

Maybe, Possibly you make me aware of everything I say and do

''So, how are you enjoying Mystic Falls?'' Damon smirked as I awkwardly took a sip of my drink.
''I like it, it's cosy. Not as busy as where I come from'' I smiled, finding myself getting lost in my train of thought. I almost forgot what it was like to be standing on the other side of a road, waiting there for a good five minutes before it was deemed safe to cross because of the busy traffic. I almost forgot what it was like being shoved here and there by bystanders that were late for work, some on the phone, some carrying a briefcase.
''Errika?'' Damon laughed, I shook my head slightly and smiled at him.
''Sorry, I tend to do that a lot''
He smiled. ''Don't worry, I do it a lot as well'' I grinned at this.
''What did you ask me?''
''Oh, I just asked where it is you came from'' he took another sip of his drink, finishing it and slamming it back down on the bar, sighing.
''New York. I come from New York''
''I've been there once or twice, can't say it was bad either. Good times'' he wiggled his eyebrows, causing me to giggle.
I never giggle, and it was stupidly embarrassing. I hid my head in my hands, but felt a finger underneath my chin pull it out. Damon smirked.
''Don't hide, I don't care if you blush. Elena does it all the time'' he smirked once again.
I was beginning to get a little sick of that smirk.
''Can I ask you a question?'' I nodded. ''Excuse me if I sound rude but I'm just a little curious, why and how are you here?''
''Oh, well'' I stuttered. ''My mother was shot I suppose. She didn't make it and well in her will my legal guardian was Zack Salvatore. Your uncle. But Stefan told me that he-''
''Don't worry, I got it. I'm sorry about your mom, I'm sure she was a lovely person'' he smiled sympathetically.
''Yeah, she was'' I nodded. Damon noticed my discomfort and placed a hand on my back.
''I think we should be getting back now, hm? I'll let Stefan know you're safe. You can wait in my car out front, its the silver one''
I slid off my chair and made my way out of the bar and into the parking lot.
I scanned my eyes over the various cars until I found the one that was described and pulled the handle. Surprisingly it was unlocked, so I climbed into the passenger seat and waited.
I don't know how long I sat there until I saw a figure emerge from the distance.
He got to the bonnet and I saw it was Damon, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.
I raised my eyebrow as he sat next to me.
''Ready to go?''
♠ ♠ ♠

-song title credit: Maybe Possibly - Megan And Liz