Because Puppets Need Love Too

There's Something You Need To Know...

I paced the room slowly, awaiting your arrival home. How was I going to tell you? Everyone but you already knew that I was gay; I recently realised that deep down, I saw you as so much more than a friend. I needed to tell you. I needed to tell you everything.

Easier said than done, I suppose.

I knew it wasn't going to be easy. How would you react? Would you be hesitant? Worried? Disappointed?


No, surely you couldn't have felt the same way. Not once had you displayed a romantic kind of affection, nor anything even hinting at possible homosexuality. Then again, you could have been really good at hiding it. I could have been wrong.

I heard the door close ever-so-softly, and my eyes instantly flashed up from the floor to meet yours - your perfect, gleaming, chestnut eyes.

When you spoke, it seemed just over a whisper.

"It was so quiet, I didn't want to ruin it."

I smiled. That was so cute, the way you thought you would ruin anything by coming into the scene, although really, you just made it so much better.

"It's okay, I needed some company anyway."

"Aw, were you lonely?" you teased.

I grinned. "Only a little."

You grinned too, and ran towards me, arms outstretched, tackling me onto the lounge.
Oh, how I wished I could take advantage of that.

After a game of unit-tip and a very strange game of Hide And Seek (I found you hanging from the shower rail, curled up in the washing machine, and squished into a wall cavity), we flopped down onto the couch, and flicked the television on, watching nothing in particular.

"Um," I hesitated, in a feeble attempt to break the silence. You looked over at me, waiting for me to continue.

Pressure's on. Say something, dumbass.

I thought up something simple. "How was your day?"

Real smooth.

"Eh, it was alright... Um," you hesitated too. "I heard you talking to yourself before I walked in, actually..."

Oh no.

You continued, "Was there anything you needed to tell me?"


This honestly couldn't be happening! I wasn't ready; I didnt even have a plan for how I could explain it! I guess I'd just have to bite the bullet and confess.

I sighed. "Actually, Nicky, there is," I paused. You kept looking at me, obviously urging me to go on.

"...I- I'm gay."

You looked shocked, to say the least. I looked away, down at the floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw you do the same. I saw your eyes swim with confusion, your hands fiddle with your jeans, and your feet tap gently on the floor. You looked up at me again, and sighed.

"Thank God."

My head snapped to look at you, confusion ringing in my mind.
You were relieved?!


You beamed. "Me too."

At once, I felt a fire rise within me, and it burned relentlessly, threatening never to be put out.

"W- when did you realise it?"

You paused, looked down for a few seconds, then moved a little closer and looked up into my eyes.

"The second I met you."
♠ ♠ ♠

From the one and only Kim XD

Hope you liked it! =D