Status: Ongoing, but at a slow pace (",)

Only Liars, But We're The Best

The Monster Under Your Bed

Nothing could make me forget those eyes. No. The sight of them made me shiver with fear and pleasure. It was daunting, and yet it held such captivating beauty you can't help but be entranced by it. They were beautiful and pure evil at the same time.

The eyes of a vampire.

Gone were Petes' warm hazel eyes which I adored so much. Instead, two red orbs replaced them. The whites are still there, making him appear more human and less demonic. But the unearthly glow that emanated from those red orbs sealed the fact that he was not human.

I was frozen at the same spot until Pete opened his mouth to say something. And I totally lost it.

Because I saw two elongated, sharp canines in the midst of his teeth.

I let out a bloodcurdling scream and threw the pliers (which I had been holding at the time) at him. It hit him square in the face and he let out a barbarous, guttural roar. I flinched and before he could sit up to grab me, I slammed the locker door shut.

Then I ran for my life.

I almost made it out through the trapdoor when my right ankle was grabbed. I shrieked and turned around to see Pete grasping my ankle and looking seriously pissed. No, that's not Pete! That's a fucking monster! How the fuck did he got here so fast?!

I kept on yelling and screaming while trying to release his hold. "Creature of darkness, return to the shadows where you belong!" I cried.

Whoa. Where did that came from?

That outburst had both me and Pete a little stunned. He loosened his grip on me and I took the opportunity to give a hard kick on his face. He stumbled backwards and landed in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. I didn't stay long enough to see whether he was alive or not.

He's not human! Stop caring about him!

I slammed the trapdoor and hastily pushed back the couch to its original place. I ran to pick up my phone which I had left in the kitchen and bolted to the front door. I need to get the hell away from this place. Away from that thing.

I opened the front door to find Patrick standing gobsmacked in the middle. I uttered a cry of relief and hugged him tightly.

"We have to get away from here now! I know this sounds crazy, but Pete isn't Pete anymore! He's a..." I trailed off, bile coming up my throat. My eyes widened with fear.

Because I saw him standing a bit further away behind Patrick.

Everything went dark after that.


I woke up in my room to find Patrick sitting on a chair beside my bed. He was holding some sort of a book in one hand and the other held a pen which he was furiously scribbling with it.

"Trick?" I whispered, sitting myself up.

He looked up from whatever he was doing and replied, " Hey, you're awake."

"Uh-huh. My head doesn't feel so good though," I clutched my head with my hands and groaned.

"Easy, Mai. You had quite a scare just now and you fainted," Patrick reminded.

The horrifying events came flooding back to me. I jumped out from my bed and ran to the door.

"Where are you going?" Patrick asked, chucking away his book and pen on the bedside table, and sprinted over to me.

I didn't answer him and opened my bedroom door. To my horror, Pete was standing in the doorway. He looked normal but that did not stop me from screaming at the top of my voice.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" I cried, terrified. I took a few steps back and bumped into Patrick. I held onto him to keep me from falling.

"Pete, I think it's best for you to go. We'll explain it to her," Patrick replied solemnly.

Pete glanced at me for a moment, but that didn't stop me from noticing the evident hurt and sadness in his eyes. He nodded curtly at Patrick and was gone. I blinked my eyes. I blinked them again.

Pete was gone in an instant, but not like, vanished into thin air. I saw him move, but he moved with such speed that you'll miss him if you so much as blinked.

I stared at Patrick wide-eyed. He attempted a smile, but it came off more like a grimace instead. "Why don't we go downstairs with Andy and Joe and we'll explain everything," he said.


It was awkward sitting at the dining table with the three guys. Everyone was tense. And nobody wants to speak up first.

"Someone better start talking or I'm getting the fuck out of here," I stated, my voice shaking with anger.

Patrick spoke up. "We never meant for this to happen, Mai. In fact, no one even imagined that vampires are real. We all thought they only exist in movies and books."

I gasped. So the thing I saw earlier was actually a vampire?! No way! They are NOT real!

But the eyes... And his canines... The way he dashed off...

"I know this sounds crazy and unbelievable, but it's the truth," Joe added. "Pete's a vampire. But don't worry, he's harmless."

I gaped at Joe. "I found out my brother is a monster and you're telling me he's harmless? You're seriously not joking at a time like this, right?"

"Pete's NOT a monster. He didn't ask for this," Patrick cuts in harshly. "Neither did any of us. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

I felt the world spinning. "This is too much to take in," I whispered.

"Deep breaths, Mai. Deep breaths," Andy came over to me and rubbed my back.

"I know this is not easy, but I promised Pete I'll explain everything to you. So please, bear with us," Patrick sighed tiredly.

I nodded and Andy went back to his seat beside me.

"The scary stories about the boogeyman and the monster under your bed are in fact, real. We have come to know that some mythological creatures, such as the vampire, do exist and they live among us humans. I don't have proof on werewolves though," Patrick started, his eyes fixed on mine.

"Pete was bitten by a vampire named William Beckett two years ago. It's around that time when he moved out from your parents'," he continued. "He did not tell us how he turned. He just said that Beckett grabbed him from behind, dragged him to a deserted alley and the next thing he knew, he is what he's now."

"He appeared at Rick's apartment all bloodied and bruised," Joe added. "Patrick didn't know what to do, so he called me and Andy to come over."

"When I reached there, Pete was curled up in a ball, crouching in the darkest corner of the living room. He was muttering he was cold when the heater was already switched on. He kept shouting at us to stay away from him as well. It was around midnight and it kinda spooked everyone out. He wouldn't let anybody near him. If we did, he would growl and hiss till we backed away."

"The three of us didn't know what to do. We thought he was caught up in a street fight and voluntereed to send him to the hospital for treatment," Patrick continued from Joe. "That was when Pete's hood fell off from his head and we saw his full face. His pupils were bloodshot red and glowing with a preternatural glow. And his teeth. There was a pair of fangs substituting his canines. He leapt on top of me and if it were not for Andy and Joe, I don't think I would be here now."

Andy spoke up."We struggled with Pete for almost the entire night. We restrained him with belts and cable ties. He was fucking strong, damn it. But he got weaker and weaker as dawn approaches. We couldn't conclude he was a vampire yet, as we don't believe they are real."

"Rick researched about the paranormal. Demonic posessions, exorcisms, the such. Joe went to buy thick, metal chains to keep Pete chained up. I kept watch on Pete in case he attacks again. We didn't really sleep for the first three days. All of us were awake, keeping watch on Pete."

"When dusk approaches, he would be 'awake' and would try to weasel his way out of the chains, all the while snarling and growling at us. We finally concluded he was a vampire after Patrick accidentally spilled pigs' blood on the floor near Pete. Pete went into a frenzy and he literally licked the blood clean off the floor. It was a gruesome sight. We don't think we could get that image out of our memories."

"The blood was initially for an exorcism ritual that I wanted to do, as we all thought Pete was posessed by some demon. So after knowing Pete's a living dead now, all we have to do is to feed him blood. Don't worry, we fed him pigs' blood," Patrick assured me after seeing my contorted expression.

"When he's full, he doesn't go berserk. He'll be as normal as normal Pete can be," Patrick remarked. "But he doesn't really drink blood nowadays as I've came up with a concoction to keep his bloodlust at bay. And I think you know which concoction I'm referring to."

I sat on my chair, still as a rock. My head was spinning from trying to digest so much information within the last hour or so. I tried to reply, but it seems like I got a hairball stuck in my throat. So I kept quiet instead.

"There's more," Joe said. "Ever since Pete turned, he's bent in getting revenge on Beckett. Apparently, this Beckett fella rules over a coven of vampires whom he affectionately refers to as 'The Dandies'. These vamps strut around in suits and bowler hats, like they are in the 1920's. These Dandies are vicious and evil vampires who will kill for sport. They will only feed on pretty, young girls. Although, I don't understand why Pete was chosen as he's clearly not a girl," Joe mused.

I smiled slightly at this. Pete had the tendency to wear girls' jeans and eyeliner. "Maybe Beckett wanted to expand his clan?" I suggested.

"Hmm, probably. So after knowing this, we four decided to get rid of this malicious threat and keep our city safe at night. Hence, we've self-declared ourselves vampire hunters. We made up the whole scenario about Pete having porphyria so we could leave behind our old life and start a new, but dangerous one," Patrick surmised.

I let out a long breath. I didn't even noticed I was holding my breath in. I know what to do now.

"I need to see Pete," I stood up slowly.

"I think you can find him on the rooftop," Joe smiled.

"Thanks," I grinned and made my way to the rooftop.


I found him on the rooftop, sitting with his chin resting on his knees, arms hugging his legs. He was staring straight ahead. If he knew I was there, he sure didn't make any movement to acknowledge my presence.

I crept quietly and sat right next to him, mirroring his position. He was still staring ahead. I fixed my gaze on a distant high-rise building.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Pete's husky voice broke the silence. "I am a monster, afterall."

I brought my gaze to him. As he was still staring straight ahead, I was faced with his left cheek. I stared intently at it.

"You're making me uncomfortable, Mai. Stop staring," he scolded.

"Then look me in the eyes, Peter Lewis," I countered back.

He reluctantly turned to look at me. Our eyes locked and I had a very, very good look at him.

I hadn't noticed it before, but there were subtle changes in his features. His skin's much paler than usual since he's naturally tanned, and his upper lip had minor bumps where his canines are. His eyes are their normal, warm hazel at the moment but they had this slight, ethereal glow to them. I was lost in that brown abyss until Pete smacked me lightly at the back of my head.

"Earth to Maiya? Don't do that again, okay? I'm already a freak and you're not making it any better by scanning me."

I shook my head to clear my clouded mind and smirked. "Stupid, stubborn Wentz," I whispered under my breath.

"I can hear that."

"When are you planning on telling me? Or you want to hide this for the rest of your life?" I questioned.

"I'm already dead, Mai. I don't have a life," he replied. He lie down and put his hands behind his head. "I don't intend to tell you anyway. Coz I don't want you to be caught in this fucking supernatural world."

"Too bad, I'm already living in one. There's absolutely no way you can keep this a secret. I'll be suspicious if you didn't age."

"I planned on staging my own death. Make it look like an accident. Have the guys in on it. You'll mourn for me, but will get over it sooner or later," Pete shrugged nonchalantly.

I looked at him incredulously. "That's your master plan? You want me and the rest of the citizens here to live in blissful ignorance? The vamps are still out there, Pete."

"What you don't know can't hurt you," he replied. "As for the vamps, that's where me and the guys come in. We take this hunting job seriously, Mai. We're not musicians anymore. We're vampire hunters. We'll hunt Beckett and his clan, and shall wipe off every existing vampire to walk this earth. Nobody will get to know about the existence of vampires," his eyes had a faraway look in them.

"And what'll happen after that? After Beckett's dead? The guys can lead an ordinary life, but you..." I trailed.

"I'm going to end my undead life once and for all," he smiled sadly at me.

My breath hitched in my throat. I wasn't expecting him to say that. I concentrated on the weather to keep the tears from spilling out of my eyes. "Brr, it's sure chilly out here," I shivered.

Pete sat up and unzipped his hoodie. He handed it to me. "Put this on. I don't need it anyway."

I thanked him and snuggled into his warm hoodie. It sure felt nice and I basked in Pete's scent.

"I'm really, really sorry for freaking out on you earlier. I didn't mean to hurt you," my voice broke.

"I think I would have done the same if our situation was reversed," he came over and put his arms around me, hugging. "Lucky for you, I heal fast. That would hurt a lot for a human."

We sat there in silence, enjoying each other's company. The night was clear and the stars were out, shining bright.

"I didn't ask for this," Pete's voice was muffled against my arm. "I never wanted to become this, this thing."

My heart shattered. I always felt melancholic whenever Pete's distressed. I patted his head. "The boys told me that you didn't exactly explained how you got turned. If it's alright with you, do you mind sharing with me?"

He scooted away from me, features scowling. "I don't want to relive it again. It fucking hurts."

He went back to lying down and gazed at the stars overhead. I followed suit.

"It's a beautiful night," I commented.

I heard a soft sigh beside me. "It's always night for me. I never get to see the sun again. I'll burn if I do."

I wanted to say something comforting, but he cuts me off. "I was on my way home to Tricks' place after my appointment with the house agent when I got attacked. I was staying with Trick after I got kicked out by Mister Verda."

I shifted uncomfortably after hearing my dad's name. If only Pete wasn't thrown out of the house, this wouldn't have happened.

"Anyways, I was walking towards my car when a guy approached me. He was nicely dressed in a fine tailored suit, complete with a bowler hat, gloves and fur coat. He was asking me for directions to the nearest post box. He also added he was a foreigner. Well, no brainer there with his sense of fashion," Pete chuckled.

"I gave him directions, but the bastard wouldn't move. He wanted me to personally take him there. I wanted to refuse, but I'd guess I was just being a gentleman so I walked with him."

"As we were passing by an alley, he suddenly grabbed me and flung me into the alley walls. I was shocked and disoriented and I never forsee what happened next," Pete choked on his words.

"The son of a bitch bit me in the neck. I wanted to scream, to fight him off me, but the motherfucker was too strong. He stifled my screams with his gloved hands while draining my blood. I felt my life slipping away and that was when he stopped drinking and dumped me on the alley floor."

Pete sighed. "I thought I'm going to die there, in a deserted alley. People are going to think I overdosed or something. True life of a depressed rock star. But no. The bastard gave me a second chance."

"He forced his bleeding wrists onto my lips. I refused to drink, thinking, this can't be happening. Vampires do not exist and they're not real. But he pried my mouth open and forced his blood down my throat. I struggled but since I was too weak to do anything, he got his way."

"That's not the end yet. He dragged me to a darker spot in the alley and told me to stay there. He said he'll come pick me up a bit later and asked for my name. I gave him mine and he gave his."

"William Beckett," I whispered. Tears was already flowing down the sides of my eyes and into my ears as I was still lying down beside Pete.

I sat up and wiped my eyes. God, Pete's suffered enough. I must help him.

Pete sat up and continued. "I was transitioning when I walked back to Patrick's apartment. I was in a daze as I can't remember clearly how I got there. I ended up at Trick's place and, well, the rest is history. But one thing's for sure, the transitioning part sure hurts like a bitch. And of course, I now have a new mission in my undead life. To kill Beckett and wipe off all other motherfucking vamps. We are an abomination and shouldn't exist in the first place." There was a grim determination in his expression.

Pete stood up and brushed dirt off him. "Let's get inside. It's dawn soon and you have to get some shut-eye as well."

I grabbed his tee-shirt to stop him moving off. He gave me a puzzled look.

I looked up at him blurrily and said, "I'm a witch, Pete."
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was deleted due to the server crash several days ago. Thank goodness I had this saved in my iphone. It'll be a killer to re-type everything again.

My first reaction if I ever saw a vampire (or whatever supernatural), I would freak the hell out. Like what Maiya did in this chapter. It doesn't matter whether you're a relative or a friend; a demon is a demon. Flee first, then ask questions later. I won't be all 'welcoming' and "Oh, you're a vampire? I don't mind. I still love you." That's just not the way I see things.

And yeah, another secret is revealed. Maiya's a witch! Muahahaha!