Tiptoe Through the Tulips


Voices faded in and out; my head was fuzzy, spots flashing through my eyelids. I winced and forced my eyes open, I could see the ground, pavement. There was a jerk sending a stabbing pain through my side and I realised I was slung over someone’s shoulder, being carried to god knows where.

More than likely to my death.

How cheery.

I scrunched my eyes up, trying to focus, see if there was any way I could get out of this. There was the person carrying me, undoubtedly male, and two other voices, both male. My whole body hurt, I figured I must have a couple of broken ribs, but I didn’t want to move too much in case I gave it away that I was awake.

I couldn’t think of a way out of this, even if I could get away from these three, although I had no idea to the extent on my injuries although as I regained full consciousness and the grogginess clouding me left I could feel a burning coming from my left knee.

I let out an internal groan, so, if I managed to get away, I’d be limping, with no weapons, no idea where I was and no idea where anyone else was.

I had told Glenn to drive and get away, had they? I couldn’t remember, they may have gone without me, and they wouldn’t know until they all met up. They could be miles away, could assume I was dead.

Could leave me here.

A sob built up in my throat and I felt myself going rigid. The man carrying me stopped suddenly, and I was quickly slung back over his shoulder, his hands clenched tightly around my upper arms, pressing into the same bruises forming from Rick’s freak-out earlier.
Would this “new” Rick try and come back for me?
Would Daryl?

The man’s face was smeared, the blood drying and marring his attractive features, he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him as he inspected me and chuckled,
“You are in for a world of pain whore.”
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Short, sorry <3