Brother's Best Friend


I stepped off the plane and took a deep breathe. I got through the crowd of people and what I saw next had made me stop dead in my tracks. I knew those magical hazel eyes. Not only were they my eyes but one of the people responsible for saving my life – and they didn’t even know it. Tom Parker held a sign with my name on it. Tom Parker, from The WANTED. One of my heroes. I walked up to him and open-mouthed staring at him. “Are you Samantha?” He knew my name. Oh my gosh.

“Erm, yeah. You’re Tom… From The WANTED. Like, Tom.” I was totally embarrassing myself. Sam, shut up.

“Haha yeah, Ready to go Sammy?”

We were on our way back to the house, after about an hour of pure awkward silence. Tom coughed. “So, tell me about yourself.”

“Tell me why you picked me up.”

“I’m .. I’m your brother.”

“I have a brother? And you’re him? Alright, who’s taking the piss on me?”

“I’m serious. So tell me about you. They sent me so we could get to know each other before it gets down to it.”

We talked the entire way to the house and I told him almost everything about me. Like, why I have blue hair to be a massive rebel and how his music saved my life. Twice. He thought I was kidding about being as big of a fan as I am because I was from America and only moved to England a year ago. I simply told him that he was crazy and that music travels when it’s as good as his is. No matter the distance. I could already tell he was going to be one of- if not the sole- reason any of this is worth it.

When we got to the house, it was a lot bigger than I had imagined. I don't really know what I expected it to be, but all of this was just too much for me.

Suddenly I could feel the regret settling in. I wanted to know who my real family was, but I still felt guilty about my family. The people I've known my entire life. The people that raised me, taught me how to speak and walk. I knew my mom was probably going mental with me having not spoken to her properly since I landed.

I was still sat in the car when Tom opened the door. "C'mon Samantha. Nothing to be too freaked about. Let's go." He pulled my hand and got me out of the car. Apparently he already took my luggage up to the room I'd be staying in for the next two weeks. He walked me up to the door and then walked inside, leaving me there. I hesitantly took a step inside, with my eyes closed, and felt a hand on my shoulder. Peeking through my lashes, I saw Tom nod at me.

I followed his gaze to a small woman. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Samantha?" I could only nod as she stepped closer to me, Tom nudged me forward into her waiting arms. "I've wanted to meet you for so long."

I don't know why I did, but I said it, "Then why'd you give me away?" She let go of me and wouldn't make eye contact with me. I heard footsteps come into the room, but I just closed my eyes. Trying desperately to stop the tears. I can't handle this.

Why was this happening? Why me? Why now? What did I do to make this happen?
I looked at my feet and weighed my options. Stay here in this awkward atmosphere or make a dash for it. I chose the latter of the two and hauled for the door. I ran outside, past the car and down the street. I had nary a clue where I was going, but I kept running. My feet wouldn't stop moving, even though I was getting crazy tired. Finally, I ran through a park and sat on a bench.

"Deep breaths, Sam. In. Out. Calm down." I said quietly to myself as I tried to steady my breathing. I got my phone out of my pocket and rang the only person who knew how to stop me from having a panic attack.

"Danny? Its me. Sam. I need you. I can't.. I can't breathe. Help me." I said breathlessly through the phone. He did his best he could to calm me down.

"Tom Parker is your brother? The lad from that band you're obsessed with? He's your brother. You've gotta be shitting me, babe."

"He is. I was so shocked at first." I talked to Danny a good hour or so before my phone died.

Great. I was in a park somewhere, without a phone, and I had no clue how to get back to the house. I sighed audibly. I felt a hand on my shoulder and froze, then the person sat next to me.

"Samantha? She's over here!"

"Erm, yeah."

"Mum sent me and Tom out to look for you. You ran out of there so fast without even saying hello to me. You okay?"

"Sure." I could feel the tears threaten to spill over again. I looked up to see Tom and his mother walked toward us. I've already messed this up. Fantastic.

I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my head upon them. This was gonna be a long two weeks.