Status: Hope Active. 1-3 days, possibly.

Thanks for Stealing My Heart

Please stay with me

All of those events leaded up to where i am now. An interview. By myself.

"So, what's its like being on tour with 5 hot, British boys."
"Oh it's great, harry walks around naked all the time, and Louis is constantly eating his
carrots," I giggled at the comment about Louis

"Any boys you've taken an interest too?"
"N-no. I work with these boys, i don't think a relationship with them would work out."

"speaking of relationships, your last one turned out to be a real flake right?"
"No,Josh, he was anything but that. He tried to be supportive, but things just weren't cut out for us."

"cut out for you how?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat,"Well, a lot was going on, my mom had just died and it was too much for both of us."

The reported put her hand on my shoulder,"I'm sorry for your loss."
"It's fine, it's been a while, you get used to things."

The interview ended quickly, questions were a breeze. You can't just drop the death card and have anything else to follow up to that.

I stood up, smoothed out my dress and walked over to the bus, carefully putting my head inside. "Boy?"

A grunt was heard near the kitchen area.

I walked in that direction, "boys?" i called out again.

I felt someone put their hands over my eyes and shove me to what i think was the ground.
"W-What the fuck? Who the fuck is this?"

the voice just grunted in response.

I felt my dress slide up and something poke my inner thigh.

I fought as hard as i could, my legs and arms thrashing around.

Some thing was placed over my mouth and i was out cold.
I woke up to bright lights, there were several figures standing around me.

"W-where am i?" my hoarse voice was able to call out.

Something tapped my shoulder. I turned around, and i swear that moment i was going to faint. My mom, was standing there in all of her glory, never aged since the day i last saw her.

"Hello dearest, You don't want to be here. I know your scared, but fight the light. You have 5 young boys waiting out there for you, along with all your fans. Just know i'm watching over

She shoved me to the dark tunnel.

I jolted up in the small bed i was in, knocking the figure out of the chair next to me.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness that surrounded me, 5 boys were sitting around me.

I know them from somewhere, but who are they?

I had 2 boys holding my hands, one with blonde hair that stuck up n all places, drool stuck
to his mouth. He was udderly adorable.

The other one, he had brown hair that stuck up in all directions, he was snoring lightly. He was the one that had fallen to the floor.

He had to be a heavy sleeper.

The blonde one turned towards me.

"Kadence! Your up. Oh my god. Your okay, Thank god. The boys and i have been so worried!" His voice rushed out, his accent making it sound ten times better.

"I know this is going to sound rude, seeing as how i think we were close, but who are you?"
His face turned from cheerful to confusion.

"I'm Niall....What do you remember right now love?" His voice soothing me.

"Well, umm. Let's see here. Me and Josh just had our 3 month anniversary, I was supposed to be seeing my mom today. B-but there was a phone call.. my dad. He was upset. Fucking shit. My mom!" I broke down in to sobs, i could barely catch my breathe. Everything around me was spinning.

The blonde yelled for help, the other 4 boys jolted awake, surrounding me.

The nurses ran in and that's when everything went blank.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im so sorry! I've been busy, testing at school. Please forgive me.
There will be more updates
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