

I'd throw it all away to the shadows of regrets, and you would have the best of me

''I'm afraid Stefan hadn't made me aware of your presence here'' I was a little taken aback by this.
''Oh, well if it's any hassle I can leave - its fine'' I laughed nervously, running a hand through my blonde hair. He smiled at this and shook his head.
''Its okay, I didn't mean to sound rude'' he smirked, though something seemed a little.. off.
I frowned and slowly nodded my head. ''Oh.. okay''
I got up from the bed I was sitting on and smiled, hoping to diffuse the tension.
''Is it all right if I take a shower? I mean, Stefan said I could but you being the oldest and all..'' he laughed.
''Obviously, basic hygiene and what not''
I left the room once I realised it was okay and I wasn't intruding.

I finished with the shower, and made my way to my makeshift room to get changed. Stefan had obviously dropped of my suitcase whilst I was in the bathroom, and I smiled. I liked Stefan.
I threw on a pair of jeans and a half cut shirt and towel dried my hair, leaving it damp and wavy.
I applied some eye-liner and red lipstick and left it at that.
As I finished there was a knock on my door. I put the make-up on the counter and shouted a quiet ''yeah?''
The door opened and Stefan walked in, smiling.
''Is everything okay?'' I nodded.
''Everything is great thank you''
He smiled. ''That's great, I'm meeting a few people at the local grill tonight if you wanted to come - to meet some new people here and what not?''
I raised my eyebrows at the gesture.
''Yeah, that'd be great thanks. I wouldn't be a hassle though would I? 'Cause if so I can stay here with.. Damon'' I finished with a slight laugh.
Stefan went rigid. ''No, it's not a hassle. You can meet my girlfriend, Elena. I'm sure you'll both get along fine'' he smiled, relaxing.
Confused by the small body language I cleared my throat.
''Okay, I'd like that'' I smiled.
''Just come down whenever you're ready and we can leave, okay?'' I nodded and he left the room.

''This is it'' He breathed out, stopping his car in a space outside.
I smiled and got out of the car, stretching my arms out.
Stefan laughed slightly and took me by the shoulders. ''Come on''
I followed him inside and was greeted with a mass off laughing and chatter filled conversation. The music was playing loud and everyone seemed to be sat in little groups.
I followed Stefan to his, looking like a lost puppy. As we reached them, I took in my surroundings. There was a girl on the end with long dark hair, a permanent smile etched on her face, and was talking to a girl with a girl with darker skin and wavy hair. They were so engrossed in their conversation, that they hadn't noticed me standing there.
The other girl had though, her hair was a light blonde and very curly - her arm clutching onto the boy next to her, almost as if he was going to vanish. She gave me a glare, I frowned.
Stefan saw this and cleared his throat, causing everyone to look up.
He smiled and sat next to the girl with long dark hair, motioning for me to sit beside him.
''Guys, this is Errika. Errika, this is my girlfriend, Elena'' signalling to the one she was holding.
''I'm Bonnie'' the one beside Elena smiled, holding out her hand. I shook it and looked at the blonde girl. Her eyebrows raised, almost as if she was judging me.
''I'm Caroline'' she smiled, tightly. I sighed inwardly and smiled back. ''Hello''
The boy beside her smiled brightly and held out his hand too. ''I'm Matt''
''She'll be living with me and Damon for a while'' Stefan smiled, planting a kiss on Elena's forehead.
''Does she know?'' she asked, confused.
''Know what?''
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah i would've finished it better but my laptop won't type properly and I don't have a good attention span. Enjoy anyway. Xo