Curly Oblivion


I tried to focus on sleep, but Harry kept singing. I didn’t mind, his voice was beautiful, but I needed sleep.

“HAZ! If you don’t shut your beautiful trap I will come in there!” I screamed.

“Sorry, K! Forgot you were sleeping, thought you were still shaken from last night,” He said, I could hear his smirk.

“That’s nasty.” I yelled back.

Realizing that sleep wasn’t going to come, I slid out of bed and into the kitchen in hopes for some food. Opening the fridge I saw that Niall had left some food, score! I walked to the microwave, putting the food in and then walking to the bathroom.

“Having fun in there?” I asked, smirking.

“Why yes, thank you!” Harry chuckled.

“Good, now get out here. I wanna see my lover boy.” I chuckled before walking back into the bedroom.

Five minutes later I looked up from my magazine seeing a very naked Harry. I coughed, letting him know I was still here. He smirked, pulling on underwear. I crawled down to the end of the bed. I grabbed his hand, my fingers coiling up with his. He raised an eyebrow, and then I kissed him. He caught on and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled away for a moment just to say.

“This is why I love us,”
♠ ♠ ♠
For Kim! :D