Status: Totally done

First Time Around


A month has passed of our puny little lives. Jerome and I have been nothing but good friends. There weren’t any changes at all in our relationship. I can’t even see or sense signs that he might like me. I can’t even believe that I’m hoping for something. He’s obviously not interested. But he is obviously interested in my best friend. But I don’t know, maybe I’m just overreacting.

But Scarlett is obviously in love with someone. She’s been acting all happy these past few days. She’s been spending her time in that Creative Hands Club every day. Good thing I have a curriculum now, so I have something to do when she’s not around.

I’m a varsity player now! I’m part of the women’s basketball team. I’m pretty good, actually. I’ve been playing since I was a kid. But I’m too shy to join. And now look at me! My friends were all happy and excited for me. Especially Jerome; he’s part of the men’s basketball team. So we get to see each other practice.

“Hey, Basket Girl,” Scarlett called out from my bed. She’s been calling me that ever since I told her I was accepted to the team. I rarely hear the name Jade now.

“What’s up?” I said, climbing my bed.

“Well, have you heard me sing before?” She asked. She was staring at her phone as she said this. And there was a whole amount of surprise in her voice.

“Plenty of times, actually.” I laid my head on her legs and she tore her eyes away from her phone. She’s combing my hair now. “And your voice is really good. I can’t even believe that the choir hasn’t asked you to join them.”

“Well, I don’t think I’m meant for a choir. I mean, I just can’t stand there and do nothing. I think I have a slight ADD. I don’t just stay still. I have to do some moving. That’s why I joined Creative Hands Club so that I can do something in the afternoon before I do my homework in the evening.”

“Scarlett, what’s wrong?” I asked as I sat up.

“Well, yesterday in the Arts Room, I was painting by myself with my iPhone blasting away the speakers with an ATL song. I was singing along with it. Then this guy came in, he thought he was in the band room because of the music and all, and then he just watched me painting while singing. Until I realized someone was there. He told me that if ever I was interested, he can join the band since the latest vocalist graduated. And they’ve been up to nothing for a month.”

“Go join then!”

“It’s not easy. How about the CHC? I’ve been there for years.”

“That’s it. You’ve been there for too long and it’s like the same thing every day. But in the band, you get to experience new things. Sing in front of a crowd and stuff. C’mon, take this as an opportunity, Scar.”

Before Scarlett could even answer, there was a slightly audible knock from my door. And I knew it was from my little sister.

She poked her head in and said, “Jerome and Neil are outside for you guys.”

I know I’ll look like a total fool but I smiled all the way downstairs to see Jerome. Scarlett was dragging her feet, following me. I saw two tall guys in green jersey, standing in our living room.

“Hey guys,” I said to them.

“We wanted to play basketball with you guys,” Jerome said. He looked up to look at Scarlett who just arrived. “Wanna play?”

“Oh, no, I haven’t played basketball in a while,” Scarlett said. And when Neil raised his eyebrows at her, she said, “And when I said in a while, I meant that I haven’t played for ten years.”

I knew what it meant, though. I hope these guys will get the message.

“I’ll hang around Scarlett then while you guys play,” Neil said as he walked over to Scarlett.

“There’s a half basketball court near here,” I said. “Let’s go?”

“We’ll come and cheer as well,” Scarlett said.

In a few minutes, we arrived in the court that was in between Mrs. Lopez’s house and Principal Hill’s.

Scarlett and Neil sat down on a nearest bench and started chatting to each other. I still don’t trust Neil with Scarlett, but whatever.

Jerome started dribbling the ball in the middle of the court with a smile on his face. “One on one?” he asked.

I took the ball to start it off. I passed it and like he was Flash, he got a point almost immediately.

He laughed at my expression when he came back. “At least take it easy on me,” I laughed, not meaning what I said.

I play with my brothers every weekend in this very court. And I always beat them. They’re varsity players of a university and yet I seem to beat them. So I’m pretty much confident on this game. I’m not that tall, but I’m pretty fast.

Jerome passed the ball to me and before he can steal it back, I ran fast and avoided every hand that was coming after me. And I shot the ball to the net and scored. Scarlett cheered at that and shouted, “In your face, Jerome!”

Neil pulled her back to her seat with a laugh.

We continued this game until I was ahead of him by three points. We were both breathing heavily and every part of our body is covered in sweat. Scarlett bought us some water and we happily drank it.

“One more, Summers,” Jerome said.

I nodded. And it was my turn now. He passed the ball to me, and just when I was about to dribble it, Jerome attempted to steal it but the ball bounced over to Mrs. Lopez’s backyard.

Scarlett stopped talking and stared at the destination of the ball. I know what she’s thinking. And I’m pretty scared too.

“Dude, stop standing there and let’s go get it,” Neil said as he approached us. Scarlett was giving me the eye as she came as well.

Jerome led us to Mrs. Lopez’s house.

“Why don’t you guys stay here at the side and we’ll handle this,” Scarlett said. Oh what a brave woman my best friend is!

“What’s wrong?” Neil asked as they followed Scar’s instructions.

“Oh, you’ll see,” I said with an obvious scared face.

Scarlett rung the doorbell and as if she was waiting, the door opened dramatically slow revealing a woman with a slim body wearing nothing but her night gown. I hear Jerome and Neil’s gulp simultaneously.

“God, Mrs. Lopez! Can’t you wear something decent?” Scarlett suddenly exclaimed.

“I was pleasuring myself and you guys disturbed me!” And then she noticed the two guys that were hiding from her. “Ah, the Romero cousins are here. You guys really look good, just looking at you—”

“Mrs. Lopez,” Scarlett said a little louder than usual. She’s distracting her, I knew it. She doesn’t want the same thing that happened to us happen again. “Can we get our ball from your backyard?”

Mrs. Lopez bit her lip, which maybe some find it attractive, but I don’t. “Okay, fine.”

She closed the door and Scarlett and I sighed in relief.

We all went to get the ball together and ran back to the bleachers to take a seat.

“That was awkward,” Neil said.

Scarlett was lying in complete supine position on one of the bleachers. “Awkward? Well, I don’t think so. You guys were totally turned on when she showed up,” Scarlett said without looking up.

Jerome laughed. “Guys are totally like that, you know. Sometimes they can’t help it. But when she started to speak, I think I had the opposite of erection.”

Scarlett sat up slowly with a disgusted look on her face then she laughed at what Jerome said.

“Let’s go home,” I said. “I still have to change my clothes. I’m sweating like a pig.”

We walked back to our house and Jerome and Neil returned to their house to change. I told Scarlett to wait for me while I go shower.

As I shower, I remembered the last time we knocked on Mrs. Lopez’s house. It so happens that the husband was there as well. It was the first time we saw Mr. Lopez. And up until now, I have no idea what’s his first name.

And sure enough our ball went into their backyard, too. And my brothers and I are going to get it. But when we passed through their house, Mrs. Lopez was all over Kevin and Justin—my brothers. Then we got really scared and ran out of the house.

The second was when Scarlett needed to talk to Mrs. Lopez about the old book that she lost (In the end, she paid for the two-hundred dollar book). And then when they were talking Mrs. Lopez was stroking her not-covered legs. Scared, Scarlett ran away and vowed to never go back.

I stepped out of the bathroom, covered myself and my hair with towel. Scarlett left the room and left a note in my iPhone.

Went out to buy beer. Your mom told me that I should spend the night here, so I’m going to get some clothes too. Want to go hang out with the Romero cousins next door and drink with them too? It’s Sunday tomorrow. I won’t take no for an answer.

I smiled at the note and decided to just go with her. I changed into my shirt and shorts and wore my white sneakers. I heard Scarlett’s car outside as she parked. My phone went off and I looked at it.

Viola Jade Summers, I’m outside. Jerome just took all the beer and brought it in their house. The parents are gone, and the sister, Justine, is staying out until ten in the evening.

I didn’t bother to reply since I was heading towards her as I read it. Scarlett was sitting on the hood of her car. She lit up when she saw me.

“Ah, gonna work on those sexiness to win the Lion,” Scarlett whispered while giggling.

“Oh shut up,” I told her and stopped on my tracks as I saw Jerome went out, topless. The sun was completely lighting up on his tanned abs. And he looked absolutely stunning.

“C’mon guys, let’s go party,” Jerome said with a laugh.

Scarlett pushed me into their house. And we were greeted by two completely topless guys. She then left me in the living room and joined the two guys preparing snacks. She apparently bought some Cheetos, Pringles, and a whole bunch of really unhealthy snacks. But this is Scarlett we’re talking about. She doesn’t get fat and so do I.

She brought two beers from the kitchen followed by the two.

“So, Basket Girl,” Scarlett said as she sat down next to me on the couch. “What do you want to do tonight?”

“Watch movies?” I said innocently.

Jerome nodded and looked for the DVDs he had. Neil and Scarlett engulfed with a conversation. Those two are really close now. I wonder what they’re talking about.

I laid my head on the hand rest of the couch and watched Jerome put the DVD into the player. We all gathered around the couch and started to watch a horror movie with beers and chips.

I feel like this will be a night that I’ll look back into and never regret at all. Because as I was watching this really scary horror film, I think Jerome felt me get scared a little that he wrapped his arms around me.

Oh, let us please watch another horror film after this one. I’ll even act scared if I have to!
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy guys!
The fun's about to start.

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