Brother's Best Friend


*Jay’s POV*

Sammy has been acting really strange since the day I popped round. She and Nathan have been flirting like there’s no tomorrow; Tom isn’t going to be happy to hear that at all. In fact, the real reason I went over in the first place wasn’t to just simply see her, but because Tom had asked me to spy on her.

Everyone knew something was either already happening or about to happen between Nathan and Samantha. Yes, Sam is a gorgeous girl and she’s all-around amazing; but I don’t see why Thomas always insists that it be I whom he asks to check on her. After all, she had gotten closest to Max, by far.

“Jay-bird! How’d it go with Sam?” Tom spoke enthusiastically as I answered my buzzing phone.

“Oh, yeah. She was fine. No cause for alarm,” I lied through my teeth. I knew that something was going on with herm something risky- I just didn’t know what it was yes and I intended on finding out.

“Great! No sign of the boy, right? I know he’s aiming for somethin’”

“Tom, relax. As far as I saw, nothing to worry about. Anyway, Samantha’s a big girl.”

“She’s sixteen, mate, but I trust you.”

After we hung up, his words resided with me. Surely I was reading far more into his words than he had intended.. But what if he doesn’t want Nathan going after Sam, because he wants me with Sam?

Oh, wishful thinking.

*Sam’s POV*

Tom still wasn’t back from his girlfriend, Kelsey’s place yet and Jay was still round. It’s not that I don’t like or appreciate Jay more so than it’s the fact that I haven’t seen Nathan properly in two days. With Jay around, it was even harder than Tom: I could lie to Tom or Max and have Siva life for me, but could I lie to Jay. He was too… I don’t know.

Walking into my room, after my shower, I noticed a pale-blue envelope in my pillow. My name was neatly written across the front. Opening it, a small note fell out. “I miss you. Let’s play a game. – Nath xx” Smiling to myself, I moved the small piece of paper between my fingers.

Quickly getting dressed, I saw that there was another note on my desk. “Babe, I’m stariving.”

“Hmm. This is gonna be a hunt, eh?” I half ran, half walked into the kitchen and saw a plate already made-up with a note tucked safely beneath it. Whilst stuffing my face, I read the note. “KRAP… What’s on your face?” I looked at this note in utter confusion, then it clicked! “The mirror!” Getting up, I held the note up before the mirror and read it aloud. “Park?”

“What about a park?”

Startled, I jumped around to see a full-set of curls atop Jay’s adorable head. Gobsmacked, I racked my brain for an answer. Any answer other than, ‘Nathan’s got me going round on a goose hunt.’ Shifting through my worked-up brain, I blurted out that I was going for a run. He had bought it because he raised an eyebrow but walked away. “Phew!”

I grabbed a jumper, threw on my shoes and ran out of the house. It took me about five minutes to get to the park and I found a bright green envelope. This time the note said, ‘Good job, Sammy. Now I could go for some starbucks. Where’s the closest one?’ Sighing, I headed for the nearest starbucks. When I walked in, a tall boy came up to me and handed me a red envelope, again with my name sprawled across the front. ‘Where, oh where can I be? Next door; you might find me! ;)’ Next door? If he’s there, I’m going to kill him. Heading into the shop to my left, I saw a little girl that looked an awful lot like me when I was just a little sugarcube, myself. I had noticed a piece of paper with my name on it pinned to her top and walked up to her.

“Are you Sammy?” She sung when she was me approaching.

“Yes! Who are you, babe?”

“Alison and your boyfriend said I’m your next clue. I was supposed to tell you to go to the back, but I’m not sure. Here,” she held her hand for me to grab, “let me just show you the way.” She led me through the backroom and into a little park behind it.