To The End

Chapter One

Gerard's POV
I coughed from the exhaust of the smoke coming from my parents bedroom. My brother, Mikey, and I were trying to pray to our goddess, Nereid, the goddess of water. My family is pretty religious. We are wiccan. Basically we worship a goddess. There are different types of Wicca and Paganism. Mikey and I are in our own secret coven, well some people found out, but still. We practice magick and rituals a lot. It's really cool.
Our friends, Ray and Frank, are in our coven, too. We're all best friends even though most of us are in different grades. We often get critized for our beliefs. It's not fun. We get beat up a lot. Shoved in lockers, trash cans, and into people, you name it. "Gerard?", Mikey called me, looking irritated.
"Yes??". I said focusing on the lit candle. "Can we hurry?! We're supposed to be meeting Frank and Ray, remember?" "Oh, yeah. Just hold up a sec." We said the last of our daily evening prayers and I grabbed my Iron Maiden jacket off of the chair. I followed Mikey out the front door and shouted "Bye Mom, Dad. We won't be gone long." I heard them giggle loopily. "Okay, hun", my mom called out.
The cool fall breeze hit us. It was chilly tonight. Mikey and I scurried to the local coffee shop a few blocks down. This was usually our hang out place with our friends to escape from all of our lives. This was a place where you could just relax and talk, and even look at comics. We were both a huge fan of comics.
When we got there we saw a big afro and a really short guy. Yep, that's Ray and Frank alright. I took a seat next to Frank and Mikey sat by Ray. "Hey guys, supp'?", Frank asked cooly motioning our secret handshake. "Oh, nothing much. Just trying to stay warm." I replied, motioning the waiter to come take our orders. The middle aged woman smiled and directed towards our table.
"Yes, can I get a coffee, wait make that four, please?" I asked in my "pretty please" voice. The lady wrote our orders down. "No problem.", she smiled, "Hey, I like your necklaces.", she pointed at all four of our necklaces. "Is that The Star Of David?" "Umm, no lady. Actually it's a star in a circle symbolizing the four elements that we worship with.", Ray said a-matter-of-factly. She looked at it again. "Oh." She walked away.
"God dammit I hate when people think we worship the devil!", Frank yelled in anger. "Calm down, Frankie." said Mikey patting his shoulder. "I know, man. It's hard. It's just that these ignorant people don't understand." I told him. "I know, I know." he said.
When the waiter came back with our coffee we gave her smug looks. She almost looked scared that a guy with an afro, a "dark-looking boy", a shaggy haired teenager and an akward Mikey were glaring at her. She quickly grabbed our money and left. "Haha, works everytime.", Mikey laughed. We all laughed.
After I downed my cup-o-joe I went to go look at the comic books. Comics were my inspiration. I've always loved reading them since I can remember. I gazed through every box and shelf of shiny, gleaming, thin comics. All of the art amazed me. I looked through the bin filed "The Doom Patrol", my favorite comic. My eyes widened. I yelled to Mikey, "Oh my gosh man! It's the all new issue to "The Doom Patrol" !"
Mikey and the others got up and rushed towards me. "Aw, sweet!", he cried, flipping through the pages. "Can we get it, Gee? Please?" I looked down with a gloomy face. "What is it?", my friends asked me. I looked up at them, mainly Mikey. "Sorry bro, don't have enough money left." His smile fadened. "Whaat..?" "Yeah I'm sorry. I know, I want it too, buddy." "Aw, but please! I'm sure we can find a way!", Mikey glanced over at Frank.
Frank knew all of the ways to steal and well, basically everything. He was a smart thirteen year old boy. "No, we are not stealing this!" "But come on, man! It's the new issue! Of course we should!" I looked at Ray. He half-smiled. "Come on, nobody will catch us." I took a deep breath. "Okay. Fine, but I'm blaming this all on you guys if we get caught!" "Yes!" Mikey cheered. "Now how are we going to do this, Frank?"
He smirked.
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Thanks for reading! Took me a while to put this together. Subscribe? I'd love that. :)