Brother's Best Friend


I woke up and it sunk further in. The news you always joked about but never really wanted to hear – never want to happen to you.
How was that possible? I mean, I always thought I looked a tad bit different than the rest of my family. Of course, whilst I’d fight with my mum I’d holler out that I wish I was. Even when I’d fight with my dad, I’d secretly wish to be not related to him. Never did I mean it though.

There was a soft knock on my door, so I pulled the closest jumper to me on and got up. I didn’t want to see them. They lied to me for sixteen almost seventeen years. “Samantha, sweetie, please open the door,” My mum – or rather this friendly stranger I’ve become accustomed to- said softly. I opened the door and she walked in holding a big ol’ trey of foods and drink. “Your father and I want to talk to you more about this. Please come downstairs after you eat. Bring the trey down.”
I finally made my way downstairs and sat opposite my dad. He couldn’t even look me in the eye. His face was splotched and red, I could tell he had been crying. I knew I was probably being too hard on them about this because at least they told be about it now rather than me finding out in ten years. It was still hard to deal with though. Why didn’t my real parents want me? As a baby, wasn’t I good enough? Guess not.
“Look Sammy. We love you, you know that. You’re our little girl and you always will be. No matter what, just because you didn’t come from us that doesn’t mean you aren’t ours.” My dad still couldn’t look at me. “You’re my princess and I love you.”
“I know,” that was all I could choke out. “What I don’t know is why you even told me. Sure, I’m glad you did. But why? Why now?”
They looked at each other and then at me. My mom sighed, “Well. That’s the thing. Your biological parents have decided to get in touch. It was an open adoption and they always had the opportunity to contact us and meet you – if we said yes and they want to. They asked us if we were willing to send you to Manchester, where they live.” My mouth dropped. Nothing for sixteen and a half years and now they want to meet me? What the hell? “If you want to go, of course. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” I excused myself to think about everything and went to my room.
*Later that night*
I packed my overnight bag and threw out of my window. I needed some advice so I was going to go to the one person whom I knew would give it to me best. My best mate Danny’s house was two streets away so I didn’t have to walk far in the dead of night. I ran anyway.
I reached his house out of breathe and hunched over. I knocked but no one answered, so I called him and heard his phone ring. He probably left it in the living area again. Ugh, pick up. Please pick up. “Hello?” I heard sleepily on the other line.
“Danny? Danny! It’s Sam. Can you open your door? I need you.” Before I finished my last sentence, he opened the door and pulled me into a hug. He sat up drinking tea and listened to me tell him all about the past few days. As soon as I had finished, he looked at me. Not saying a word.
“You’re serious? Oi babe, you’re not thinking about going are ye?”
“Erm, that’s what I wanted you to help me with. I wanna go to ask them why they didn’t want me. Why they gave me away when I was just a baby. On the other side, I don’t want to give them the time of day. You know? I just… Danny?” I poked his face, and he tumbled over. Asleep. I kissed his forehead and pulled a blanket over his body and grabbed one for myself. I slept on the floor.
I awoke to the sound of “Say it on the Radio” by The WANTED, as it was my ringtone. I looked at the bed and realized Danny was already up and going. I answered my phone to my frantic mother. “Samantha Elizabeth Simon. Get home now. Where are you? You cannot leave this house unless you have permission! This kind of behaviour isn’t to be tolerated any longer.” I hung up on her and threw on one of Danny’s hoodies and went downstairs. He was just like my brother. We’ve been best friends since we were 3 years old. It was going to be hard to leave him for Manchester, but I felt like I needed to.
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This is my first fanfic, sorry it's a bit short!