Status: Ongoing, but at a slow pace (",)

Only Liars, But We're The Best


"We're gonna miss you, Mai!"

"Don't forget to drop by regularly!"

"You've been a great employee, Maiya. It's such a shame that you're leaving us."

It was my last day of work at the coffee house and my colleagues had decided to throw a small, farewell party for me. The place had closed at eight tonight for the celebration, instead of the usual nine o'clock. Although I had always been the type of person to keep to myself while at work, I did have good relationship with my colleagues and had always avoided disputes.

The guys were supposed to pick me up after the party, because Pete got paranoid after I told him my uneasiness the previous night. However, after waiting for nearly an hour and yet there was still no sign of them, I decided to walk back on my own. I know it was a risk to take, but I could reach the hideout in fifteen minutes if I walk briskly.

My collegues were all packing up to go home as well and I said my goodbyes' to them. Without wasting any more time, I left the coffee house and started my journey back.

The air was chilly tonight and my lightweight hoodie didn't help much in keeping me warm. I shivered slightly from the cold and quickened my steps. If I had known that the guys would bail on me, I would have driven to and from work like I usually had.

I gave another call to Patrick, but it was directed straight to voicemail again. I gave a frustrated sigh and pocketed my cell phone. It was a bit strange that I couldn't get through any of them.

After dropping me off at my workplace late in the afternoon, Patrick reminded to give him a call once I was done for the day. My colleagues had informed me beforehand that I would be working late 'cause of the farewell party. I did drop a message to each of the guys during my breaktime, stating that I would be done latest by ten but I hadn't receive any replies.

My mind wandered off thinking what could have happened to the guys as they weren't usually like this. They would tell me if they were going hunting, or even to patrol. If I couldn't get through to Patrick, I could call Pete and he'd answer. But now, nobody's anwering their cells and it got me to thinking that something bad could have happened to them.

My mind clouded with worry, I hastened my steps and was about to turn around at a corner when my body slammed into another. I was thrown backwards by the impact but before I could fall on my butt, a hand grabbed my arm before steadying me.

"Whoa, you alright miss?"

I gulped in a huge breath and focused my sight on the person whom I had bumped into. My eyes went wide and my mouth gaped open.

It was Brendon.

"Maiya?" Brendon looked surprised to see me.


He immediately engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug, breaking into a series of giggles and telling me how much he had missed me.

"Bren, y-you can let me go now," I sputtered while gently pushing him away. He released me of his embrace but kept his hands on my shoulders, holding me at an arm's length.

"Been a while, eh?"

I nodded mutely, scrutinizing Brendon from head to toe. He seemed a little off to me; nothing to do with his attire, but he, himself. I just couldn't put a finger to it though.

"Mai? Why are you so quiet? Aren't you happy to see me again?" Brendon's face fell and his lips formed a small pout.

"What? Of course I've missed you! Where have you been Bren? Why did you suddenly disappear?" I asked, remembering that he went missing and leaving Ryan upset.

He finally dropped his hands from my shoulders and took a step back. He fiddled with the drawstrings of his hoodie, eyes downcast to his sneakers.

"I had to leave abruptly. There was a major incident back home and I didn't manage to inform you and Ryan," he explained.

I stared at him without saying anything while I felt myself slowly moving further and further away from him.

Because I knew Brendon was lying.

Ryan had told me before, that Brendon was a very bad liar and everyone could see he was lying, because he would fidget and couldn't maintain eye contact.

The gears in my head was starting to click together and I realised why I felt something was wrong with Brendon. You don't just disappear without a word and then reappear again after two years.

"You catch on pretty fast, Mai," Brendon grinned, his eyes slowly moving up to meet mine. His once warm, chocolate eyes had turned into red orbs and my suspicions about him had been confirmed.

He was indeed, a creature of the night.

I took off, catching him unaware but he caught up with me within seconds. I knew I couldn't outrun a vampire, however, I wasn't going to let myself be an easy prey for them either.

Brendon held both of my arms tightly behind my back, his face nuzzling at the crook of my neck. I flinched and tried my best to cran my neck as far as possible from him, although I knew it was a futile attempt.

"Tsk-tsk, Maiya. I'm surprised as to why you're not screaming, dear," Brendon whispered in my ear. He turned me around so that I was facing him, but I refused to look at him in the eyes.

"I thought I could fool you with this kind of clothes, but I'd guess you're too smart," he continued. With one hand still grasping hold of my arms, he used his other hand to forcefully turn my face so that I was now looking at him.

"Why are you doing this?" I croaked, my eyes starting to water.

"You see," Brendon started, "I'm simply on orders. Capturing you alive isn't what I want. It's William's."

My blood ran cold at the mention of the monster's name. The monster who ruined Pete's life. I felt a rush of fury at hearing his name, that I headbutted Brendon right on the nose.

He let out a yelp, releasing me from his captivity and I made a run for it. The hideout was now within sight, but I felt myself being tackled from the back and hence, falling face down into the grassy path.

Brendon turned me over and sat down on me, pining my arms while my legs thrashed about. I let out an anguished cry because I was so close to the safety confines of the hideout. My unshed tears started flowing freely down my cheeks.

"You'd think you can get away so easily from me?!" Brendon screamed in my face. He was feral-looking with red eyes and sharp, elongated fangs; nothing cute or innocent like the Brendon I once knew.

That Brendon didn't exist anymore.

"Please, Bren, let go of me," I pleaded, crying.

He leaned in close to my ear and whispered a soft, 'no', before cackling like a maniac. I had lost all hope of escaping from his clutches when a brown tabby cat leapt out from nowhere and onto Brendon's face.


The cat clawed and bit the vampire, resulting Brendon to get off me, allowing my escape. Stumbling to get up, I was about to make a dash when another body stood before me, blocking my escape.

"Maiya! Stop! It's me, Patrick!"

I stared through my watery eyes, the blurry shape of Patrick standing before me. Relief washed over me and I fell into his embrace, emotions overwhelming. I could hear the other guys trying to take Brendon down.

I couldn't remember much of what happened next, because everything went black after that.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'M BAAACCCKKK! Well, as most of us know by now, Fall Out Boy has officially return thus the long hiatus is over! *does a celebratory dance*

I'm having major FOB feels and I know I've been neglecting this story, so I've decided to write another chapter for my faithful readers! I hope I didn't disappoint you guys with this chapter, since, well, quite a number of you kept asking what happened to Brendon.

I wrote this chapter in one sitting because I was inspired, so pardon me if there are any errors, be it grammatical, sentence structure, etc.

And to end this off, I'm leaving you guys with these:

