Status: Hiatus. Looking for Co-writer.


Some things that fly there be, --

Birds, hours, the bumble-bee:

Of these no elegy.

Some things that stay there be, --

Grief, hills, eternity:

Nor this behooveth me.

There are, that resting, rise.

Can I expound the skies?

How still the riddle lies!

- Emily Dickinson

Have you ever noticed if stare up at the sky long enough,vast blue cascading over mountainous horizon, you begin to feel so very small.

Then again, have you ever stared up at purest of starry nights and have, him, squeeze your hand? You turn your eyes to his, and its like the distant flares could never compare.

I've felt both, and I'm not entirely sure which scared me more.

Jacob Black has been my other half since before I can remember.

Warmth, smile, hug, joke, even a shove if I needed it he gave it; sometimes more willing than others.

My 19th birthday past during the summer, and I looked my age. It was a first for me. I'd looked like I was nineteen since I was nine.

That beautiful, crazy, misty summer in La Push with my Jacob. The last summer before I was finally going off to college. Before I would figure out what I was going to devote the rest of my life to.

And then something happened. He gathered me up in his arms and spun me around and, my stomach turn to knots when he let me down giving me that stupid Wolfy grin.

That was not ever supposed to happen. But it did.