Los sueños de mi pasado.

I will go alone

My reflection in the mirror was something that was not willing to look for more than two seconds.

I had the feeling that this girl long blonde curls and blue eyes was not me, even to see her when she walked past a shop window, or to pass a closed window.

I sighed, draining my lungs. When I returned to fill, I heard a knock on the door.

- Hello mate. - Corbin said, leaning against the door, and showing me his best smile.

Again I was trapped in those brown eyes and those chocolate curls.

- What are you doing here? - I protested as I recovered from his arrival.

- We have work to do, remember?

- No, I do not remember. - I said crossing my arms and cursing silently, while he was walking in my room as if at home.

- I'm here to help you, okay? That was our deal. - He said shrugging his shoulders and sat on my bed.

- Here I am a normal student, right? And this is a residence for girls. Chromosome "Y" left out.
- Consider me your pickup tonight.

- You do not understand, Corbin? I go unnoticed, and that's more important than any of your silly ideas.

- You're offending. - He said, placing his hand on his chest, while pretending to be really ticked. - I forgive you, but only because you're beautiful.

- Shut up, asshole! - Yelled throwing a pillow at his face. - And get out now.

- I repeat that I have come to help you. - Insisted, putting the pillow that I had to pitch under his head. - We have many things to do tonight ...

- Correction, I have many things to do, like sleeping. So go.

- Abbey, please. - He snorted. - Are you really going to sleep with all these questions in your head? Let's lie down here, let's relax and let's talk about what really interests us. Tell me everything from the beginning.

I sighed.

- No, Corbin. Last night I had too much alcohol in my blood, so it was that easy for you to make me talk. That will not happen again, not tonight.

Corbin got out of bed and walked over to me, there were only a few inches between us.
- We have time, but I thought you'd want this over with quickly. I did it thinking of you, Abbey, I swear. It is .. This is the first time in my life that I do something and think of me. Because I also included this promise in our dealings.

- Listen, Corbin. None of us is a child. You have twenty-three, and I only nineteen but I had enough time to know all the important things. No matter if we made a promise when we were drunk, what matters is that there is a reality that we must return, and in that fact I will not get to know who I am.

- Well, you know your name. Then you can learn more.

- Buddy, thanks for everything, but it is time to accept that I have is this, and what is not in my memories will not ever there. I do not know who I am and if I remember my name is because the fate of mocks me. I have no children, I have no family, and where I was born is the place where I woke up four years ago. I feel like I have five, but I have the body of a girl of nineteen, and knowledge of that age. Do not try, I will go alone.