Status: Hope Active. 1-3 days, possibly.

Thanks for Stealing My Heart


Louis stayed there for days, weeks and even a month before he decided it was time to move on.

Little did he know Kadence was slowly fighting her way out of her coma and halluctiontioans.
The day Louis left to back on tour was the day she woke up.

-3rd person, kadence-
She moved her arms slowly, and her eyes fluttered open to about halfway.
Her eyes looked around the dark room, examining every furniture, no one was in here.Her face scrunched up when she saw a bunch off food lying around,like 5 boys had been living here for months.She turned on her side and saw the heart monitor. She quickly searched her bed for the remote so she could find a nurse.
She pushed the button with all of her strength and 3 nurses came in, laughing and joking.they had expected the boys to be there.
Not an awakened kadence.
The nurses gathered around her, checking her vital signs, fluids, and everything else to make sure she was going to healthy.

"W-why," she muttered before her throat got really dry and she had to get a nurse to give her water.

She contuined again "Why am i in here?"
The nurses faces showed sympathy but none of them tried to answer her, they just waved a doctor in.

The doctor explained to kadence that someone had snuck onto the bus while the boys were out and tried to rape her, Louis had come in just in time and saved her, but sadly the mad got away, leaving a battered kadence. Liam called the police and Kadence was rushed to the hospital, she was already unconscious due to her body being put under so much stress. The man had broken her left ankle and cut her right leg, she had a cut running from her breasts to the bottom of her stomach, and her elbow had been dislocated from she had tried to fight the man. he explained how she had awoken once, not knowing anyone and then fainted again. he showed her pictures of her and the five boys that had once been her life, but kadence had no clue who they were. In the midst of all of this, her father had disowned her saying he didn't need a popstar like her, and her money could afford all of this.

So then this just left 17 year old kadence, no memory, no home, and no one to rely on.
*Louis POV*

I woke to the LA hospital calling me, must be new on Kadence, saying shes never going to wake up and their going to pull the cord.

They told me she had awoken, and honestly it was l was alive again.
She had awoken the day i left for tour again, a good 4 months ago. they called me now, because she was finally ready to go.
They tried to help her remember anything, but that was all just going to have to happen on its own, but right now Kadence needed me, and i needed her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think im going to start writing again (:
Im coming up with more ideas for the other story, but right now this one seems like it will be the easiest to come up with ideas. Im going to try and update as much as possible, but im going to be busy with wrestling, school, and more wrestling. Please bear with me (:
I know this is short but the next one will be longer. If you are reading this, i love you okay. STICK WITH ME PLEASEE. There is going to be some grammatical errors, but i am in a rush with this story, because i have to go shopping for my birthday. much love, Jessica (: