Status: New Story.

You The Boss

The Beginning

4 Years Ago....

"Where are you going?" I asked Will, my dad.

"I'm going with your mom to the doctor's" He responded.

"Don't call that woman my mom" I spat with attitude.

"You really need to warm up to her and Kimberly because neither of them are going to be leaving soon. Why can't your dad be happy Natalie? I can't stay alone forever" He sighed.

I was about to say something else back but he gave a irritated look. I did want him to be happy but I just didn't think that woman he was marrying really loved him. I missed my mom & ever since she died, no woman can compare to her in my eyes.

Later on that night, our house phone started to ring. I glanced at Kim to see if she was going to answer the phone. She didn't move one inch from her spot. I rolled my eyes and picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered rudely.

"N-Natalie?" Someone cried.

"Um who is this?"

"This is your auntie Rachel"

"Oh if your calling to see if I can watch the boys, I can't tonight cause"

She interrupted me "N-N-Noo your dad is dead. I'm so so so sorry Nat. I'll be....."

I couldn't hear anything else she was saying cause I dropped the phone to the ground. First my mom, now my dad. I didn't believe he was gone. I just seen him not even three hours ago. Now he is gone forever. My heart started beating fast and felt as if it was going to pop out of my chest. I couldn't breathe. Tears filled my eyes as I grasped my chest. I could hear Kimberly screaming asking what's wrong with me but no words escaped out of my mouth. Kimberly ran towards me with worry in her eyes and looked at the phone on the floor. She picked it up and started talking to Aunt Rachel. She stared at me as tears formed her eyes. I began to get dizzy and nauseous. Not to long after that, everything went black.
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Short Chapter :( Next one will be longer but leave comments (:
