Brother's Best Friend


“Wow, you look nice!” Siva’s thick accent filled my small ears as he pulled me in for a tight hug. Siva was acting as my decoy for tonight, as I wasn’t too sure Tom would be all that keen on me spending my evening hustling and bustling around London with Nathan. Of course, I felt bad about asking Siva to do this for us; but he said that he was glad to do anything that ‘got me off my lazy ass,’ his words.

Siva dropped me off in front of Nathan’s flat. “Have a fun night, don’t let the boy get in too much trouble.” I waved as I watched Siva pull away, laughing to myself as I smoothed out my skirt, walking up to Nath’s door. The door flung open as I lifted my fist to knock, being lifted off the ground and spun around.

“Sam, you look gorgeous!” Nathan said whilst he put me down, still holding me in his arm. He looked sweetly into my eyes; his green eyes especially full of light in this moment.

“Thank you, babe.” I leaned in to kiss his cheek but he turned his head so that my mouth landed on his. Instead of pulling away, we both intensified our movements. Lips crashing against each other, tongues battling for dominance. When we eventually parted, breaths heavy. “Quite the greeting, Sykes.”

Pulling me inside, Nathan pushed me on the couch. Falling slowly atop of me. Between kisses he managed to say, “Give me just two minuets to finish getting ready.” He got up to leave, our fingers lingering together for a few final moments.

“You take longer than I do to get ready! How manly.” I spoke as he walked out of the room. “Heard that!” He hollered back at me.

Smiling to myself, I got up and looked around his flat. There were pictures of him and the boys, him and his family, just the boys and just his family, fair few of his dog, there was even one of me. I blushed as I picked it up. The picture was of the day he had gotten me to get out of the house for the first real time; I was stood looking at something out of frame, my hair blown in and around my face, my hand was trying to brush a stray hair from my eyes and I was smiling. Even though it was a profile shot, you could see the genuine smile on my face. I can’t believe he had this, I hadn’t even known he took it.

“That’s my favourite one.” He said quietly as he walked up and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck, “You look so happy and beautiful.” Looking down, I blushed. He laughed and kissed my cheek. “I love it when you blush.”

“Alright, alright. Can we just go out now?”

“If you want me to be your boyfriend, you’re gonna have to ask me nicer than that!”

The beautiful melodies from The Script filled my ears as I tried to sleep to the tune of ‘If You Ever Come Back.’ Nathan had been sneaking round to cuddle with me at night; we found that, that was the only way I could fall asleep peacefully. He wasn’t here tonight, so I had to have something comforting to cradle me into a deep sleep. Thoughts of our evening spent together filled my memory.

From me laughing at something cheesy Nathan had said to the kissed we shared just before Siva had interrupted us.

“I had a great time.” I said as I let my head rest on Nath’s shoulder, as we were sat outside of his flat waiting for Siva to pick me up. Nathan snaked his arm around my shoulders and brought my body closer to his. He was playing with a strand of my hair, as his other hand fell on my thigh. He danced his fingertips along my thigh, I wouldn’t dare stop him. Looking up into his eyes, we stared into each other’s eyes for a moment before he cupped my face and brought it to his. Our lips molding perfectly together. His tongue making its way into my mouth, battling with my own. I moaned into the kiss and he tightened his grip on me. Moving away from my mouth, he trailed his lips and tongue down my jawline and neck. We heard someone clear their throat, Nathan groaned as we turned our attention to see Siva leaning against his slick car.

“Awe, mate, couldn’t you give us a few more minuets!” I laughed into Nathan before kissing him one final time on the lips and joining Siva at his car. “Bye, Sam. I’ll call you.”

Letting my fingers run across my lips repeatedly, I could still feel the soft-roughness of Nathan’s lips against mine. I could still taste him on my tongue. I felt my eyelids getting heavier as tiredness engulfed me completely.