Status: One-shot <3

I Will Love You for a Thousand More

I Have Love You for a Thousand Years

Savannah rolled over on the air mattress and looked at the clock. Her eyes grew wide as she realized what time it was. It was already ten and she wasn’t up! She rolled onto the hardwood floor and ran out to the kitchen. She wasn’t hungry, she knew she wouldn’t be though. It was her wedding day for Christ’s sake!

She grabbed the iPhone that she called her own and hit the number two button and the star. It began ringing. Tracie finally picked up. “Why didn’t you call me…two hours ago?”

“I literally just woke up.”

Tracie groaned, “Of course you did. Well put on some jeans or something. We have to get the right pins and call the hair stylist and the makeup artist and…oh, Savie, why didn’t you do this three months ago!”

“I did, Trace. It’s all booked. Everyone’s getting their hair done at Archella’s and then we’re grabbing a whiskey or something at Bobo’s bar and then we have makeup coming over to the house. Then it’s me and you putting my dress on.”

“At least this one time you were organized.”

“Hey, the arranger was head over heals getting everything perfect.”

Tracie snorted, “And it will be. If you would’ve gotten Clarice Beatrice or someone you would’ve paid later because your wedding would be white trash.”

“Yes, Tracie. I’m already regretting telling you he proposed before my mother.”

“No, you’re not.” Tracie clarified. “I’ll be over in half an hour. I have to pick up Tate and Lilli.”

Savannah arched her eyebrows. “What about Alexa, Freya, and Calyx?”

“Freya’s driving them over.”

Savannah nodded. “Okay. Well, I gotta put on a bra and panties. I’ll see you soon.”

Tracie grinned to herself. “It’s going to be the best today, Savannah! It’s going to be amazing!”


Savannah strapped her bra together and then grabbed a white t-shirt that was probably Derek’s. She sniffed in, and instantly recognized his musky scent. She picked up a pair of holed skinny jeans and pair of pink and white Adidas slip on instant massagers. She didn’t put any makeup on but put her hair into a messy bun.

She heard a front door open and instantly knew it was Tracie. “Savannah Lexi Vega! Learn how to lock doors. One day a predator is gonna come in and kill you and Derek in your sleep!”

Savannah rolled her eyes. “Uh huh, mother.”

“I’m serious.”

She ignored her best friend and turned straight to her other friends. “Hey Tate. Hi Lill.”

They were all gorgeous.

Tracie had bleached blond hair and an ultra small figure. She wore outgoing dresses and she was a wedding planner with a new rival – Clarice Beatrice. She was also Savannah’s best friend since ninth grade whenever Tracie had been the dorky pretty girl who couldn’t get past the glasses stage.

Tate had black hair on top and light reddish orange hair on the bottom. She had a nose piercing. She was a tattoo artist so she had numerous tattoos. She was also married and had been for five years, straight out of high school. She’d gotten pregnant a month or two before their wedding with her son, Jason. She now had Jason, who was five and a half and twin daughters, Courtney and Bethany.

Lilli was the sweet one. She was the shortest of Savannah’s friends. She was super thin too. She had red hair that fell just to her shoulders, never a strand past. She liked to paint her nails pink. She worked at a DVD store because she was still in college. She was studying to be a musician. She had a beautiful voice.

Tate grinned, “I brought my temporary tattoo stuff that I use on the girls. I made this really cool design. It’s a heart and it has your name under it, Savie. I just thought you might want something blue.”

Tracie’s eyes lit up. “You’re brilliant Tate!”

Tate glanced over at the bleached blond girl who was now ultra excited.

“Where’s the stuff? Where is it?”

“It’s in my bag.”

“Do you have the stuff to design them?”

“Yeah. It’s in the bag.”

Tracie pulled out the bag. “Can I make something-like a design that all of the bridesmaids get along with Savannah and it’ll match? Like something inspirational.”

“Sure.” Tate shrugged as she grabbed the plastic Ziplock bag. She took out the tools and handed them to Tracie.

Lilli leaned in closer to the bride to be. “You know Tracie’s crazy right?”

Savannah just nodded. “Of course, Lill. She’s always been crazy.”


An hour later, Savannah had a small blue tattoo on her wrist that read: Forever in my heart, never out of mind. Underneath was Savannah’s name written in a darker blue and then Derek’s name written in a pearlish blue.

All the girls had the exact same temporary tattoo.

By that time, they had to get in their cars to head to the salon. Savannah was excited to get her hair done.

When they reached the salon, they walked in. “I’m Savannah Vega and I’m here for the nail appointment and hair appointment with my bridesmaids.”

The perky girl with brown hair looked up at her, “Of course! I’m going to split you guys up, and I’m going to have Hillary, the best do Savannah’s hair. Um, who else would you like to come with you. We have Ashley and Vivian cleared out for your appointment.”

Savannah looked at her friends. “Uh,” she grabbed Tracie’s shirt. “Tracie and…” she grabbed Tate’s spunky skull shirt, “Tate.”

The girl smiled. “Excellent.” She led the girls back to black sinks and leaned back black chairs. Three women, one was blond and plump, one was very tall and skinny with black and light lavender hair, the other one had red hair and a huge smile on her face. “Okay, Savannah, you’ll be with Hillary.” She pointed to the one with black and light lavender hair. “Tate, you’re with Ashley.” She pointed to the girl with red hair and a huge smile. “And, Tracie, you’ll be with Vivian.” The last one had a grin on her face.

Savannah leaned back and felt the warm water touch her scalp.

Two hours later, with pure white nails, and her hair loosely curled, Savannah walked out beside Trace and Tate. Everyone looked gorgeous. Savannah’s wedding color was a light mint green, besides the pure white roses for her bouquet, so the nail artist had painted everyone a light mint green (except for Savannah) and then glazed it over with a white crackle and gloss. Everyone’s hair was pulled up into ponytails that were added with some mint green bobby pins. The ponytails were completely straight because they were straightened.

She got a vodka and orange juice at the bar and then a chocolate chip cookie and eggnog. After finishing their drinks, they got to the makeup artist. They didn’t have three hours, so Belle, the artist had six of her co-workers come and help her out. They all left extremely beautiful. Tracie and her dropped off the girls at their houses to get anything they would need and Tracie and herself ran to her house. They had to get her in the dress and then run through her vow. Then they had to get to the chapel.

They rushed inside, careful not to mess up their hair or makeup. Tracie was the maid of honor, so her ponytail wasn’t completely straight, but it was curly. It looked beautiful and Tracie looked elegant.

Tracie helped Savannah get into her beautiful gown and zipped it up. They got her the bouquet and then quickly took a picture.

“It’s your last hour single.”

“I’m not single, babe.” Savannah said as she slipped on the small white peep toe heels.

“Fine, not married then.”

Savannah grinned, “Hey, you’re still my number four girl.”

“Number four?” Tracie asked as her mouth kept shaped as an ‘o’.

“Yep!” Savannah chuckled. “Okay, well there’s my mom, then my grandma, and then my dad and then you.”

“I thought you were doing girls.”

“Have you heard my dad scream?”

“Oh…yeah.” She giggled.


The music began, and Savannah started down the aisle, with her father clutching her arm, never taking her eyes off of her fiancé. He was gorgeous. He had dark brown hair and a cleanly shaved face. He looked stunning in his tuxedo. Her other hand held the bouquet of white flowers which she would hand to Tracie.

She also saw all of her bridesmaids.

And on Derek’s side, she saw her older brother, Nick grinning behind Derek. Nick had brought Derek home a few times, and they’d become best friends. Then Derek and Savannah had hit it off. And Savannah was pleased to say he was a great big brother about his baby sister dating and then marrying his best friend.

Once at the alter, she gripped Derek’s hand and smiled. He smiled back. She handed the bouquet to Tracie. She made a kissy face at Nick and he smiled.


“It’s time to read your vow, Savannah.”

Savannah nodded and took the paper from Tracie. She unfolded it and smiled as she began, “I promise to love you through the thick and thin. And I promise I will never leave you. You are my world. You are my life now, and I plan to share all the happy moments-and the sad-with you. I have loved you for a thousand years, like Christina Perri says in her beautiful song, A thousand years, and I will love you for a thousand more. Nobody will ever replace you and I promise that I will be the best wife in all of my power.” By the end, she had tears springing from her eyes.

Then they shared a kiss and they were married.

And as people threw rice at them as they walked to the end of the church to get to the car, their song played.

“I have loved you for a thousand years and I will love you for a thousand more.”

Savannah leaned in closer. “It took me all day to get like this.” She whispered.

“You could’ve shown up in jeans and a t-shirt and I still would’ve gotten hitched to you.” He grinned.