‹ Prequel: Our Little Secret
Status: Sequel! Enjoy! Very Active!

Our Little Masquerade

VI. The Race


Before I realized who was standing in my room I had picked up my baseball bat and thrown it across the room. The bat flew threw my bedroom window and fell to the ground outside.

"Syrah, what the hell!?" Michael yelled as he ducked out of the way.

"Sorry, reflexes." I smiled weakly before running over and hugging him.

"It's okay, I can understand." His voice shook a little from my violence.

"What are you doing here?" I asked re-composing myself quickly.

"I came to check on you. There was a breach in the system. Commander wanted me to check on you, more or less I refused to let someone else come check on you." Michael laughed and it shook his chest. I smiled and just held on.

"I'm glad, I already missed you." I was talking into his T-shirt and half mumbling.

"That's good. I missed you too. You understand though, right?"

"Yeah but, obviously. My life can't be normal no matter what we do. Every time we do something, something else screws it up and we're back to square one." I was laughing in between my breaths.

"I guess so. We can still try to get you through a couple more days."

"Yeah, true. We can try. You have to stay here though." I possessively hugged Michael and looked up at him.

"I'll try." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me.

I started to make awkward mumbling noises as we kissed and he began laughing. "You're so cute." He said kissing me again.

I smiled in our kiss and lost time. Every time we kissed I just lost myself in him, I love him and a feeling like this over powers everything.

Just like every other special moment we had, something came crashing down to stop the moment.

A loud crash came from outside the house and shook the floorboards beneath us. We both pulled apart and stared at our shaking feet before dashing into the hallway to learn what just happened. Smoke was filling the open windows of the kitchen and throughout the rest of the house.

"We need to get out of here!" Michael yelled before grabbing my arm and pulling me back towards the other end of the house. We blew threw the backdoor and into the trees behind my house, we took off down through the woods, I could feel every stick and stone through my thin slippers.

I wasn't even running on my own, more or less being pulled faster than I could actually run through the woods. I merely missed everything I would've tripped on if I hadn't been trailing Michael.

"Where are we going?" I asked through gasps of air as we came to a stop.

"I'm not sure yet but, away from here." Michael was looking around and I realized we were standing outside someone's house. Michael pulled me behind him up the steps to the front door. He knocked on the light colored door and waited for someone to answer.

Logelin answered the door and I smiled, realizing I knew a person for once.

"Syrah, Michael?" Logelin looked extremely confused as he tightened his robe and tried to open his eyes wider.

"I'll let you know inside." Michael said while Logeling ushered us into his house.

"Stay quiet, my wife and boys are upstairs sleeping. Best to not wake them up."

Michael and I sat down on the couch and I finally just fell into his side. I was tired already despite the adrenaline still flushing through my veins. We had ran for a good 11 miles, Logelin lived on the outskirts of town, nowhere near my house.

Michael explained the short story to Logelin as he brought us some water from the kitchen. "I love getting dragged into these kinds of messes." Logelin was actually smiling as he opened a cupboard against the wall and pulled out a few black cases.

"There's a spare car in my garage, you can borrow it to get back to the base. Personally, that's the best way to go about becoming safe again. As for you Syrah, why don't we online school?"

Michael opened the black cases and pulled out a few guns, the benefits of having an old navy soldier as your history teacher.

"I guess we can, we'll have to work out the details later." I said taking one of the guns and hugging Logelin.

He led us to the garage and handed Michael the keys. "Be careful." He said before we both climbed into the car and started the engine.
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Mibba deleted this chapter and I haven't been very motivated to re-write it but, here it is (:
My subscribers are going down :( Is the story sucking..? D:<