Sequel: Count On Me

Fix Me Now.

As the crowd calmed, I knew that it was all a facade I had to put on, to hide the truth. I wasn't the same person as I was before. I wasn't the same singer. I'd struggled through everything, but much better now. I just didn't know what was coming ahead for me. New feelings started to arise. Sure, I broke up with my girlfriend. I broke up with her for one reason: I no longer feel like I just like girls. I hid it for the longest time, but I spurted it out one fateful day, and yet everyone in the band except my own best friend knows the truth.

I can't keep it hidden always. Maybe someday I'll tell him everything. But for now, maybe my little dream of a ever after will have to wait.

I kept my composure, singing the last note of No Place Like Home, trying not to glance over at the soldier costume my best friend in the world was wearing.

Did I mention I'm bisexual? No one knows but my bandmates, and only two know. I can't seem to trust Matt to keep it quiet. Ian's probably told his girlfriend. Mike's probably told his wife. I'm the only one in this band without a girlfriend, as far as I know.

I walked off stage, tossing the mic to our tech. We'd just finished our last set for the Get Your Heart On! tour, the entire tour. I tried to keep a smile on my face.

Matt's damn soldier costume got me thinking... no.. that is too wrong Ramsay.. he doesn't even know.. you have to tell him.. I kept thinking to myself.

  1. Fix me please.
  2. Don't Ever Let It End
    2 months since. Inspired by Don't Ever Let It End by nickelback.
  3. sing sing to me.
    This is a ALLUSION chapter. Please note the next chapter will have a huge gap between this one.
  4. New person
    Aiden is introduced - Name Winner in the TTF -
  5. Realizing The Truth
  6. carry me.