‹ Prequel: Our Little Secret
Status: Sequel! Enjoy! Very Active!

Our Little Masquerade

V. Nightmare


My heart beat was thumping loudly against my chest and I could hear my pulse as though it were a bass drum in my ears. My head snapped to the right and then to the left, beads of sweat began to pour over my forehead and down my neck.

My ears rang in the still silence and I continued to hear unrecognizable sounds from around me. Wasn't I in my bedroom? Where the hell was I?

My eyes flew open to a blanket of deep darkness and the rustling of leaves. My hands felt the ground around me and only felt an unfamiliar, cool and damp floor. A furious wind shook me as I sat up and took in my surroundings. I was in a forest, my eyes could barely make out the tall trees and dark leaves that lay scattered around me.

"Did you really think you could hide from me?" A deep and dark sinister voice filled the vacant air, the voice made me jump and looked around frantically.

"Who-Who's there." I stuttered out in horror.

"You know who I am. You couldn't get away from me and now you're mine." The voice sounded so familiar and yet it made tingles run up and down my spine. I still couldn't see anything around me and my voice was caught in my throat; I couldn't decide whether to scream or respond to his comment.

A chilly hand ran down my exposed arm and I quickly backed away from the hooded figure. I had no idea who this person was but, I felt as though I was going to die in this forest.

"Don't be scared. I'll make this quick." His words were menacing and evil as he pulled out a glimmering blade and held it over me. I continued to back away but, found myself trapped against a tree with nowhere else to go.

I finally found my voice and my lungs cried out in a scream against the darkness. His rough hand clapped over my mouth and held my screams in. "Don't." He said pressing against my mouth forcefully.

I stopped screaming and I felt a tear fall down my cheek. This man was going to kill me.

"You really don't realize who I am do you?" He said again in his voice of terror. I just shook my head.

"Jesse Carver and you're life is over tonight. The worst form of torture for Michael." With his last words of menace he drove the gleaming knife directly into my stomach. I watched the blade fall into my flesh.

The blood began to pour out and the pain was unlike anything I had ever felt before, it felt like a fiery explosion in the middle of my stomach, like a stinging ache that had just erupted, a deep ache of tremendous agony.

My voice cried out as he removed the knife and tossed it onto the ground. "Enjoy the misery." He said as he stood up and vanished into the night. I pressed my hands against to the wound and felt the warm blood completely cover them.

My body sat up in bed and my eyes flew open...a nightmare. I had an awful stomach ache erupting and I found my way to the bathroom to look for some advil. My nightmares hadn't been so vivid in awhile. My Mom was staying overnight on a business trip and I was home alone which didn't make me feel any better.

I made my way down the dark hallway and found the bathroom. I flicked on the light and searched through the cabinet. Quickly, I swallowed the pain medicine and headed back to my room. My feet turned the corner into my bedroom and stopped almost immediately. I found my voice to scream when I realized the person standing in my room wasn't a horrific murderer, it was Michael.
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