The Art

Chapter One.

Chapter One.

Vivian Venger.

I twirled one of my snakebites with my tongue as I concentrated on the tattoo I was doing on RaeLee's chest. I never was comfortable doing tattoos on either one of my sisters, especially when it came to tattooing places like that. She wanted my sister, Nevaeh and I to put our names on either side. Good thing she is immune to pain right?
At the beginning of this year, my sisters and I packed up all of our things from our small town in Michigan and headed to the big city in sunny California. From there we dropped a nasty deal on a place that was up for grabs and set up our own tattoo shop.

Avengers Body Mod.

Three months into business and it's been really slow, considering we're still trying to keep the lights on, feed ourselves, Nevaeh's boxer Angel, and everything else that is important. And yes we do live in three of the six apartments that are above our shop, which we plan to rent out to anyone that can afford it.
Like I said, business is slow and it's a Monday, what a double wammy.
"Oh my HOT GU....OW!" RaeLee exclaimed after she hit Nevaeh's arm she was tattooing with and the needles made a long mark that actually looked cool, but it was bleeding.
"What the hell RaeLee!?" Nevaeh growled causing Angel to come down the stairs and she stopped dead in her tracks before barking and this drew our attention to the cause.
My eyes widened and I took in the look of all three of these guys. All emo looking and gogeous as hell! I was in love!
One caught my attention out of all of them. He stood about six foot five and had this almost jet black but more on the lines of charcoal black emo hair that was halfway covered by a fuzzy hat that was brown. He wore black skinny jeans , a white white and a grey hoody and a pair of All Star Converse that were white but had been written on in sharpie. And these intoxicating green eyes and kissable lips that had a single lip ring on it and small gauges.
The sound of my sister cussing brought me out of my daze and I looked at her sitting on the counter in only her bra and a pair of pants that hugged her hips nicely. A nice gash was bleeding from her chest from the needle wound was. I handed her a shirt and pointed to her to go to the bathroom and clean up. She gave me this pouty look, not wanting to leave because of the hot guys, but I gave her a look that told her I wasn't playing. She finally went back and started cleaning up and I noticed them still standing in the doorway, but they were playing with Angel.
"Sorry about that one boys...she gets a little excited sometimes." I smile apologetically, biting my lip out of habit and playing with my long red braid...also a habit.
"Quite alright Shelia." The guy I had been checking out said and I about melted right then and there. He's Australian! I was geeking out on the inside and almost missed the smirk that Nevaeh was throwing me.
"What can we help you with?" Nevaeh asked shyly, her long blue hair up in a gigantic bun on the top of her head. I didn't blame her...especially since it was all the way down to her waist and we were relying on box fans for AC until the actual AC was put in next week.
I had them sit down on our couch set we brought from home and I opened the mini fridge that was next to it and stocked with water, juice, pop, and energy drink and milk for Nevaeh and her addiction of milk. They all took what they wanted.
"Well, we were chilling out after skateboarding and hadn't been in this part of town in a while, only to stumble upon this place." This guy with snake and spiderbites and this shaggy blue hair, that I knew Nevaeh wanted to run her hands through, said.
"Not to mention we are very much into tattoos and peircings if you hadn't noticed" The guy with skater emo hair said, smiling at me with a snakebit smile.
"Well, then you came to the right place then." I smirk. "I'm Vivian Venger and that's my sister Nevaeh and my other sister, RaeLee, is the one you saw before"
RaeLee had joined us again and smiled at the guys, waving and saying her hello and Nevaeh did a small nod.
"What would you be interested is doing?" RaeLee asked before going into her professional manor that she was famous for.
"Well, I'm Xavier Masen and I'm interested in getting something peirced." the snakebite guy said and I was thinking of all the possibilitys where he could get them done and then I realized in the manor in which he said it.
My eye twitched.
"Well, I'm a double duety type of girl, I can do tattoos and peircings" she smiles back at him seductively.
"It's like they are undressing each other with their eyes!" the second guy said and it caused Nevaeh to bust up laughing.
"Oh they probably are." she says, finding the courage to speak. "What are you interested in doing?"
"Well, I was thinking about a sleeve, think you can do that?" he asks and she looks at him like no due dipshit!
"One of my specialities!" she exclaims happily showing him her portfolio of tattoos she's done.
"And what about you Gingie?" Xavier asks and my eyes narrow. Just because of my hair and freckles...I've beat the shit out of guys for less.
"About me?" I ask trying not to glare. "I am the one that does tattoos freehanded and not sketched and am not to be trusted with a peircing gun...or fire but that is a completely different' reason." I state and the hot Australian guy starts laughing.
"Hit a nerve there rude of me, I'm Travis Gaven and this shaggy haired mofo is Craig Myst" he says introducing the other guy and kissed the top of my hand. It was at that time that I noticed that he had a pair of drumsticks in his back pocket and I just stared in shock.
Was I in Heaven?
Before I could stop my mouth, the words flew out of my mouth.
"Are you three in a band?!" I exclaimed and they all looked at me in shock.
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Just so you know this is being written by two other people other than myself. I'm excited to write this story and we own all characters mentioned so far.
I do hope you enjoy this story and comment.