Friday Download Complete!

Chapter Thirty Four.

*~*Cels POV*~*

I left the booking of the hotel in Amy's responsible hands and continued to think of other ideas for the party. I picked up my phone and sent a quick text to Amy.
'Amz, leave me in charge of the decorations yeah? Got a few ideas. How about we leave the food down to Richard?', it read. She replied back fairly quickly 'sure thing ceallach, that's fine! I trust you will do a good job with the decor!'.
Despite it being late at night and the temperature was starting to decrease pretty rapidly, I opened my desk drawers and grabbed a notebook and pen. I switched on my laptop and loaded up the internet. I made a short list of things that I needed to remember.

- Fairy lights/Rope lights for the sweet, romantic atmosphere.
- Strobe lights
- Balloons and Banners
- Party poppers
- Sequins/table decorations

I quickly typed everything into an email and sent it across to Amy for it to be verified. The next thing was to consider where we were going to buy the decorations from. But first I needed to check that the booking was going well. I decided to phone her for a quick brief chat.
'Mrs's the booking going?!' I asked. She let out a little giggle and replied. 'Hey Spellman!! I'm just tapping a few things into the computer now, I'm with Richard so he's making sure I'm doing it properly and stuff. Leave it to us and I'll let you know when it's all done, okay?". "Sure thing girl, I'm off to bed now but I'll speak to you tomorrow!".
I laid my head on my pillow and started to text Lisa after leaving her in complete worry earlier on.
'Hey Leese! I'm sorry I've been really quiet today, I've been so busy trying to sort something out. I promise I'll take you out sometime okay? Just to make up for the lost time!! I miss you so much hun, I'm off to sleep, but I'll be in touch tomorrow :) I love you. Cel. xx' I hit the send button and placed my phone under my pillow.

*~*Lisa's POV*~*

I experienced a tingling sensation after receiving a long awaited message from Cel. 'My goodness'. I said to myself, 'I never thought I'd see the day!'. I let out an almighty sigh, still concerned that I had said or done something to upset him. I sat opposite mum on the sofa in the living room. She looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. 'You've been a bit quiet recently Leese, is everything alright!? When was the last time you saw Cel?' she questioned, with a stern look on her face. 'Yes mum, everything's fine. I saw him earlier but then he had to rush round to Amy's so..'. 'He rushed to Amy's!? Any reason?' she asked. I started to think she was asking too many questions for me to feel comfortable with. 'I've no idea. I know she's been having a couple of issues with things so maybe he's just helping her out but he's been proper quiet all day so I don't know if I've said anything out of line. But to be honest I don't wanna think about a ruined relationship at the moment, I've got enough on my mind as it is let alone this'. I rushed upstairs, my footsteps getting louder and louder the higher up I got. My phone vibrated in my hand. It was a message from Mum. 'Chin up, I'm sure everything's fine. He loves you Lisa.' I let out a small smile and sat back at my desk and switched my mood light on.

*~*Cels POV*~*

I was almost done ordering the decorations for Lisa's party. After searching on several online shops I had managed to find metallic balloons, poppers, banners and pretty things to cover the tables with. This was going to be perfect.
'Oh no, what on earth am I going to get for a present', I grumbled to myself. 'That'll have to be a thought for tomorrow'.
And with just under a week left to go until the big day, I wriggled under my duvet and pulled it up over me.

*Amy’s POV*

As soon as Cel left, I logged onto Richard’s laptop and went on the Royal Oak hotel website to book two rooms for Lisa’s birthday. I found the phone number and dialled it with shaking hands. It rung a few times before someone picked up.
“Good afternoon, this is the Royal Oak hotel. This is Penelope speaking, how can I help you?” came the smooth, clipped tones of the receptionist.
I cleared my throat.
“Hello Penelope, my name is Amy and I’d like to book two double rooms for the 10th of June please,” I said, my voice shaking slightly.
“Of course, let me just check the availability,” she replied, and I heard tapping in the background as she looked it up on her computer. “We do have two rooms available actually, room 254 and room 256 – are those okay?”
“Yes, that’s perfect. How much will that be?”
“£300 without breakfast included, or £330 with – that’s for both rooms, naturally,” she giggled, and I laughed nervously, gulping slightly at the price.
“Okay, can I book those please?”
I gave her my details and wrote down the booking details, then hung up and smiled at Richard, who had been watching me the whole time.
“We have two double rooms babe! It was kind of expensive though…do you and Ceallach mind chipping in a bit, if that’s okay?” I asked worriedly, and he nodded and kissed my forehead.
“Of course it’s okay baby, I was going to pay towards it anyway!”
I laughed, then grabbed my phone and texted Cel quickly.
“Ceallach, your plans all sound awesome. We have the hotel – it’s gonna cost £330 for all 4 of us, eek, but it’s booked x”

*~*Rich’s POV*~*

I was smiling extra big now that I knew we’d be staying at the Royal Oak hotel again – staying there with Amy was amazing last time, so I was excited to stay there again now we were an official couple. It felt like a fresh start, and I was happy that Amy was happy – the only problem we had to overcome now is trying to forgive Dionne and Aidan for the sake of Lisa’s party. I sighed – Aidan, I could probably forgive, but Dionne’s had it in for Amy ever since they met at Friday Download, so I don’t know how they’re going to reconcile.
‘“Amz…how are we going to sort things with Dionne and Aidan for Leese’s party?” I asked her, stroking her bare arm gently with my fingertips.
“I don’t know babe,” she answered thoughtfully, absent mindedly brushing my hand away, “but I won’t be scared if you’re there – you make me feel safe and I know you’ll protect me no matter what.”
I glanced at her and saw the sadness and slight fear in her eyes, and felt a rush of love and protectiveness for her.
“So you’d be okay if we invited them?”
“…yeah. I’d be okay.”
I pulled her onto my lap and snuggled her, burying my face in her long silky hair, and kissed her neck.
“You’re so brave,” I murmured, and she sighed.
“I’m not, I just want you all to have a good time, and I don’t want to be the reason everyone’s upset,” she replied.
“You’re so grown up,” I giggled, and she laughed.
“Someone has to be, with you lot!”
“I know, I know, we’re all big kids, and you’re one at heart too sweetie, ain’t ya!” I poked her and she giggled and poked me back, then scrambled off my knee and ran away. I leapt up and followed the sound of her laughter, which led me to the bedroom, and saw her backing into a corner, smiling mischeviously and looking at me from under her long lashes.
“No Rich, don’t!” she screamed as I grabbed her and chucked her onto the bed, then climbed on top of her and started tickling her mercilessly.
“OMG, NOOO!” she squealed, and eventually I collapsed on the bed next to her in fits of giggles, then snaked my hand next to hers and took it.
We lay there like that for a while, just holding hands and looking at each other, until frantic knocking on the door interrupted us…