Status: We're Working On It.

All That I Can Think About

Renée and Liz have been flatmates for nearly a year and though they hardly knew each other at the time, they had grown to be the best of friends. It didn’t go exactly as the girls had planned, but the past was the past and they loved each other like sisters, so why should that matter?

Liz was running late. Very late. As always. And this was something that she really shouldn’t be late for. She was headed to a coffee shop to meet the girl who had found her ad in the paper requesting a flatmate. No, it wasn’t really the safest way to find someone to room with, but Liz was desperate and so she did what she thought she had to.

Renée was on time, even a little early. As always. And she was beginning to think that this girl was standing her up. How silly of her to think an ad in the paper would find her a perfect flatmate! She stood to leave, coffee in hand when a petite blond came bouncing through the door of the coffeehouse, nearly knocking her over.

“Oh, dear, I’m really sorry. Did your coffee spill? I can get you another…” Liz trailed off, frantically looking around the coffee shop for the girl she was here to see.

“No, it’s fine. I don’t suppose you’re Liz?” Renée questioned, taking a timid sip of her still warm coffee.

“Yes, that’s me. I suppose you’re Adley then?”

“Renée,” She corrected, a soft smile lighting her lips.

“Oh, good. With a name like Adley, I thought you were going to be a boy and I didn’t particularly care to have a creep for a flatmate,” Liz teased, causing Renée to smile a bit.

The older girl excused herself to order a coffee and the two discussed the flat and their living habits to see if they could actually manage holding the place together without killing each other.

“I think that just about does it,” Renée stated, tossing her empty cup into the bin.

“So, do you need any help moving your things in?”

Disclaimer: Though we do not own One Direction, we do own our characters and the plot. Please be sure to visit the characters page.

Happy Reading
Alyssa & Chandler