Brother's Best Friend


*Tom’s POV*

I drove back to my flat. I didn’t give a fuck that Max thought I was being selfish, I knew it was the right thing to do. I heard someone slam the door shut and saw Max standing behind me.

“You can’t make her doing anything she doesn’t want to, Tom.”

I sat on the couch, burying my head in my hands. “I know, Max! I know that. But you don’t have to see her torn up all the fucking time! She cries herself to sleep, in her closet, every goddamn night! I don’t want to see her going through this. She doesn’t deserve it. Okay? I know I can’t make her leave, but I won’t stop trying.” I broke down. At this moment, I didn’t care about being a man. I just let the tears fall freely from my eyes, one salty drop after the next. Max sat next to me, put his hand on my shoulder and just sat with me.

“She’ll be okay. Give her time.”

*Sam’s POV*

I was curled up in a ball on my bed, shaking and crying. The pain was still too much to handle. This was the third night in a row that I couldn’t sleep. The images of my parents walking about the house, in-and-out of my room kept filling my mind. Whenever I looked out of my window, I saw them in their car looking up at me. I saw them everywhere! I was going crazy, but I couldn’t tell anyone about it. Danny had grown distant since the accident, Tom was looking for any chance to make me move, and I couldn’t really unleash this load on Max or the other lads. They’re all I have left.

So much has happened in such a short time-span. I wasn’t sure why, or how I felt about it; but the reality of it was that it was all happening. Every day, Tom would carry me out of my closet. I never knew how I’d get in there, but I always ended up there. Every day, I got a little less sad. I was still crying myself to sleep at night, but the days got easier.

I walked out of my room, wearing only one of my dad’s old shirts. I hadn’t expected anyone to be home. Tom had mentioned something about going out today, and hadn’t said a word about the other boys stopping by, so I was a bit startled when I bumped into Nathan as I walked into the kitchen.

“Cuppa?” I nodded.

“Thanks.” He smiled as I sat down at the table, looking out of the window. “Not to be rude or anything, but why are you here?”

Chuckling, “Oh, Tom asked me to stop by to make sure you were awake. He wants me to get you out and into the world as well.” He placed a cup of tea before me. “So, get that little bum of yours up to your room and put on a pretty dress and tell me where you want to spend the day.”

“Excuse me? I’m not going anywhere.”

He sat next to me, giving me a sympathetic look. “I know you’re hurting. I’m sorry about that, I wish I could take your pain away. Seeing you like this isn’t what I want. Your hurting is hurting Tom, as well. It’s hurting us all. Please, let me take you out and have you breathing fresh air. For me or for Tom.”

I pursed my lips. “I guess I could give you lot a break. I’ll go.” I grabbed my cup and stood up. Nathan padded my bum as I walked away. “Cheeky bastard.” I called as I went upstairs.

The entire day was spent with Nathan and I having a laugh and messing about town. He insisted on taking me shopping, I was never into it- but I refused to hear him moan about it. I was watching some birds walk parallel to another when a single tear made its way down my cheek, just as I wiped it away I felt Nathan rest his hand on the small of my back. If it had been anyone else, I would have protested but the warmth he emulated made me feel safer than I have felt since the day I left for Manchester.

“Having a nice day, lady?”

“The best day I’ve had in a bit. Thank you, Nathan.” I smiled up at him and saw that he was already watching me. His green eyes peering into me, seeing not only me-but my core.

“Oi mate!” I heard a familiar voice call from somewhere, then Tom ran up to us. He picked me up and spun me around. “You’re outside! I never thought this would happen.” He winked at me and whispered something to Nathan.

Slapping at his arm, “Shush up, Parker.” He kissed my cheek.

“I really am glad you decided to go out today. How’d flyboy do it?” I winked at Nathan, Tom looking between us. I saw his expression turn a bit cold before relaxing a bit. “Alright then.”