Tiptoe Through the Tulips


The country roads stretched out far in front of us, the road was familiar, the same way Glenn and I had travelled on our trip to Coalville. I felt a pang go through me as we turned a corner, leaving the main road, leaving the path we had taken.

It was like I was symbolically leaving Glenn.

We continued for a few minutes, everyones eyes glancing ever so often out of the windows, desperate to see some sign of civilisation, we must have only travelled a few miles before something caught Michonne’s eye.

“Over there.” her deep voice said, and out eyes all shot out of the left side of the car, I squinted as we drew closer, looking around quickly again and opening the door, quickly followed by Andrea, gun raised. We edged closer, ripping the plastic sheeting and its contents from the sign, tearing through until we reached an envelope.

“This is weird.” Andrea muttered, eyes still flickering at our surroundings. I opened the envelope carefully, aware of my fingers beginning to shake, there was a letter inside and I slid it out carefully, taking a deep breath before opening it, aware of Andrea moving around me to get a look.

If someone is reading this, if you're alive, not infected we have a place.
Woodbury, five miles down this road.
We have food, shelter, a water source and defence.
All are welcome.
Good luck.
The Governor

“Woodbury,” Andrea breathed, her brow furrowed, “Is that on the map?” I shrugged, more concerned by the last two words scrawled untidily on the paper.

Why would you call yourself ‘The Governor’ it insinuates a dictatorship, one leader.

I felt myself grow ever more uneasy, if this was the place Randall was from, after what he had said and now this clear show and control... I didn’t know if I liked it.

“Took your time.” Michonne scorned, her face and voice still strained as I wordlessly handed her the note, Tyreese leaning from his place in front of the wheel to read it over her shoulder.
He seemed instantly convinced, no suspicion in his mind.

Michonne’s face turned tense, and I knew as a loner for so long she herself had serious reservations, “What does it mean, ‘The Governor’?" I sighed, leaning forward on the side of the car and putting my upper body through the window, “It means they definitely have someone in charge.”

“You say that like its a bad thing,” Tyreese conflicted, eyes slightly narrowed as he thought, “If people have elected him, then it’s a lot earlier than too many conflicting emotions.”

“He may be right...” Andrea chipped in, climbing back into the car, “Shane and Rick.” she said simply at my confused look, “They fought for power constantly, it seems a lot more evident now but it was there the whole time, since before you came. Perhaps if one had just taken charge there wouldn’t have been so much left conflict.” she paused before mentioning the untimely exit of the man she would have chosen.

I shook my head, “I don’t think it would have mattered, Rick basically took over leadership, Daryl had a lot of influence as well but he didn’t fight for control aggressively, he worked for the group. Shane never did anything but try and sort himself out.”

She rolled her eyes and I felt a flash of anger, “Daryl didn’t have the guts to run the group, he didn’t even want to be there until you turned up.”

“This has nothing to do with Daryl.” I snapped, irritated she had tried to throw me by insulting him. “If this Governor guy is in charge, is people just agree with him without thinking, then how do we know he isn’t taking advantage, how do we know he isn’t a fucking psychopath?”

Andrea huffed, leaning forward so one hand was each on each seat, her face growing redder each time I insulted Shane, Tyreese interjected annoyed by what had basically turned into catty comments concerning the item of affection lost form both of our lives.

“Stop arguing. We don’t have another plan, we don’t have enough gas to go anywhere fucking else. We can see what it’s like, if we don’t like it we dip. But to be quite frank ladies I am fucking sick of running around just waiting to be eaten, if there is a place here, a safe place. I don’t care if this guy fancies himself a fucking king. I am staying.”

His anger burst through both of us, Andrea beginning to talk but being cut off by Michonne who was also trying to calm the situation, unfortunately this started Andrea off again and another arguement started between the two older women. Tyreese slammed his head against the dashboard, and over the noise I could hear him muttering something that ironically sounded like a prayer.

I got off the car, walking back to the sign and removing all of the tape. Leaving no sign it was there.
You really cannot be to careful nowadays.

My eyes kept flickering towards the woodline, almost eager for a Walker to emerge just so I could take my aggression out on something rather than Andrea, I leant in, seeing a couple of branches shuffle quickly, but relaxing as a bird fly into the air, seemingly unbothered by the new world.
My relaxed posture was short lived, as I noticed another larger gathering of bird flying over head, all in one direction,

If there is one thing I have learnt since the infection it is to trust animals. Birds fly away from something dangerous.

I edged towards the car, the harsh female tones still filling the air. Another noise caught my attention, it was coming closer.
“Guys!” I called, rushing back to the car and grabbing Michonne’s raised arm who looked as if to strike Andrea. They paused, both faces painted red when they heard the noise, realisation striking all three of them as the sound appeared overhead.

A helicopter.

“Get in the car.” Michonne hissed and I complied, forcing my gaping mouth shut as I slid into next to a disgruntled Andrea.

“That must be them.” I whispered, the tension thick in the air. Andrea had turned, squinting out of the rear window to see where the helicopter had come from.

“Well lets follow it.” Tyreese urged, starting the car as I leant and slammed the door shut.

“Wait until it lands,” I urged, “It’s heading towards the woodland over there so perhaps this Woodbury is in the centre, hidden.”

This seemed logical, and smart. It would keep them hidden from raiders, anyone that had lost all sense of morals.

Andrea’s arm grasped mine tightly, her slightly sweaty skin sticking against my own, I rolled my eyes, my irritation at her still fresh. She applied more pressure and I flung head my around ready to moan at her when I saw what she was seeing.

“Get down” the words left my mouth without me even thinking, my mind still paralysed with shock. I heard Tyreese question me and turn, a sound of panic leaving him as well as he leant back, grabbing the blankets we had shoved on the floor.

Andrea shoved me down, pulling a blanket over us as I glimpsed Tyreese doing the same in the front, “Where the hell do they all hide?!” Andrea pretty much whimpered;her warm breath on my face.

The back window had revealed another large group of zombies, obviously following the noise of the helicopter. “Tyreese make sure the door is locked!” I exclaimed suddenly, the thought jumping into my mind.

The groaning began to grow louder, and I could feel the bodies as they mindlessly bumped against the car, the bones literally squealing as they rubbed against the metal. My body was tense, my legs screaming as the awkward position put far too much pressure on my knees.

“This must be how they found us at the farm!” I hissed, barely able to see Andrea’s eyes widen in the dim light, “If this idiot is flying around everywhere it’s going to attract ten times this.” The fear cursing through me began to turn to anger once again, my emotions in the last fifteen minutes had done cartwheels.

“This idiot is the reason we got attacked.”
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Thankyou for reading <3