A Thousand Years

And I'll love you.

The boy kept his hand in the girl's, leading her through. "Once we cross over, we'll be both reincarnated, my love." She had cancer, and because it was the 1950's, they had no medical means to stop it. "You must let me die with you in my arms."

"I will let you, my love. " She said, her blue eyes welling. "My matthew. My one true love."

"My Josianna, my lover." Matthew recited the vows they had spoken, taking the small bit of morphine. "I asked them to inject me. I will die when you do, my love."

"I love you, my darling. " Josianna closed her blue eyes, her blonde hair falling limp, Matthew falling over her chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
And now..........
THE LAST ONE IS NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!