Lyla go clean your room!” Lyla went to her room. I grabbed Ray’s hand and whipped him onto the couch. “Sit all of you.” I looked at Taylor. “I’ll be right back okay?” she nodded and I ran up to Lyla’s room. “Lyla?” She shouted from her room. “In here!” I went into her room. “Hello, Lyla where is that big MCR poster?” “Downstairs still.”
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enjoy.. i may be sick minned but i don't care!