Soul Mates

I came to talk to you

Her mind started thinking about every possibility of what could happen as she paced back and fourth in front of the door of his house trying to get the courage to ring the door bell. She walked up to the door once and was just about to turn around to head back home instead of taking the risk that she knew she was taking the moment she decided to come to his house, when suddenly someone opened the door. She looked up quickly to see a very familiar face with bright blue eyes that she loved oh so very much. She was about to say something but got lost for words before she could even get the chance to open hear mouth.

"Stefan's not home, Elena." She heard his deep voice say. She thought about just saying okay and going home but that was pointless, she had come all the way out here for a reason hadn't she? She was not going to chicken out now. "I know, I came to talk to you Damon." She said looking him in the eyes for the first time that day. She felt something grab a hold of her hand, only to notice it was Damon pulling her in the house.

The two of them walked into the living room. She watched carefully as Damon poured himself a drink then turned around to face her. "You know I've started to learn that it's never a good thing when you come to talk to me." Damon said but it took Elena a few minutes to understand because she wasn't paying attention to what he was saying only to the sound of his voice.

"Well, I have to tell you something." She said getting even more nervous then she thought was possible. "Oh great, well get it over with. Blurt it out. Before you have a heart attack because your heart is beating rather fast." Damon informed her, Looking up into her eyes for a second before she quickly looked away because that only made her more nervous than she was.

"You'll make fun of me." She whispered because she knew for sure that he would. Damon had the sort of personality where he could turn anything into a joke even if it was a very serious topic. "I promise I won't." Damon said as Elena turned her attention back to him. She stared for a minute getting lost in her own little world as she admired the Vampire's beautiful features.

"Well." Damon said in order for her to go on with what she had to say. She figured that she might as well just tell him it's not like he would kill her for feeling that way. "I love..." She started to say but was brutally interrupted when someone walked into the room. She didn't even have to look to see who it was because Damon turned his attention away from her and muttered a, "Hello brother."
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And then I leave you hanging wondering what's going to happen next(;