

The development of events outside a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.
Be destined to happen, turn out, or act in a particular way: "it was fated to end badly"

Sometimes, things don't happen the way we expect them too. Sometimes, things will happen to us - and we will constantly sit there and wonder ''why me?''
Because I did, and I still do.
We won't always know why these things happened to change our lives, for better or for worse, but we have to deal with them - because you can't reverse what has already happened.
I learnt this the hard way.
You can't control the universe, and some people would say things were fate. Even though you knew nothing about them, they were going to happen to you because it was needed so.
It was needed so people would be aware of these things in the future, to try and help them realise the mistakes you made could lead them to your situation too.
And that's why I'm here right now, but you should know - that I wouldn't change anything for the world.

I pulled my car up outside of the Salvatore boarding house. Sucking in a breath, I got out of the car and made my way to the boot - trying my best to shield away the raindrops that were threatening to ruin my hair.
I swore under my breath as the suitcase hit the gravel. I slammed the boot shut and locked the car doors, and ran to the front door as quickly as possible.
I raised my fist to knock on the door, but before I could do so - it was already open and I was met by a smiling face.
''Oh, hello'' I smiled, trying to be as polite as possible.
''You must be Errika, no? I'm Stefan, you look freezing - come inside''
I thanked him and was thankful for the instant heat.
''Just place your suitcases there and I'll take them up to your room for you a little later'' he told me, taking my jacket and placing it on the hook beside me.
''Thanks for letting me stay here, Stefan'' I smiled, sitting on the couch.
''Hey, its no problem. You needed a place to stay, and last time I checked, your mother was a good friend of my uncles''
I gave a sad smile and nodded.
''Yeah, apparently she was''
He rubbed my shoulder slightly and walked over to the fireplace.
''If you need to take a shower, you can. Your room is upstairs and second to the left, the bathroom is conjoined'' I thanked him and stood up, making my way to the stairs.
''You're welcome to stay here as long as its needed Errika, okay?'' I nodded, and walked up.
I got to the top stair and almost as quickly as I got there, I almost flew down - caught my a strong pair of arms.
The pair of arms chuckled slightly and I stood up, regaining my balance.
''I'm really sorry'' I started to ramble, but was cut off when the owner of the pair of arms spoke. This was when I took in his appearance. He could easily become a model, his eyes a piercing blue and black hair that was slightly dishevelled.
''And who might you be?'' he smirked.
I blushed and looked down.
''I'm Errika''
''Well Errika, it's nice to meet you. I'm Damon, Stefan's older brother''
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oh look something new, enjoy. Xo