Because Puppets Need Love Too

Some Would Say Insane.

I must have been dreaming.
I must have been dreaming.
I must have been dreaming.

...Oh my God, I was SO not dreaming.

It was incredible.
And it made you even more exceedingly irresistable than before.
I never wanted this moment to end. But, all good things come to an end...damn.
As we broke apart, there was a mildly disappointed air in the room; you must have been feeling the same way as I.

"Wow," you breathed, "That was.... um..."

I grinned. "There's no way to explain it, right?"

"Not in one word, no."

I laughed. "How about three?"

You were contemplative for a moment.

"Yeah, I could explain it in three."

I looked on expectantly.

"Incredible, amazing, magical."

I grinned again. "My thoughts exactly."

We held each other close after that, just taking in the silence, the aura, the immense love that we felt for each other. Time ticked along, hours passing like minutes as we stood, enclosed warmly and safely in each other's arms. Before we knew it, the clock read "7:23 AM", and so we reluctantly parted and returned to our normal daily business.
Well, as normal as it can get while finding little surprises every twenty minutes, in cupboards, under the bathroom sink and under the bed.

Honestly, you could fit anywhere your limbs could move to squeeze into.

Which was pretty much everywhere.

After a boring day of Saturday spring-cleaning and errand-running, I finally was able to plonk myself down on the lumpy couch and bore a hole into my brain watching mindless television.

Oh, joy.

Within seconds you too plonked yourself down, but not on the couch; on my lap. You wriggled around, stalling, to see how long it would be until I told you to move.

"Can't you stay still for five lousy seconds?"

"Sorry, Rod, no can do. I'm uncomfortable. You know I like to squirm around until I get comfortable! ...Say, what the hell is in this seat cushion?"

"....That's not a seat cushion. That's my leg."

"Oh," you grinned, "I honestly thought it was a cushion!"

"Sure, sure, and that's the table," I replied sarcastically, pointing to the television set.

You stared at the TV in fake awe. "Really? I would never have known! And is that the toilet?" you asked in pretend curiosity, pointing at the fridge.

"Yes, Nicky. That's the toilet," I replied, again with a sarcastic tone.

"Oh good, 'cause I need to pee."

I actually had to stop you from going to take a leak in the refridgerator.

"You're such an idiot, Nicky," I laughed, pulling you into a big, warm bear hug.

"Yeah, I know," you replied, nuzzling into my shoulder, "Some would say, 'insane'."
♠ ♠ ♠
:P Hehe, this chapter by Kim

These guys are SO cute. XD

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