Status: Totally done

First Time Around


Midnight was the extent of our stamina and we all dropped down on Scarlett’s king-sized bed. But at one o’clock, I needed to go to the bathroom. I was greeted by a bathroom that is as big as my room. Laughing to myself, I peed and cleaned afterwards. I was about to fall asleep again when I noticed that Scarlett was missing. She was supposed to be sleeping in between Jade and me.

I stepped outside the room and looked for a clue where she is. Then I heard piano playing. I followed the sound until I was outside a gray door with big black and white music notes.
Even outside, I can hear Scarlett singing.

Green bright eyes
It looks bad with tears
Wipe them away and smile for me
Scarlett, my dear
Remember the mem’ry not the pain
Wash those dark years with love and not tears
I’ll always be here, to guide you through it all
Even if you fall

As soon as she stopped singing, I opened the door slowly and found her staring down at her piano. “That was hauntingly beautiful,” I can’t help but say.

She looked up and there were some tears in her eyes. I walked faster to her and wiped it all away. “Sorry, I can’t help but cry over it,” she said with a smile.

She scooted and I sat beside her. I hugged her and she rested her head on my chest. “Did your father made that for you?” She nodded and I felt my chest getting wet. I took the end of my shirt and wiped her tears with it. “Did he ever sing it on stage?”

“He did. It was like an opening song,” she said as she sat straight again. “That was his gift for me on my eighth birthday. Then that was it, he’d only sing it to me before I go to bed or I’m missing my sister.”

I removed some of her hair that was blocking her face and tucked it behind her ears. Her green eyes stared at me as I smiled at her.

“Want to sing a song?” I asked. “I’ll play the piano; you sing.”

Scarlett smiled as she nodded. “What song?”

“Into your arms,” I said. “I’m sure you know it.”

“Of course, I do.”

We positioned ourselves so we’re facing the piano. I started to play the intro as her feet dances with the beat.

There was a new boy in town,” she started. She looked at me as if presenting me in the song. “He had it all figured out…Well I’ll state something rash, he had the most amazing…hair.” She laughed and rubbed her hand on my hair. “I bet you didn’t expect that. He made me change my wa-a-ays,” She’s slowing down as she placed her hand on my face. “With eyes like the ocean, baby…and legs that went on for days.”

I don’t know what took over me, but I sang the next one really slowly. Maybe because at the exact moment, I remembered what Quinn said to me; I was staring into her really beautiful green eyes; I remembered the song her dad made her and how I agreed to it; how much I like her.

I’m falling in love,” I sang, making her stop completely with her smile changing into a surprise. I stopped playing and looked and changed my position so that my whole body’s facing her. “I think I’m falling in love,” I told her.

“With whom?” she asked. She is so oblivious about these things. But I can see a slight smile on her face but I don’t know.

“With a girl that made me in such a mess just researching about her past; a girl that I cared so much about; a girl that I can’t stop thinking about; a girl that’s you.”

And before I could hear her answer or see her facial expression, I filled the small gap between us and kissed her…softly, of course. And I felt so happy when I did that. And I was sure that I am in love with her.

I pulled away and looked into her eyes. She wasn’t angry. No, she was smiling at me with her eyes moist with tears. “Do you, uh, like me too?” I asked.

“I wouldn’t let you kiss me if I didn’t, right?” She said softly which made me hug her.

Maybe it’s a little early to say ‘love’ but that’s what I’m feeling and I’m certain of this. No one has made me feel this way before, not even all those girls I dated before. She’s very special for me and all I want to do is spend all my time with her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjooooooy :)