Sequel: Un-Accidental Penpal

Accidental Penpal

Hello, Blue Eyes

Dear Blue Eyes,

I know it's been about a week after I found this stuffed under my bedroom door, but I couldn't get myself to write back. But now it's six PM, and my entire apartment building is stuffed into the depths of the heated basement. There's a blizzard outside and all the power went out. To think that after a few days of living in my new apartment, that this would happen. At least my neighbors are okay and nice.

But, seriously though, I apologize for even writing such a letter to you.
I thought it was all a dream.

All I really remember from that night was waking up in a bathtub at my friend Bret's house. I have no idea what really happened, and I apologize. And incase you are wondering, I am sober. I usually am. Just that night, I don't know what came over me. I like to blame the evil little gremlins that dirty up my mind, but, hey those don't exist.

Basically after that experience, my parents kicked me out of their home. They gave me the delightful story of that a twenty one year old like myself who's not in college will not live at their house. It's not like I decided to drop out of college, it just happened. Besides the only thing I'm really only good at is playing the guitar and arts and crafts. But what jobs can you get with that? If you know, tell me. I really would love to know.
So long story short, they found me an apartment and now I live here. Thats why the address is different on the envelope.

But besides that, I'm glad at least that my drunk letter was able to get your mind off of other things that are on your mind. Your problems are probably worse than mine. I always try to tell myself that. Someone out there is worse than me, so I shouldn't be complaining. Since I complained, feel free to complain too. Everyone needs someone to complain to.

By the way, I love the crocodile you drew.
I loved it so much that I made it into a stencil to play with.

I hope you don't mind, but I used the design in a necklace I was trying to make. I was trying to play with a shirt, but when I tried to dye it, the design faded, so I made a necklace instead. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a lame necklace with a bottle cap and a fake coin, but it matched. I made the necklace too long for my taste but maybe you would like it. Just see it as my apology in a physical form.

I hope you can forgive me and I hope that you're having a sunny day out today while I am down here listening to a little girl sing Christmas songs in February.

♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, more depressing than the other, but she's probably going to be at a low now and will be more chipper later on