Skylight and Romance

even the sky gets confused sometimes

The sunrise swarmed us. Or perhaps it was the dimming orange of the setting sun. Hours had passed and each case was easily plausible. The sky was painted in with that bland orange color and streaks of pink and yellow were streaming, twisting, and blending into the backdrop of the cloudless world above us. As I stared up at the sky, I couldn't help but be over taken by how confusing it was. Is it morning? Or is the sun retiring for the night?. The sky seemed to be in some in-between state- not quite daylight, nor was night approaching.

"Sometimes, I feel these words are cheapened by the way that they're said," Preston said, setting his guitar to the right of him. He leaned back on his elbows, his head tilted to look at the same seemingly-confused sky. His blond hair became the color of wheat in this light and his soft brown eyes seemed more tawny -golden even- and still made my heart melt. His perfectly soft lips came down in a frown, but I just snuggled closer to him. I placed my head upon his chest and let one arm snake around his slim waist.

"Words are all I know to say," I whisper, "So, I am speaking."

Suddenly, Preston's elbows gave way and we tumbled to the grass below. I fell with a gasp but my head never left his chest and my arm stayed in place. I wrapped the other one around him. He pulled me closer, tighter, one arm placed comfortably behind his head and the other wrapped around my shoulders. His hand played subtly with my long brown hair, but I paid it no mind. I loved this boy. He could touch me in every which way pleased him.

"All the words... Meaning what they mean?" He asked, his voice a soft whimper. He sounded like a homesick puppy and it was adorable. I nodded slowly against his chest. His heart thrummed against its cage and I placed a soft kiss in the direction of the noise, thanking the Lord for giving me a perfect boy like this.

"It's nothing you haven't heard before," I looked up at him, "I mean it more today."

He made the slightest noise, but whether it was a groan or whimper, I could not tell. I was about to ask when his hands pulled me higher against his body. When we were finally the same height, he placed his pink lips against the bridge of my nose. He smiled when he heard my giggles and pulled away with a loud MWAH!

Both laughing, we returned our attention to the sky above. It was growing darker now. Sunset, I decided. I sighed inwardly, hoping my love didn't hear it. Tonight was night 82 of our last summer in the same town. I, a senior and headed to college in three weeks, would have to leave my soon-to-be Senior boyfriend in this small, forgettable town. We'd come to terms with this news and made promises to see each other. I was very hopeful to keep them, and in fact, I knew they'd work out. But, in that one moment, everything around me made me feel... It all made me feel that as soon as I left, the town would change. Preston would change. He'd forget me.

So, it was there, in that moment that I found myself regrettably wondering, What will he do when I leave? Will there be another girl? Will he move on? I sighed, biting my lip and looking into his eyes. He looked back, as if he knew I were upset. And though I wanted to speak, my thoughts preoccupied me. What will he do without me here?

Preston, as if he'd read my mind, spoke. "I thank God I miss you."

Before my mouth could fall open in sweet shock, his lips met my own. I kissed my love back, and though our lips parted, our bodies did not. We laid there well into the night-time air, well into the chilly hours, and well into the moments where all we could do was focus on how much we loved each other. Though I'd be leaving in a matter of weeks, I no longer feared what he'd do in my absence. Instead, I clung to the man of my dreams and fell asleep whispering sweet nothings to him.

"I thank God I miss you," I murmured in my love stricken, sleepy haze.
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