‹ Prequel: Our Little Secret
Status: Sequel! Enjoy! Very Active!

Our Little Masquerade

III. The Phone Call


"Hello my love." I heard his familiar voice break through the silence of the phone as I pressed it against my ear and smiled broadly.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked trying to make the best of our conversation. I didn't know when I would talk to him again.

"Everything is okay so far?" He asked with a sorrowful voice. He was upset about his choice, it was easy to tell.

"Everything if fine. I'm looking forwards to being back." My half life.

"That's good." He could tell I was lying.

"How is everything at home?" I asked trying to draw the subject away from myself.

"Everything is great, nothing to worry about."

"Michael I miss you so much." I said; finally breaking down. I really could only hold it in for so long.

"I miss you too. I'm so sorry." It was obvious that I wasn't making this any easier for him.

"It'll be fine, I'll be okay." I was going to survive but, I didn't want to. I didn't want to go through this again.

"I promise I will come and see you as soon as I can." He said with his tone becoming shaky over the phone.

"Okay." The tears were coming again, holding myself together was getting harder and harder.

"Syrah, I love you."

"I love you too."

"It's gonna be okay, I'm doing this for you. I want you there. I want you to have the future you deserve.

"I understand, I really do. I've always been passionate about my future and I know that it bothers you knowing that I was torn away from that. I'm going to miss you but, I'm going to try my hardest to get through this. I would've had to deal with my Senior year without you anyway." My voice was shaking heavily but, I concentrated on staying confident.

"Thank you. I really was trying to put you ahead of me. I'm sorry for pulling you into my family disaster, you didn't deserve that."

"Michael, we wouldn't be the couple we are today if this hadn't happened." It was honest, Michael and I wouldn't be close to the same if we hadn't experienced the pain and the considerable amount of strength and knowledge; we wouldn't be the same. Let alone, Michael and Trenton might not even be alive.

"I know. How did I find you? I don't deserve you."

"Yes you do. I don't deserve you if anything. Don't say that." My hear twas already sinking, knowing the way he felt didn't help.

"That was stupid to say but, you're absolutely incredible and that's the pure truth."

I smiled and pretended that this wasn't going to be our last conversation but, I had to pretend that I knew better.

"Will you try and call tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'll have Logelin call you. Let me talk to him. I love you baby girl. You'll be okay." His voice had a heavier accent than normal, his emotions were taking over his voice. I couldn't tell if it was anger or sadness.

"I love you too, I'll stay strong for you."
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Enjoy Guys!