Status: Hope Active. 1-3 days, possibly.

Thanks for Stealing My Heart

I was hoping you and i might end up together

The boys and i flew to America as soon as we could, I brought Eleanor along. Me and her were back together, going on 3 months. I had decided that if Kadence has died, i would need someone to fall back on. Sure i love Eleanor, but it's nothing as how i feel about Kadence. Since Kadence doesn't know any of us still, and she doesn't remember me having any feeling towards her, maybe this could work out.

We got to the LA hospital, and honestly... It brought back all the memories I've ever had there. From when we first brought her in, to the very last goodbye before i left to go on tour.
Sure i could have stayed, but who knows how heartbroken i'd be if she awoke and didn't know me. I don't think i could take that.

Standing right outside room 2316 was her. Kadence in all of her beauty. She had been changed the white hospital sheets that hung losely around her, to a floral shirt that said 'Pretty Motherfucker'; Typical Kadence. Her white jeans clung to her body; making her skin golden even though it hasn't seen the sunlight in almost 6 months. She wore dark brown, studded combat boots. her usual, chunky,blue believe necklace wasn't adorned on her neck, instead a gold, dainty believe necklace was. Her usual honey-blonde, long, hair wasn't there either, it was much shorter, to her shoulder. The only thing the same was her piercing blue eyes, made bluer by the makeup she was wearing.

These 4 months had changed her looks so much, what else had changed?

Harry was the first one to greet her, he hugged her. She giggled at him, she had no clue who he was. Just someone hot taking her bags, and saying she was going with him. Her golden painted nails stroked his arm, in a way that should have been her touching me.

The rest of the lads greeted her, her signature vanilla smell wafted over to me. I wish i could have went and kissed her, but Elanor wouldn't even let me go talk to her.

Kadence looped her arm with Harry's and got led to our SUV.

I could hear Elanor trying to tell me about how she looked like such a 'Hipster' and a 'Stuck-up bitch' but in reality, Kadence wasn't any of that. She was perfect, my other half. She was my pure essence.

*Kadence POV*

The doctors let me go shopping today, told me to pick out anything i'd like. They said something about me having enough cash to pay for whatever i'd want. The doctor said i'd have to be back at noon, and that the boys were coming to see me. When ever I'd ask who the 'Boys' were, they would just say one direction and laugh at me.

The thrift store I had gone to were talking about how One Direction was coming to America for a surprise. I had asked the girls who one direction was and they had laughed at me and told me a band.

One of the girls showed me her phone and showed me five boys.

Louis, Harry, Neil, Liam, and Zane/ Zain/ Zayn

She said they were British minus Neil that he was Irish.

Louis and Zane had girlfriends. I thought Harry and Louis were defiantly the better looking of the five.

Soon it turned twelve, and the doctor kicked me out so i could finally meet these 'boys'

The first one that came up to me was Harry, he hugged me tightly, and i hugged him back. I could tell this hug meant a lot to him, even if it meant nothing to me. He whispered in my ear how much he loved and missed me, and how good i smelt. His voice was very smooth, but had husky at the same time.

It turned me on.

I ran my hand up and down his toned, muscular arm, giggling at the boy with the curly hair.
The rest of the boys greeted me,i found out Neils name was actually Niall, and Zanes was Zayn.
The one named Louis (pronounced Lou-ee) didn't talk to me and his girlfriend clung to him every time he would look at me. I wonder why? He seems like a good fellow.

I looped my arm with Harry's and he led me out to the SUV which was crowded with the paps, they wanted to interview me? Was I famous? If i was, what for? I can't be that special?

The car ride was just as awkward with that Louis boy and his girlfriend.
The rest of them explained to me about how i was singer with them, but due to misfortunate cases, i ended up in the hospital. No one would tell me why, and it seemed like none of them wanted too.

The hotel we were staying at was divine. The rooms went accordingly: Louis and His girlfriend, Liam, niall and Zayn, harry and me.

Who knew where me and harry would end up tonight?
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thats the outfit. Please stick with mee (:
Thank you new readers and subscribers i love you all (: