Brother's Best Friend


Looking at a beautiful bed of flowers, I noticed a little pathway between them. The sweet little girl told me to go to it. Following her instructions, I went down the path and saw the ultimate prize. Nathan Sykes.

“Finally, I found you.” I walked up to him, his back towards me.

Slowly, he turned around and handed me a bouquet of pink roses. My favourite. “That didn’t take as long as I had thought it would have.” He chuckled and wrapped his long arms around my waist, pulling me into a tight hug. Leaning away from me, he simply looked at me- causing me to blush. “You look lovely.” He brought his index finger under my chin and brought our faces together.

This kiss brought back memories of the other day, when we first made love. It was so different from any other kiss we had shared. Passionate, yet needing. It was perfect. He deepened the kiss, whilst bringing our hips closer together. “What’d you tell Jay to get out of prision?”

“I said that I was going for a run, which wasn’t a total lie! I ran to the park.” We laughed as he led me to a blanket on the ground. He had put together a picnic for me, for us. “What’s all this?”

“Well, I figured that we haven’t been on a proper date in, well ever. I thought we could make this our first official date.” His cheeky smiled that I loved so much came to life on his handsome face. I wrapped my arms around his neck again, brought his face closers to mine. As our lips crashed, I nibbled on his bottom lip earning a groan from him. His hands found my hips and brought them into his, he ran his hand behind the back of my thigh. “I want you right now,” his voice was full of passion as he spoke into my mouth.

*Jay’s POV*

Rummaging through Tom’s fridge, I heard the door open and close. “Sam?” There was some shuffling but no answer, but I heard someone singing along to some music as Siva waltzed into the kitchen. His face brightened when he saw me.

“Not who you wanted, eh?”

“Sam’s been gone for ages…”

“So what?”

“She said she was going for a run. That was over three hours ago, Seev. What if something happened to her? Tom’s gonna kill me!” I started panicking. She had been gone forever, she wasn’t answering her phone and I had no clue as to whom she might be with. Siva walked over and lent against the tabletop, sighing. “What? Siva if you know where she might be, tell me.”

“Mate, I don’t know for sure but I think .. Nathan.”

“What about him?”

“She might be with Nath.”

That hurt far more than I thought it would have. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting that, anything else would have been a little better. Not him, God! Tom was surely going to have my ass for this. I looked to Siva who was messing about with his mobile, before he spoke into to Nathan. He went into the room adjacent to the kitchen, so I couldn’t hear him. Before I could try to listen in, he came back into the room.

“Yep! She’s safe and sound with the kid.” The look on his face was content, like he doesn’t know I just had my heart broken. Fuck. How could he know? He’s my beat mate and I couldn’t even tell him about my feelings for our friend, our band member’s little sister. Fuck. “Jay? You alright?”

“No. Yeah, I’m fine. I’m gonna for a walk.” I walked out of the house and got in my car, I knew I was supposed to stay here and keep an eye on Samantha, but I didn’t want to be here when they got back. I didn’t want to face Nathan.

*Sam’s POV*

Hand-in-hand, Nathan and I walked into the house like we had nothing to hide, which we didn’t because Tom wasn’t home. Surprised to see no sign of Jay, but Siva sat on the sofa-eating my brownies. “Erm, Seev, where’s Jay at?” I said as I unt angled from Nath and sat beside my Irish friend.

Frowning down at me, “He left about an hour ago. I don’t know what’s with you two and saying you’re taking a stroll and leaving for a year..” He trailed off, popping another bite into his perfectly shaped mouth.

An hour, so that means he left around the same time that Nathan had spoken to Siva. Crap! Jumping up from the couch, I ran into my room to get a proper jumper before leaving the house n a sprint for the second time today. I tried calling Jay numerous times, but he never answered. Nathan had tried me, but I was too focused on contacting Jay that I had no choice but to ignore his calls. Coming to a haltult, I sent him a text:

Jay, where are you? Are you okay? –Sammy xxxxxx

Just as quikly as I had sent it, I got a response from him.

At mine, not like it matters much to you though x

“Shit. Shit. Shit.” I set out running again, this time in the direction of Jay’s flat.

As I got there, I didn’t even pause to knock- I just busted inside. I saw Jay watching Neytiri walk about. Sighing, I walked up behind him, placed my hand on his shoulder. He didn’t even look at me, he simply put his warm hand atop my own, rubbing circles. “Jay?”

“Sit,” he patted the empty place next to him, I sat. “It’s okay. Why didn’t you tell me about you and him?” He still wouldn’t look at me.

“It’s not like that, not yet anyway.”

He chuckled, “You mean, he hasn’t made it official because he’s afraid of Tom. Right?”

“What? No. Jay, that’s not it. It’s me.”

He adjusted himself, so now he was finally looking at me. “Sam, he’s afraid that Tom’ll beat him for being with you. I get it. Tom’s over protective of you, as he should be, and I’m not sure I’d take an ad out about it either. You’re an amazing girl, who deserves it all. Nathan will never give that to you if he’s afraid of your brother.”

I hadn’t thought about it like that. He was right, maybe. I don’t know. He placed his arm around him shoulder and brought me into his side. As much as I thought I liked Nathan, being here with Jay still felt right. Leaning my head on his chest, I asked. “Why’d you leave?”

“Honestly?” I nodded. “I left because I didn’t want to see you with him.” I was taken aback by his confession. I had no idea what I thought he was going to say, but it wasn’t that.