Status: Active <3

Dead and Gone

Chapter One

Quiet snoring sounded from the back bedroom of the three bedroom house, the sounds of from her sisters room flowing up through the thin wall, unheard by the sleeping woman.

A small whine filled the room, startling the young woman from her sleep.

“What is it Boomer?” Grumbled the woman, brushing her matted and untamed mass of blonde curls from her hazy eyes.

Another whine sounded earning a sigh from the woman.

“I’m comin’.” She mumbled, pushing herself from her queen mattress, grabbing a pack of cigarettes and her I-pod as she passed her dresser.

Shutting her door behind her with a small click the young woman jogged down the stairs, ignoring the small creak they made as her weight shifted.

“Come on Boom.” She whispered, sliding open the back door, stepping onto the small deck, perching herself in a chair, watching the snow fall gently.

Giving a bark the small dog bounded off the deck, his body vanishing into the snow.

Smiling gently the teen pulled a cigarette from the pack laying on the table, sliding it between her slightly chapped lips, searching for her lighter.

“There you are.” She mumbled around the cancer stick, shadows dancing across her breathtaking face as she lit the cigarette.

“You shouldn’t be smoking.” Spoke a quiet voice from the shadows.

“And why is that Isabella?” Questioned the woman, smoke crawling from her pierced button nose, dissipating into the cold night air.

“You know why Ang.” Bella mumbled, sitting in the empty chair, staring sadly at her sister.

“Do I?” Questioned Angelo, her hazy grey eyes staring into the distance as she took another drag.

Sighing quietly Bella wrapped the thick blanket tighter around her.

“You should.” Bella finally spoke, her coffee eyes trained on her sister.

“You shouldn’t have an immortal boyfriend over when your family is asleep.” Ang replied, watching as Boomer ran back onto the deck, jumping into her lap.

A light blush crawled over Bella’s cheeks, a mumbled apology sounding.

Shrugging in response Ang stroked Boomer, cooing quietly to him.

“I’m sure it’ll happen again. Why apologize.” Ang concluded, flicking ash off the end of her cigarette. “Get inside or you’ll get sick.”

Obeying silently Bella stepped into the house, sliding the door almost closed behind her.

“Will you be in soon?” Bella asked, her voice carrying through the silent air.

Angelo gave a small laugh, stubbing out her cigarette, leaning her head back.

“Don’t worry about me kiddo. Get up to bed, Edward’s waiting.”

Smiling sadly at her older sister Bella shut the door quietly, disappearing deeper into the house.

“She’s worries far too much.” Ang mumbled to Boomer. “It’ll only hurt her in the end.”

Whining in response Boomer stared up at Angelo, watching as she slid on her headphones, pressing play on the small black device.

Singing along gently Angelo’s voice carried easily through the silent air, alerting her sister that she stayed where she was.

“Will she be okay Edward?” Questioned Bella, biting nervously at her lip.

“We don’t know. Alice has seen something but we are unsure.” Edward replied sadly.

“What did she see?” Urged Bella, her eyes filling with unshed tears at the words her sister sang.

“Alice has seen, that Rosalie, will be taking leave soon, we are however unsure what will happen after she has left, we aren’t sure if she is even leaving. You know that Alice’s vision can change, they are based on decisions, but people change their minds all the time.” Edward spoke slowly, pausing frequently, searching for the right words.

“And what do you think will happen when she leaves?” Bella asked, leaning forward, attempting to block out the beautiful singing.

“Emmett will be left alone, Alice seems to think that if we introduce him to Angelo,” Edward trailed off, his mind reaching out for the mind of the young woman sitting on the porch bellow him.

Sighing angrily Edward ran his hands through his copper hair, anger filling him as he was met with the haze that he had become so annoyed with.

“What? What is it?” Bella panicked.

“Her mind is hazy! Like she knows I’m trying to listen, and she won’t let me focus on anything, like she can’t focus on anything. Almost as if, she can’t control it.”Edward narrowed his eyes in anger.

“I thought it would be normal not to be able to hear her?” Bella questioned, watching Edward, her eyes narrowing in concentration.

“No, no, it’s nothing like the silence of you. It’s like, a bad radio station. I hear a buzz, like she’s thinking, but I can’t decipher any words in particular. Some words are louder than other, but never loud enough.” Edward let Bella take his hand, his mind attempting to find something to Grasp to.

Frowning deeply Bella leaned back, wrapping herself in her thick duvet, Edward clutching her tightly to his chest as soon as soon as she was comfortable.

"I love you." Bella whispered.

"I love you to." Edward mumbled, his mind reeling.

Giving a small sigh if content, her eyes sliding shut as her sister continued to sing.

" Fear falls hard like rain again, Washing over me. You say nothing will ever change. What do I believe? You fall deep inside again, Nothing left to see
Weakness fills your heart again. You put it to rest."

The words dissipated through the air, fading from sight as a small wind blew through, twisting itself through the loose strands of hair hanging around Angelo's face.

"One day she'll understand." Angelo mumbled to Boomer, humming as another song played, filling her ears with the soothing sound, her eyes sliding closed.


"Angelo." Edward mumbled, shaking the sun kissed woman from her sleep.

"Hmm." Hummed Angelo, cracking open her stormy eyes. "Did I fall asleep?"

"Yes." Edward smiled gently. "Let's get you back inside before you get sick."

Cracking a dry smile Angelo gave a humorless laugh.

"Too late for that babe." Ang informed, gather her things as she stood from the chair.

"What do you mean?" Edward followed her, watching intently as she called quietly for the small dog.

"Another time." Angelo replied, her eyes falling onto the clock perched by the television. "Bella will be getting up soon, I assume she'll be hungry."

Frowning deeply Edward crossed his pale arms across his chest, his eyebrows pulling together slightly. "Bella is coming to my house for the weekend. She's been meaning to invite you."

A small smile fell onto Angelo's face. "I'm sure you two would have a much better time without me."

"She disagrees." Edward replied following Angelo into the kitchen, watching as she pulled a frying pan from the cupboard, a small ting sounding through the room as it hit the stove.

"You watch people a lot." Ang turned to face Edward. "I’m sure you've been watching me for my sister. You know things about people and so do I. Your sister, Rosalie I believe is her name. She would kill me if i stepped inside the house. She hates Bella, she'd be livid at the sight of me. Let me choose what I want to do."

Frowning deeply Edward leaned heavily against the counter. "Rose dislikes everyone. Don't take it personally. I'm not trying to make you do anything, but I wi-"

"I don't take it personally, I never have and I never will. Stop asking me to go. If Bella chooses to ask me, I’ll deal with it. Now if you don't mind, leave me in peace to make breakfast for my family." Ang spoke icily, stirring the eggs that were now cooking on half the pan.

Complying silently Edward left the room, climbing the stairs in silence, his mind whirring at what his soon to be sister-in-law had said.

"Is everything ok?" Bella asked quietly as Edward lay back down in the bed beside her.

"Just thinking." Edward replied, his voice a whisper.

Nodding slowly Bella let her eyes slide closed, ignoring the world outside her room.


“Breakfasts ready!” Ang called up the stairs, glancing down at Boomer, his tail wagging swiftly, a small yap escaping him.

Patting her bare legs repeatedly Ang grinned at Boomer, reaching for the dog bowl perched on the floor.

“Are you hungry?” Cooed Ang, filling his bowl with food. “Huh? Are you hungry boomer?”

Yapping repeatedly Boomer rushed forward as Ang set his bowl down, immediately chomping down on the food.

“Morning Ang.” Mumbled a disheveled Bella, rubbing at her eye.

“Morning Isa.” Replied Ang, setting a plate of food in front of Bella, perching herself on the counter, sipping at the cup of iced coffee. “How did you sleep?”

“Fine thanks.” Bella replied around a mouth full of steaming food. “Did you ever make it back to bed?”

Brushing her unruly honey and chocolate hair behind her ear Ang shook her head gently.

“Why not?” Questioned Bella, a frown tugging at her lips.

“I just didn’t, Mom. ” Ang replied, rolling her azure eyes.

“You should come to Edwards.” Bella stated, tossing a cheeky grin at Ang.

“You’d have much more fun without me.” Ang replied simply, turning her attention to Boomer.

“Come on Ang. Please?” Bella pleaded.

“Why? Why do you want me to go so bad?” Questioned Ang, flicking her gaze to Edward, his muscled body leaning heavily against the wall.

“It’ll be fun. Come on Ang. Don’t make me play dirty.” Bella pleaded.

“And how exactly would you do that?” Questioned Ang, regretting the words as they fell past her lips.

“Who knows how much time we have left?” Bella whispered, Ang easily hearing the sorrowful words.

Sucking in a deep breath Ang stared reproachfully at Bella, anger filling her body.

“Fine. I’ll go.” Ang stated quietly, shoving her body from the counter, walking swiftly from the room.

“I’m sorry.” Bella called as Ang stomped up the stairs.

“Whatever.” Ang called back, slamming her door angrily behind her.

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