Status: Totally done

First Time Around


Scarlett left early last night without even saying goodbye. Is that a bad sign for me or what? Oh gosh, what if she’s still angry? Wait, I don’t think she’s angry. Scarlett never got angry at me. What if this will be our first major fight?! That’s not good; I don’t even want to talk about it. Maybe something else caused her to leave early. Maybe Neil had something to do with that. I’ll tell Jerome to tell his weird cousin to back off from Scar. But I won’t shout at Jerome. I mean, he didn’t do anything.

I arrived at the school without even realizing when I heard Mr. Stinson call out to me. I looked up and he was in front of our room with his briefcase in his right hand.

“Principal Hill was looking for you,” Mr. Stinson said then went inside the room.

I sighed. What does he want now? Does he want to say something about the welcome party last night? I’d rather not talk about it at all. The Hill family wasn’t there when Scarlett still lived within our neighborhood. They just moved in five years ago.

What if he’s curious about Scarlett’s past? Oh, I can never tell him. That would even worsen Scar’s anger. No, it would worsen Scar’s scars. I’m not even being funny right now.

Before I realized it, I was standing in front of Principal Hill’s office. His new assistant knocked the door for me and I was quickly inside the modern type of office, with its red and yellow theme. Red and Yellow is our school’s color scheme. Mr. Hill was busy reading behind his big red desk with a globe made out of glass on top. His wall was covered by two full trophy cabinets and frames with pictures of his family.

I still find it weird that I have two educators in our neighborhood: Our principal, Mr. Edmond Hill, and the public library’s librarian, Mrs. Charlie Lopez. I feel like I’m being watched…twenty four hours a day.

“Hello there, Ms. Summers,” Principal Hill said as he looked up from his book.

I laughed. “Oh please, drop the formality. Just call me Viola, like you always do. We’re the only ones here.” We were never formal to each other. Not even at school, but sometimes, he just wants to be cautious.

“Viola, you need to pass this note to Scarlett for me.” He gave me a pink slip and I placed in my pocket. “That is all, thank you.”

I stared at him in disbelief. I went through all that thinking for nothing! I was so nervous of what he’d say or ask. And all he tells me is just give a pink slip to Scarlett? Talk about mini-heart attack.

I said my goodbye and left his office. I took out the pink slip and read what was written inside:

Johannes Neil Romero, the new student for the junior batch, is assigned to Scarlett Amelia Turner.

This is weird. No, this is BAD. Scarlett’s not going to like this. I don’t even know if they’re on good terms. I mean, what else is the reason Scar would leave so early last night?

I walked into our first period class (which is Chemistry. I hate this subject. The seniors said that it was like hell) and I found Scarlett sleeping on her desk. Okay, this is now serious. Something must have terribly happened. She’s here early and she was never early.

I sat right next to her and tried to compose sentences in my head. Her face was facing my direction and she looks so peaceful. I wish her face is always peaceful. But no, she has to be the hard-to-talk-to type of girl.

She slowly opened her eyes and her green eyes were piercing mine. A smile crept on her face and my whole body relaxes with relief.

“Hey,” she said. “Are you surprised I’m early today?”

“You have no idea,” I said.

“I’ll tell you why I’m early even if you didn’t ask. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, the kid’s parents, were in my house early this morning, about five o’clock to pick Brian up. Then Riley ran to my room and woke me up because they were looking for me. But I wouldn’t budge, so Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were the ones to go up to my bedroom. Well, for sixteen years, you do know that I hate those who barge in my room for something that’s not important? So, I got really pissed when Mrs. Thompson just wanted to say thank you. I mean, seriously, why would they disturb someone sleeping just to say thank you when you can do it the next time? I mean, I’d be babysitting him for one year! It’s bad enough that Riley woke me up just to wake Brian. Inconsiderate people are the worst. And because I was pissed, I couldn’t sleep anymore, so I just got ready for school. And I was already here an hour ago.”

I laughed at her childish expression. But I looked into her moss-like eyes and asked, “Why’d you leave early last night?”

“Oh, I was worried that Brian’s parents might kill me if they knew that I was late in making the boy sleep within his curfew.”

Students came in the room one by one, each smiling shyly at us. Angela came in with her messy short hair.

“Hi guys,” she said as she sat on the empty desk on the other side of Scarlett. “Saber’s supposed to be here. I guess she ran into James again.”

I walked to Angela and started brushing her hair. “Who’s James?” I asked. Scarlett laid her head on the table without the support of her forearms.

“James Phelps, he’s the president of the arts club,” Scarlett said. “He’s also the Student Body President’s twin brother.”

Our Chemistry teacher came along with Saber and we all sat down on our seats. Scarlett’s my partner again! She’s pretty good with Chemistry, so no problem with that. After Chemistry, I gave her the pink slip and she just looked at it blankly. She’s skipping second period to meet with Neil.

“Are you sure you’re up for this thing?” I asked, referring about the pink slip.

“Of course, is there a problem?” She asked as she fixes her things.

I hesitated but in the end, I lied. “Well, you’re not much of a friendly person.”

Scarlett laughed. “I can be friendly, you’ll see.” She kissed me on my cheek, and said, “See you later, Jade.”

I watched her go as I weighed these things that are happening. Maybe it’s not a bad thing if Scarlett meets a guy. I mean, she hasn’t been in love, and she’s never serious about things like that. But on the other hand, I don’t trust that Neil yet, even if he’s Jerome’s cousin or whatever.
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