Because Puppets Need Love Too


Nicky’s POV

“Oh, leave it on this channel! These guys are hot!” you gasped. I stared at you, surprised.

“What?” You asked, your face creasing with worry.

“I didn’t know you like Poison! I didn’t even know you liked rock in general,” I replied.

“Poison?” Your features rearranged into an expression of confusion. I laughed, realising that you had no idea who the musicians belting out ‘Nothin’ But A Good Time’ were.

“That’s the band playing,” I explained, “The lead singer is Bret Michaels, the lead guitarist is C. C. DeVille, the drummer is Rikki Rockett and the bass player is Bobby Dall.”

“Oh! Well, Bret is really hot,” you giggled. By the end of the song, you told me that you had to buy a DVD of them so you could see them every day. I laughed and agreed to get you one for your birthday. We sat there, watching music videos until you got bored and changed the channel.

“Hey, Grease is on!” you squealed.

“Oh god, anything but Grease!” I groaned, and you shot me a dirty look.

“You don’t like it!” It was more of a statement than a question.

“It’s too cheesy and it’s overrated,” I replied.

“Fine then, we’ll watch something else,” you said, changing the channel over to one that was playing My Fair Lady, and smirked.

“How’s this?” you asked coldly.

“I love My Fair Lady!” I answered, pulling you closer and kissing your cheek. You went red and grinned.

We watched the movie and you sang along to the songs, surprised that I didn’t know all of the words. I noticed that you became silent near the end of the movie, and it turned out that you had fallen asleep. I got up, careful not to wake you, and looked around the small sanctuary. On top of a dresser, there was a picture of you on a pony. You looked about ten years old and scared stiff, making me laugh. I picked up the photo to get a better look, and noticed that there was a photo album behind it. I opened it and flicked through it, curious, and discovered that it was a whole photo album dedicated to me. You had written notes on some of the photos, like, “He’s so brave. I would never hold a snake!” which was under a photo from when we went to the zoo. One that caught my eye, however, was a photo of us grinning like mad, hugging each other. The caption underneath it was, “I wish that hug meant more.”. It made me feel so warm, to know how much you loved me.

“What are you doing?” you asked, making me jump and drop the album. Your eyes widened as you picked it up. “Nicky… why were you looking at this?”

“I just found it and was curious,” I replied.

“Well, it’s private! How much did you see?”

“Just up to the photo of me at the zoo.”

“Oh, okay. I’m going back to sleep, I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Night, Rod,” I sighed, not moving from in front of the dresser. I could tell that you were expecting me to come too, but I wanted to look around for a bit more. As soon as I heard your snores, I kept looking through the album.
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Sorry this took so long! I hope this makes up for time lost.