Status: Headfirst for Halos - My Chemical Romance



My sweaty hands grip the steering wheel. I can’t believe I just had to see that. In my car, she was in my car. Panicked, illogical thoughts fly around my mind. I can just run this grey Trans-Am off the bridge, and it’d all be over.

I start and almost swerve off the road as my foot comes to rest in the disgusting sticky substance. The gunshot, the terrible scream still echoes in my head. I didn’t know what else to do, so I just took the body and drove. It is all Miles’ fault, Miles who threw himself out of the passenger door and left me to deal with this.

I’m just turning a corner when blue and red lights start flashing in my rear-view mirror. Halle-fucking-lujah. I pull over to the side of the road, keeping my hands on the top of the steering wheel. I see him get out of the cop car and approach the Trans. I eagerly roll down the mirror.

“Officer.” I gasp, instantly aware of how short of breath I am. Am I having a panic attack?

“Is everything alright here, son?” He shines his flashlight through the window and into my eyes.

“In the trunk officer, please, she’s dead.” I groan. He looks down at me, his brown eyes shocked.

“Sir, will you please step out of the car.”

I do as he says, falling to the road as my legs decide that they won’t be able to hold me up.

He stares at me, his eyes dark and analysing, and I start to worry a little. I didn’t do anything wrong. Her body had to get away before Jimmy could mutilate it like he normally would.

The officer leans over me to pop the trunk from the inside. He walks around, his legs shaking a bit. I don’t know why, but I smile, enjoying his anxiety. I hear the creak of the trunk opening, and his heavy footsteps fall silent. They pick back up, walking back around the car to me.

“Do you have any identity on you?” He asks me. He seems a little confused. I don’t understand. It was a body, what more to it was there?

I hand over the card with my picture and name on it. He glances at the car, and then looks at me, big brown eyes wide.

He turns away and I hear him mutter into his walkie-talkie “Yeah, I think I found the escaped patient. Lunatic going on about some imaginary body in his trunk.”