Re: Infinity

Sometimes love isn't coherent. Some days you feel a rush of immense affection that needs to be given to that special someone. Some days you just want to be by yourself. So maybe forever isn't really "forever," but it sure feels that way when your heart knows nothing but the other person. If we defined love by the individual days, we might lose sight of its value and impact on the whole of our lives.

For me, personally, if I were to look back to all my relationships (yea, all... one of them!), I would have to admit that I don't quite understand love at all. I don't really know it, to be honest, as I was not in love with him as a person of the opposite gender, but as my best friend. So when I write my stories and my poems, I often wonder if I'm conveying the right love that comes to mind for most people. What I would like most, however, is to experience it, to get lost in such madness that I crave for the sight of that person and do everything I can to be near them.

Throughout the day, I pass by places, people, and things that give me inspiration to write about this idea of love that I'm trying to understand. It's a collection, if you will, of thoughts, stories, and ideas that come to my mind but have no visible place in a plot. They are what keeps me up at night and distracted during the day and I figured that if I got them down on paper - or on the Internet - I might be able to sleep better. So, here I am.
  1. Running Thoughts
    What are you supposed to do when you catch someone's eyes?
  2. When you change your mind
    Decisions don't always have to be set in stone. Life is flexible enough for us to change our course and still be happy.
  3. I'm not usually like this
    It's that moment out of the norm that can change our lives forever.
  4. Uncensored
    Passion, in its truest sense, lacks all and any definitive meaning.