An MSN Romance Between the Impossible

Entry No. 2

FI: the guyz are at the hospital

[color=HotPink}JS: oh?

FI: they're stupid


FI: if bob & mikey weren't there they'd be seriously hurt


FI: they're ok

JS: oh

FI: did anyone tell you that your eyes sparkle like fireworks on water?

JS: no…

FI: because they do

JS: Frankie

FI: ya

JS: do you like me?

FI: maybe I do maybe I don't

JS: so y/

FI: I don't

JS: that's what I was gonna say

FI: oh

JS: but I bet you do!

BB: frankie likes you OMG

MW: oh man this bites. Hang on I wanna c the convo

MW: gerard is not stupid!

FI: I didn't mean that stupid like stupid to fight over a girl that is 10h away from you and 5 years younger than them

MW: oh…


JS: shut up BOB!

BB: holly spaz out Jessica

JS: you're lucky you don't have a web cam on that computer


RT: hi Jessie

JS: Ray I'm over you srry

BB/MW/FI: ouch!

FI: don't look at me that way plz

JS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FI: don't b that way jay

MW: aww like a soap opera. I can be the narrator dude!

MW: gerard hurt physically, ray hurt mentally & physically

JS: oh OMG I'm laughing so hard

FI: hey mikey what's gonna happen to me?

MW: isn't it obvious you're gonna die

FI: how?

GW: I'm going to kill you

JS: I'm so fucking sick of this


JS: frankie see you in my Dreams… J

FI: alright…
♠ ♠ ♠
Tada! Yes Frankie now gets his shot at me:P LOL!